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  • UCOSIII消息队列




    typedef struct os_q OS_Q;
    struct  os_q {                            /* Message Queue */
        OS_OBJ_TYPE          Type;            /* Should be set to OS_OBJ_TYPE_Q */
        CPU_CHAR            *NamePtr;         /* Pointer to Message Queue Name (NUL terminated ASCII) */
        OS_PEND_LIST         PendList;        /* List of tasks waiting on message queue */
    #if OS_CFG_DBG_EN > 0u
        OS_Q                *DbgPrevPtr;
        OS_Q                *DbgNextPtr;
        CPU_CHAR            *DbgNamePtr;
        OS_MSG_Q             MsgQ;            /* List of messages */
    typedef struct os_msg_q OS_MSG_Q;
    struct  os_msg_q {                        /* OS_MSG_Q */
        OS_MSG              *InPtr;           /* Pointer to next OS_MSG to be inserted in the queue */
        OS_MSG              *OutPtr;          /* Pointer to next OS_MSG to be extracted from the queue */
        OS_MSG_QTY           NbrEntriesSize;  /* Maximum allowable number of entries in the queue */
        OS_MSG_QTY           NbrEntries;      /* Current number of entries in the queue */
        OS_MSG_QTY           NbrEntriesMax;   /* Peak number of entries in the queue */
    typedef struct os_msg OS_MSG;
    struct  os_msg {                          /* MESSAGE CONTROL BLOCK */
        OS_MSG              *NextPtr;         /* Pointer to next message */
        void                *MsgPtr;          /* Actual message */
        OS_MSG_SIZE          MsgSize;         /* Size of the message (in # bytes) */
        CPU_TS               MsgTS;           /* Time stamp of when message was sent */



    void OSQCreate (OS_Q *p_q,
                    CPU_CHAR *p_name,
                    OS_MSG_QTY max_qty,
                    OS_ERR *p_err);
    #if OS_CFG_Q_DEL_EN > 0u
    OS_OBJ_QTY OSQDel (OS_Q *p_q,
                       OS_OPT opt,
                       OS_ERR *p_err);
    #if OS_CFG_Q_FLUSH_EN > 0u
    OS_MSG_QTY OSQFlush (OS_Q *p_q,
                         OS_ERR *p_err);
    void *OSQPend (OS_Q *p_q,
                   OS_TICK timeout,
                   OS_OPT opt,
                   OS_MSG_SIZE *p_msg_size,
                   CPU_TS *p_ts,
                   OS_ERR *p_err);
    #if OS_CFG_Q_PEND_ABORT_EN > 0u
    OS_OBJ_QTY OSQPendAbort (OS_Q *p_q,
                             OS_OPT opt,
                             OS_ERR *p_err);
    void OSQPost (OS_Q *p_q,
                  void *p_void,
                  OS_MSG_SIZE msg_size,
                  OS_OPT opt,
                  OS_ERR *p_err);


    #define DATAMSG_Q_NUM   4   //发送数据的消息队列的数量
    OS_Q DATA_Msg;              //定义一个消息队列,用于发送数据
    void start_task(void *p_arg)
        OS_CRITICAL_ENTER();    //进入临界区
        OSQCreate ((OS_Q*       )&DATA_Msg, 
                    (CPU_CHAR*  )"DATA Msg",    
                    (OS_MSG_QTY )DATAMSG_Q_NUM, 
                    (OS_ERR*    )&err); 
        OSTmrCreate((OS_TMR     *)&tmr,         //定时器
                    (CPU_CHAR   *)"tmr",        //定时器名字
                    (OS_TICK     )0,            //0ms
                    (OS_TICK     )50,           //50*10=500ms
                    (OS_OPT      )OS_OPT_TMR_PERIODIC, //周期模式
                    (void       *)0,            //参数为0
                    (OS_ERR     *)&err);        //返回的错误码
        OSTaskCreate((OS_TCB    * )&Msgpend_TaskTCB,        
                     (CPU_CHAR  * )"msgpend task",      
                     (OS_TASK_PTR )msgpend_task,            
                     (void      * )0,                   
                     (OS_PRIO     )MSGPEND_TASK_PRIO,     
                     (CPU_STK   * )&MSGPEND_TASK_STK[0],    
                     (OS_MSG_QTY  )0,                   
                     (OS_TICK     )0,                   
                     (void      * )0,                   
                     (OS_OPT      )OS_OPT_TASK_STK_CHK|OS_OPT_TASK_STK_CLR,
                     (OS_ERR    * )&err);
        OS_CRITICAL_EXIT(); //退出临界区
    void tmr_callback(void *p_tmr,void *p_arg)
        u8 *pbuf;
        static u8 msg_num;
        OS_ERR err;
        pbuf = mymalloc(SRAMIN,10); //申请10个字节
        if(pbuf)    //申请内存成功
            sprintf((char*)pbuf,"ALIENTEK %d",msg_num);
            printf("tmr_callback: %s
    ", pbuf);
            OSQPost((OS_Q*      )&DATA_Msg,     
                    (void*      )pbuf,
                    (OS_OPT     )OS_OPT_POST_FIFO,
                    (OS_ERR*    )&err);
            if(err != OS_ERR_NONE)
                myfree(SRAMIN,pbuf);    //释放内存
                OSTmrStop(&tmr,OS_OPT_TMR_NONE,0,&err); //停止定时器
                printf("TMR STOP!
    void msgpend_task(void *p_arg)
        u8 *p;
        OS_MSG_SIZE size;
        OS_ERR err; 
            p=OSQPend((OS_Q*        )&DATA_Msg,   
                      (OS_TICK      )0,
                      (OS_OPT       )OS_OPT_PEND_BLOCKING,
                      (OS_MSG_SIZE* )&size, 
                      (CPU_TS*      )0,
                      (OS_ERR*      )&err);
            printf("msgpend_task: %s
    ", p);
            myfree(SRAMIN,p);   //释放内存
            OSTimeDlyHMSM(0,0,1,0,OS_OPT_TIME_PERIODIC,&err); //延时1s


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