1、sqlplus /nolog
2、conn /as sysdba
3、alter user system identified by "123456";
4、alter user sys identified by "123456";
5、select instance_name from v$instance;
6、show user user为“SYS”是oracle权限最高的用户。
7、create user C##hellozhang identified by hellozhang; --创建新用户
8、GRANT CREATE SESSION TO C##hellozhang; --连接数据库权限
9、GRANT CREATE TABLE TO C##hellozhang; --创建table权限
10、GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO C##hellozhang; --任意使用表空间
11、GRANT select any table TO C##hellozhang; --查询另一个用户的表权限
eg:create table emptest as select * from scott.emp where 1=2