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  • DynamicJson


     Project Description
    dynamic json structure for C# 4.0. 


      • Intuitive operation by "dynamic".
      • This library is only 1 class and written in 400 lines.
      • Available in NuGet Install-Package DynamicJson

    Read and Access

    // Parse (from JsonString to DynamicJson)
    var json = DynamicJson.Parse(@"{""foo"":""json"", ""bar"":100, ""nest"":{ ""foobar"":true } }");
    var r1 = json.foo; // "json" - dynamic(string)
    var r2 = json.bar; // 100 - dynamic(double)
    var r3 = json.nest.foobar; // true - dynamic(bool)
    var r4 = json["nest"]["foobar"]; // can access indexer


    var json = DynamicJson.Parse(@"{""foo"":""json"", ""bar"":100, ""nest"":{ ""foobar"":true } }");
    // Check Defined Peroperty
    // .name() is shortcut of IsDefined("name")
    var b1_1 = json.IsDefined("foo"); // true
    var b2_1 = json.IsDefined("foooo"); // false
    var b1_2 = json.foo(); // true            
    var b2_2 = json.foooo(); // false;
    // Add
    json.Arr = new string[] { "NOR", "XOR" }; // Add Array
    json.Obj1 = new { }; // Add Object
    json.Obj2 = new { foo = "abc", bar = 100 }; // Add and Init
    // Delete
    // ("name") is shortcut of Delete("name")
    // Replace
    json.Obj1 = 5000;
    // Create New JsonObject
    dynamic newjson = new DynamicJson();
    newjson.str = "aaa";
    newjson.obj = new { foo = "bar" };
    // Serialize(to JSON String)
    var jsonstring = newjson.ToString(); // {"str":"aaa","obj":{"foo":"bar"}}


    // DynamicJson - (IsArray)
    var arrayJson = DynamicJson.Parse(@"[1,10,200,300]");
    foreach (int item in arrayJson)
        Console.WriteLine(item); // 1, 10, 200, 300
    // DynamicJson - (IsObject)
    var objectJson = DynamicJson.Parse(@"{""foo"":""json"",""bar"":100}");
    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, dynamic> item in objectJson)
        Console.WriteLine(item.Key + ":" + item.Value); // foo:json, bar:100


    public class FooBar
        public string foo { get; set; }
        public int bar { get; set; }
    var arrayJson = DynamicJson.Parse(@"[1,10,200,300]");
    var objectJson = DynamicJson.Parse(@"{""foo"":""json"",""bar"":100}");
    // (type) is shortcut of Deserialize<type>()
    var array1 = arrayJson.Deserialize<int[]>();
    var array2 = (int[])arrayJson; // equals array1
    int[] array3 = arrayJson; // equals array2
    // mapping by public property name
    var foobar1 = objectJson.Deserialize<FooBar>();
    var foobar2 = (FooBar)objectJson;
    FooBar foobar3 = objectJson;
    // with linq
    var objectJsonList = DynamicJson.Parse(@"[{""bar"":50},{""bar"":100}]");
    var barSum = ((FooBar[])objectJsonList).Select(fb => fb.bar).Sum(); // 150
    var dynamicWithLinq = ((dynamic[])objectJsonList).Select(d => d.bar);

    Serialize (to JSON String from Object)

    // Serialize (from Object to JsonString)
    var obj = new
        Name = "Foo",
        Age = 30,
        Address = new
            Country = "Japan",
            City = "Tokyo"
        Like = new[] { "Microsoft", "Xbox" }
    // {"Name":"Foo","Age":30,"Address":{"Country":"Japan","City":"Tokyo"},"Like":["Microsoft","Xbox"]}
    var jsonStringFromObj = DynamicJson.Serialize(obj);
    // [{"foo":"fooooo!","bar":1000},{"foo":"orz","bar":10}]
    var foobar = new FooBar[] { 
            new FooBar { foo = "fooooo!", bar = 1000 }, 
            new FooBar { foo = "orz", bar = 10 } };
    var jsonFoobar = DynamicJson.Serialize(foobar);

    Notice: corner case

    var nestJson = DynamicJson.Parse(@"{""tes"":10,""nest"":{""a"":0}");
    nestJson.nest(); // This equals json.IsDefined("nest")
    nestJson.nest("a"); // This equals json.nest.Delete("a")
    // if name is C#'s reserved word then put prefix "@"
    var json = DynamicJson.Parse(@"{""int"":10,""event"":null}");
    var r1 = json.@int; // 10.0
    var r2 = json.@event; // null

    Example : TwitterAPI

    static void Main()
        var publicTL = new WebClient().DownloadString(@"http://twitter.com/statuses/public_timeline.json");
        var statuses = DynamicJson.Parse(publicTL);
        foreach (var status in statuses)

    Example : TwitterAPI2

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // fetch and flatten user_timeline
        var wc = new WebClient();
        var statuses = Enumerable.Range(1, 5)
            .Select(i =>
                wc.DownloadString("http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/neuecc.json?page=" + i))
            .SelectMany(s => (dynamic[])DynamicJson.Parse(s))
            .OrderBy(j => j.id);
        foreach (var status in statuses)

    实际应用 :微信Web版通讯录解析


    "BaseResponse": {
    "Ret": 0,
    "ErrMsg": ""
    "MemberCount": 246,
    "MemberList": [{
    "Uin": 0,
    "UserName": "@48150c1c772dea6fc78adc0704bb45ae",
    "NickName": "木春",
    "HeadImgUrl": "/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin/webwxgeticon?seq=500719&username=@48150c1c772dea6fc78adc0704bb45ae&skey=",
    "ContactFlag": 3,
    "MemberCount": 0,
    "MemberList": [],
    "RemarkName": "",
    "HideInputBarFlag": 0,
    "Sex": 0,
    "Signature": "",
    "VerifyFlag": 0,
    "OwnerUin": 0,
    "PYInitial": "MC",
    "PYQuanPin": "muchun",
    "RemarkPYInitial": "",
    "RemarkPYQuanPin": "",
    "StarFriend": 0,
    "AppAccountFlag": 0,
    "Statues": 0,
    "AttrStatus": 98489,
    "Province": "北京",
    "City": "",
    "Alias": "",
    "SnsFlag": 0,
    "UniFriend": 0,
    "DisplayName": "",
    "ChatRoomId": 0,
    "KeyWord": "Col",
    "EncryChatRoomId": ""
    "Uin": 0,
    "UserName": "@fd853d9befbee535976cfbad99b84c20",
    "NickName": "敷衍",
    "HeadImgUrl": "/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin/webwxgeticon?seq=1343690&username=@fd853d9befbee535976cfbad99b84c20&skey=",
    "ContactFlag": 1,
    "MemberCount": 0,
    "MemberList": [],
    "RemarkName": "",
    "HideInputBarFlag": 0,
    "Sex": 2,
    "Signature": "",
    "VerifyFlag": 0,
    "OwnerUin": 0,
    "PYInitial": "FY",
    "PYQuanPin": "fuyan",
    "RemarkPYInitial": "",
    "RemarkPYQuanPin": "",
    "StarFriend": 0,
    "AppAccountFlag": 0,
    "Statues": 0,
    "AttrStatus": 4147,
    "Province": "北京",
    "City": "海淀",
    "Alias": "",
    "SnsFlag": 17,
    "UniFriend": 0,
    "DisplayName": "",
    "ChatRoomId": 0,
    "KeyWord": "G23",
    "EncryChatRoomId": ""


            public static List<ContactModel> GetContactList(string response)
                var ret = new List<ContactModel>();
                var contactJson = DynamicJson.Parse(response);
                foreach (var member in contactJson.MemberList)
                    var model = new ContactModel()
                        UserName = member.UserName,
                        NickName = member.NickName,
                        HeadImgUrl = member.HeadImgUrl,
                        RemarkName = member.RemarkName,
                        Sex = member.Sex,
                        Signature = member.Signature,
                        VerifyFlag = member.VerifyFlag,
                        Province = member.Province,
                        City = member.City,
                return ret;


    * DynamicJson
    * ver (May. 21th, 2010)
    * created and maintained by neuecc <ils@neue.cc>
    * licensed under Microsoft Public License(Ms-PL)
    * http://neue.cc/
    * http://dynamicjson.codeplex.com/
     * 博客园网友 夜の魔王 友情借用此代码,用于微信开发。
     * http://www.cnblogs.com/deepleo/
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Dynamic;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    namespace WeiXin.Manager.Helper
        public class DynamicJson : DynamicObject
            private enum JsonType
                @string, number, boolean, @object, array, @null
            // public static methods
            /// <summary>from JsonSring to DynamicJson</summary>
            public static dynamic Parse(string json)
                return Parse(json, Encoding.Unicode);
            /// <summary>from JsonSring to DynamicJson</summary>
            public static dynamic Parse(string json, Encoding encoding)
                using (var reader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(encoding.GetBytes(json), XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max))
                    return ToValue(XElement.Load(reader));
            /// <summary>from JsonSringStream to DynamicJson</summary>
            public static dynamic Parse(Stream stream)
                using (var reader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(stream, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max))
                    return ToValue(XElement.Load(reader));
            /// <summary>from JsonSringStream to DynamicJson</summary>
            public static dynamic Parse(Stream stream, Encoding encoding)
                using (var reader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(stream, encoding, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max, _ => { }))
                    return ToValue(XElement.Load(reader));
            /// <summary>create JsonSring from primitive or IEnumerable or Object({public property name:property value})</summary>
            public static string Serialize(object obj)
                return CreateJsonString(new XStreamingElement("root", CreateTypeAttr(GetJsonType(obj)), CreateJsonNode(obj)));
            // private static methods
            private static dynamic ToValue(XElement element)
                var type = (JsonType)Enum.Parse(typeof(JsonType), element.Attribute("type").Value);
                switch (type)
                    case JsonType.boolean:
                        return (bool)element;
                    case JsonType.number:
                        return (double)element;
                    case JsonType.@string:
                        return (string)element;
                    case JsonType.@object:
                    case JsonType.array:
                        return new DynamicJson(element, type);
                    case JsonType.@null:
                        return null;
            private static JsonType GetJsonType(object obj)
                if (obj == null) return JsonType.@null;
                switch (Type.GetTypeCode(obj.GetType()))
                    case TypeCode.Boolean:
                        return JsonType.boolean;
                    case TypeCode.String:
                    case TypeCode.Char:
                    case TypeCode.DateTime:
                        return JsonType.@string;
                    case TypeCode.Int16:
                    case TypeCode.Int32:
                    case TypeCode.Int64:
                    case TypeCode.UInt16:
                    case TypeCode.UInt32:
                    case TypeCode.UInt64:
                    case TypeCode.Single:
                    case TypeCode.Double:
                    case TypeCode.Decimal:
                    case TypeCode.SByte:
                    case TypeCode.Byte:
                        return JsonType.number;
                    case TypeCode.Object:
                        return (obj is IEnumerable) ? JsonType.array : JsonType.@object;
                    case TypeCode.DBNull:
                    case TypeCode.Empty:
                        return JsonType.@null;
            private static XAttribute CreateTypeAttr(JsonType type)
                return new XAttribute("type", type.ToString());
            private static object CreateJsonNode(object obj)
                var type = GetJsonType(obj);
                switch (type)
                    case JsonType.@string:
                    case JsonType.number:
                        return obj;
                    case JsonType.boolean:
                        return obj.ToString().ToLower();
                    case JsonType.@object:
                        return CreateXObject(obj);
                    case JsonType.array:
                        return CreateXArray(obj as IEnumerable);
                    case JsonType.@null:
                        return null;
            private static IEnumerable<XStreamingElement> CreateXArray<T>(T obj) where T : IEnumerable
                return obj.Cast<object>()
                    .Select(o => new XStreamingElement("item", CreateTypeAttr(GetJsonType(o)), CreateJsonNode(o)));
            private static IEnumerable<XStreamingElement> CreateXObject(object obj)
                return obj.GetType()
                    .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
                    .Select(pi => new { Name = pi.Name, Value = pi.GetValue(obj, null) })
                    .Select(a => new XStreamingElement(a.Name, CreateTypeAttr(GetJsonType(a.Value)), CreateJsonNode(a.Value)));
            private static string CreateJsonString(XStreamingElement element)
                using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (var writer = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonWriter(ms, Encoding.Unicode))
                    return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(ms.ToArray());
            // dynamic structure represents JavaScript Object/Array
            readonly XElement xml;
            readonly JsonType jsonType;
            /// <summary>create blank JSObject</summary>
            public DynamicJson()
                xml = new XElement("root", CreateTypeAttr(JsonType.@object));
                jsonType = JsonType.@object;
            private DynamicJson(XElement element, JsonType type)
                Debug.Assert(type == JsonType.array || type == JsonType.@object);
                xml = element;
                jsonType = type;
            public bool IsObject { get { return jsonType == JsonType.@object; } }
            public bool IsArray { get { return jsonType == JsonType.array; } }
            /// <summary>has property or not</summary>
            public bool IsDefined(string name)
                return IsObject && (xml.Element(name) != null);
            /// <summary>has property or not</summary>
            public bool IsDefined(int index)
                return IsArray && (xml.Elements().ElementAtOrDefault(index) != null);
            /// <summary>delete property</summary>
            public bool Delete(string name)
                var elem = xml.Element(name);
                if (elem != null)
                    return true;
                else return false;
            /// <summary>delete property</summary>
            public bool Delete(int index)
                var elem = xml.Elements().ElementAtOrDefault(index);
                if (elem != null)
                    return true;
                else return false;
            /// <summary>mapping to Array or Class by Public PropertyName</summary>
            public T Deserialize<T>()
                return (T)Deserialize(typeof(T));
            private object Deserialize(Type type)
                return (IsArray) ? DeserializeArray(type) : DeserializeObject(type);
            private dynamic DeserializeValue(XElement element, Type elementType)
                var value = ToValue(element);
                if (value is DynamicJson)
                    value = ((DynamicJson)value).Deserialize(elementType);
                return Convert.ChangeType(value, elementType);
            private object DeserializeObject(Type targetType)
                var result = Activator.CreateInstance(targetType);
                var dict = targetType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
                    .Where(p => p.CanWrite)
                    .ToDictionary(pi => pi.Name, pi => pi);
                foreach (var item in xml.Elements())
                    PropertyInfo propertyInfo;
                    if (!dict.TryGetValue(item.Name.LocalName, out propertyInfo)) continue;
                    var value = DeserializeValue(item, propertyInfo.PropertyType);
                    propertyInfo.SetValue(result, value, null);
                return result;
            private object DeserializeArray(Type targetType)
                if (targetType.IsArray) // Foo[]
                    var elemType = targetType.GetElementType();
                    dynamic array = Array.CreateInstance(elemType, xml.Elements().Count());
                    var index = 0;
                    foreach (var item in xml.Elements())
                        array[index++] = DeserializeValue(item, elemType);
                    return array;
                else // List<Foo>
                    var elemType = targetType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                    dynamic list = Activator.CreateInstance(targetType);
                    foreach (var item in xml.Elements())
                        list.Add(DeserializeValue(item, elemType));
                    return list;
            // Delete
            public override bool TryInvoke(InvokeBinder binder, object[] args, out object result)
                result = (IsArray)
                    ? Delete((int)args[0])
                    : Delete((string)args[0]);
                return true;
            // IsDefined, if has args then TryGetMember
            public override bool TryInvokeMember(InvokeMemberBinder binder, object[] args, out object result)
                if (args.Length > 0)
                    result = null;
                    return false;
                result = IsDefined(binder.Name);
                return true;
            // Deserialize or foreach(IEnumerable)
            public override bool TryConvert(ConvertBinder binder, out object result)
                if (binder.Type == typeof(IEnumerable) || binder.Type == typeof(object[]))
                    var ie = (IsArray)
                        ? xml.Elements().Select(x => ToValue(x))
                        : xml.Elements().Select(x => (dynamic)new KeyValuePair<string, object>(x.Name.LocalName, ToValue(x)));
                    result = (binder.Type == typeof(object[])) ? ie.ToArray() : ie;
                    result = Deserialize(binder.Type);
                return true;
            private bool TryGet(XElement element, out object result)
                if (element == null)
                    result = null;
                    return false;
                result = ToValue(element);
                return true;
            public override bool TryGetIndex(GetIndexBinder binder, object[] indexes, out object result)
                return (IsArray)
                    ? TryGet(xml.Elements().ElementAtOrDefault((int)indexes[0]), out result)
                    : TryGet(xml.Element((string)indexes[0]), out result);
            public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
                return (IsArray)
                    ? TryGet(xml.Elements().ElementAtOrDefault(int.Parse(binder.Name)), out result)
                    : TryGet(xml.Element(binder.Name), out result);
            private bool TrySet(string name, object value)
                var type = GetJsonType(value);
                var element = xml.Element(name);
                if (element == null)
                    xml.Add(new XElement(name, CreateTypeAttr(type), CreateJsonNode(value)));
                    element.Attribute("type").Value = type.ToString();
                return true;
            private bool TrySet(int index, object value)
                var type = GetJsonType(value);
                var e = xml.Elements().ElementAtOrDefault(index);
                if (e == null)
                    xml.Add(new XElement("item", CreateTypeAttr(type), CreateJsonNode(value)));
                    e.Attribute("type").Value = type.ToString();
                return true;
            public override bool TrySetIndex(SetIndexBinder binder, object[] indexes, object value)
                return (IsArray)
                    ? TrySet((int)indexes[0], value)
                    : TrySet((string)indexes[0], value);
            public override bool TrySetMember(SetMemberBinder binder, object value)
                return (IsArray)
                    ? TrySet(int.Parse(binder.Name), value)
                    : TrySet(binder.Name, value);
            public override IEnumerable<string> GetDynamicMemberNames()
                return (IsArray)
                    ? xml.Elements().Select((x, i) => i.ToString())
                    : xml.Elements().Select(x => x.Name.LocalName);
            /// <summary>Serialize to JsonString</summary>
            public override string ToString()
                // <foo type="null"></foo> is can't serialize. replace to <foo type="null" />
                foreach (var elem in xml.Descendants().Where(x => x.Attribute("type").Value == "null"))
                return CreateJsonString(new XStreamingElement("root", CreateTypeAttr(jsonType), xml.Elements()));
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhaobl/p/DynamicJson.html
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