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  • WEUI控件JS用法

      1 /* dialog */
      2     document.querySelector('#alertBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
      3         _weui2.default.alert('自定义标题的alert', function () {
      4             console.log('ok');
      5         }, {
      6             title: '自定义标题'
      7         });
      8     });
     10     /* confirm */
     11     document.querySelector('#confirmBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
     12         _weui2.default.confirm('自定义标题的confirm', function () {
     13             console.log('yes');
     14         }, function () {
     15             console.log('no');
     16         }, {
     17             title: '自定义标题'
     18         });
     19     });
     21     /* toast */
     22     document.querySelector('#toastBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
     23         _weui2.default.toast('操作成功', {
     24             duration: 3000,
     25             className: "bears"
     26         });
     27     });
     29     /* loading */
     30     document.querySelector('#loadingBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
     31         var loading = _weui2.default.loading('loading');
     32         setTimeout(function () {
     33             loading.hide();
     34         }, 3000);
     35     });
     37     /* actionSheet */
     38     document.querySelector('#actionSheetBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
     39         _weui2.default.actionSheet([{
     40             label: '拍照',
     41             onClick: function onClick() {
     42                 console.log('拍照');
     43             }
     44         }, {
     45             label: '从相册选择',
     46             onClick: function onClick() {
     47                 console.log('从相册选择');
     48             }
     49         }, {
     50             label: '其他',
     51             onClick: function onClick() {
     52                 console.log('其他');
     53             }
     54         }], [{
     55             label: '取消',
     56             onClick: function onClick() {
     57                 console.log('取消');
     58             }
     59         }], {
     60             className: "custom-classname"
     61         });
     62     });
     64     /* topTips */
     65     document.querySelector('#topTipsBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
     66         _weui2.default.topTips('请填写正确的字段', {
     67             duration: 3000,
     68             className: "custom-classname",
     69             callback: function callback() {
     70                 console.log('close');
     71             }
     72         });
     73     });
     75     /* picker */
     76     // 普通选择器
     77     document.querySelector('#pickerBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
     78         _weui2.default.picker([{
     79             label: '飞机票',
     80             value: 0
     81         }, {
     82             label: '火车票(disabled)',
     83             disabled: true,
     84             value: 1
     85         }, {
     86             label: '的士票(disabled)',
     87             disabled: true,
     88             value: 2
     89         }, {
     90             label: '住宿费',
     91             value: 3
     92         }, {
     93             label: '礼品费',
     94             value: 11
     95         }, {
     96             label: '活动费',
     97             value: 5
     98         }, {
     99             label: '通讯费',
    100             value: 6
    101         }, {
    102             label: '补助',
    103             value: 7
    104         }, {
    105             label: '通讯费',
    106             value: 8
    107         }, {
    108             label: '其他',
    109             value: 9
    110         }], {
    111             defaultValue: [11],
    112             className: 'custom-classname',
    113             onChange: function onChange(result) {
    114                 //console.log(item, index);
    115                 console.log(result);
    116             },
    117             onConfirm: function onConfirm(result) {
    118                 console.log(result);
    119             },
    120             id: 'picker'
    121         });
    122     });
    124     // 时间选择器
    125     document.querySelector('#datePickerBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
    126         _weui2.default.datePicker({
    127             start: '2016-12-29',
    128             end: '2030-12-29',
    129             /**
    130              * https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron
    131              * cron 表达式后三位
    132              * 示例:
    133              *  * * *                每天
    134              *  5 * *                每个月的5日
    135              *  1-10 * *             每个月的前10日
    136              *  1,5,10 * *           每个月的1号、5号、10号
    137              *  */2 * *             每个月的 1、3、5、7...日,注意写的时候斜杠“/”前面没有反斜杠“”,这是因为是注释所以需要转义
    138              *  * 2 0                2月的每个周日
    139              *  * * 0,6              每个周末
    140              *  * * 3                每周三
    141              */
    142             cron: '* */2 0',
    143             defaultValue: [2017, 7, 9],
    144             onChange: function onChange(result) {
    145                 console.log(result);
    146             },
    147             onConfirm: function onConfirm(result) {
    148                 console.log(result);
    149             },
    150             id: 'datePicker'
    151         });
    152     });
    154     // 多列选择器
    155     document.querySelector('#multiPickerBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
    156         _weui2.default.picker([{
    157             label: '1',
    158             value: '1'
    159         }, {
    160             label: '2',
    161             value: '2'
    162         }, {
    163             label: '3',
    164             value: '3'
    165         }], [{
    166             label: 'A',
    167             value: 'A'
    168         }, {
    169             label: 'B',
    170             value: 'B'
    171         }, {
    172             label: 'C',
    173             value: 'C'
    174         }], {
    175             defaultValue: ['3', 'A'],
    176             onChange: function onChange(result) {
    177                 console.log(result);
    178             },
    179             onConfirm: function onConfirm(result) {
    180                 console.log(result);
    181             },
    182             id: 'multiPickerBtn'
    183         });
    184     });
    186     // 级联选择器
    187     document.querySelector('#cascadePickerBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
    188         _weui2.default.picker([{
    189             label: '广东',
    190             value: 0,
    191             children: [{
    192                 label: '广州',
    193                 value: 0,
    194                 children: [{
    195                     label: '海珠',
    196                     value: 0
    197                 }, {
    198                     label: '番禺',
    199                     value: 1
    200                 }]
    201             }, {
    202                 label: '佛山',
    203                 value: 1,
    204                 children: [{
    205                     label: '禅城',
    206                     value: 0
    207                 }, {
    208                     label: '南海',
    209                     value: 1
    210                 }]
    211             }]
    212         }, {
    213             label: '广西',
    214             value: 1,
    215             children: [{
    216                 label: '南宁',
    217                 value: 0,
    218                 children: [{
    219                     label: '青秀',
    220                     value: 0
    221                 }, {
    222                     label: '兴宁',
    223                     value: 1
    224                 }]
    225             }, {
    226                 label: '桂林',
    227                 value: 1,
    228                 children: [{
    229                     label: '象山',
    230                     value: 0
    231                 }, {
    232                     label: '秀峰',
    233                     value: 1
    234                 }]
    235             }]
    236         }], {
    237             depth: 3,
    238             defaultValue: [0, 1, 1],
    239             onChange: function onChange(result) {
    240                 console.log(result);
    241             },
    242             onConfirm: function onConfirm(result) {
    243                 console.log(result);
    244             },
    245             id: 'cascadePicker'
    246         });
    247     });
    249     /* searchbar */
    250     _weui2.default.searchBar('#searchBar');
    252     /* slider 因为需要获取长度,所以必须要在slider显示的时候才调用weui.slider*/
    253     var isSetSlider = false;
    254     function setSlider() {
    255         if (isSetSlider) return;
    256         isSetSlider = true;
    258         // 普通slider
    259         var sliderValue = document.getElementById("sliderValue");
    260         _weui2.default.slider('#slider', {
    261             defaultValue: 50,
    262             onChange: function onChange(percent) {
    263                 sliderValue.innerHTML = Math.round(percent);
    264                 console.log(percent);
    265             }
    266         });
    268         // 带step的slider
    269         var sliderStepValue = document.getElementById("sliderStepValue");
    270         _weui2.default.slider('#sliderStep', {
    271             step: 10,
    272             defaultValue: 40,
    273             onChange: function onChange(percent) {
    274                 sliderStepValue.innerHTML = Math.round(percent);
    275                 console.log(percent);
    276             }
    277         });
    279         // 分块的slider
    280         var sliderBlockValue = document.getElementById("sliderBlockValue");
    281         _weui2.default.slider('#sliderBlock', {
    282             step: 100 / 3,
    283             defaultValue: 33.333,
    284             onChange: function onChange(percent) {
    285                 sliderBlockValue.innerHTML = Math.round(percent);
    286                 console.log(percent);
    287             }
    288         });
    289     }
    291     /* tab */
    292     _weui2.default.tab('#tab', {
    293         defaultIndex: 0,
    294         onChange: function onChange(index) {
    295             console.log(index);
    297             if (index == 3) {
    298                 setSlider(); // 设置slider
    299             }
    300         }
    301     });
    303     /* form */
    304     // 约定正则
    305     var regexp = {
    306         regexp: {
    307             IDNUM: /(?:^d{15}$)|(?:^d{18}$)|^d{17}[dXx]$/,
    308             VCODE: /^.{4}$/
    309         }
    310     };
    312     // 失去焦点时检测
    313     _weui2.default.form.checkIfBlur('#form', regexp);
    315     // 表单提交
    316     document.querySelector('#formSubmitBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
    317         _weui2.default.form.validate('#form', function (error) {
    318             console.log(error);
    319             if (!error) {
    320                 var loading = _weui2.default.loading('提交中...');
    321                 setTimeout(function () {
    322                     loading.hide();
    323                     _weui2.default.toast('提交成功', 3000);
    324                 }, 1500);
    325             }
    326         }, regexp);
    327     });
    329     /* 图片自动上传 */
    330     var uploadCount = 0,
    331         uploadList = [];
    332     var uploadCountDom = document.getElementById("uploadCount");
    333     _weui2.default.uploader('#uploader', {
    334         url: 'http://' + location.hostname + ':8002/upload',
    335         auto: true,
    336         type: 'file',
    337         fileVal: 'fileVal',
    338         compress: {
    339              1600,
    340             height: 1600,
    341             quality: .8
    342         },
    343         onBeforeQueued: function onBeforeQueued(files) {
    344             if (["image/jpg", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif"].indexOf(this.type) < 0) {
    345                 _weui2.default.alert('请上传图片');
    346                 return false;
    347             }
    348             if (this.size > 10 * 1024 * 1024) {
    349                 _weui2.default.alert('请上传不超过10M的图片');
    350                 return false;
    351             }
    352             if (files.length > 5) {
    353                 // 防止一下子选中过多文件
    354                 _weui2.default.alert('最多只能上传5张图片,请重新选择');
    355                 return false;
    356             }
    357             if (uploadCount + 1 > 5) {
    358                 _weui2.default.alert('最多只能上传5张图片');
    359                 return false;
    360             }
    362             ++uploadCount;
    363             uploadCountDom.innerHTML = uploadCount;
    364         },
    365         onQueued: function onQueued() {
    366             uploadList.push(this);
    367             console.log(this);
    368         },
    369         onBeforeSend: function onBeforeSend(data, headers) {
    370             console.log(this, data, headers);
    371             // $.extend(data, { test: 1 }); // 可以扩展此对象来控制上传参数
    372             // $.extend(headers, { Origin: '' }); // 可以扩展此对象来控制上传头部
    374             // return false; // 阻止文件上传
    375         },
    376         onProgress: function onProgress(procent) {
    377             console.log(this, procent);
    378         },
    379         onSuccess: function onSuccess(ret) {
    380             console.log(this, ret);
    381         },
    382         onError: function onError(err) {
    383             console.log(this, err);
    384         }
    385     });
    387     // 缩略图预览
    388     document.querySelector('#uploaderFiles').addEventListener('click', function (e) {
    389         var target = e.target;
    391         while (!target.classList.contains('weui-uploader__file') && target) {
    392             target = target.parentNode;
    393         }
    394         if (!target) return;
    396         var url = target.getAttribute('style') || '';
    397         var id = target.getAttribute('data-id');
    399         if (url) {
    400             url = url.match(/url((.*?))/)[1].replace(/"/g, '');
    401         }
    402         var gallery = _weui2.default.gallery(url, {
    403             className: 'custom-name',
    404             onDelete: function onDelete() {
    405                 _weui2.default.confirm('确定删除该图片?', function () {
    406                     --uploadCount;
    407                     uploadCountDom.innerHTML = uploadCount;
    409                     for (var i = 0, len = uploadList.length; i < len; ++i) {
    410                         var file = uploadList[i];
    411                         if (file.id == id) {
    412                             file.stop();
    413                             break;
    414                         }
    415                     }
    416                     target.remove();
    417                     gallery.hide();
    418                 });
    419             }
    420         });
    421     });
    423     /* 图片手动上传 */
    424     var uploadCustomFileList = [];
    426     // 这里是简单的调用,其余api请参考文档
    427     _weui2.default.uploader('#uploaderCustom', {
    428         url: 'http://localhost:8002/upload',
    429         auto: false,
    430         onQueued: function onQueued() {
    431             uploadCustomFileList.push(this);
    432         }
    433     });
    435     // 手动上传按钮
    436     document.getElementById("uploaderCustomBtn").addEventListener('click', function () {
    437         uploadCustomFileList.forEach(function (file) {
    438             file.upload();
    439         });
    440     });
    442     // 缩略图预览
    443     document.querySelector('#uploaderCustomFiles').addEventListener('click', function (e) {
    444         var target = e.target;
    446         while (!target.classList.contains('weui-uploader__file') && target) {
    447             target = target.parentNode;
    448         }
    449         if (!target) return;
    451         var url = target.getAttribute('style') || '';
    452         var id = target.getAttribute('data-id');
    454         if (url) {
    455             url = url.match(/url((.*?))/)[1].replace(/"/g, '');
    456         }
    457         var gallery = _weui2.default.gallery(url, {
    458             onDelete: function onDelete() {
    459                 _weui2.default.confirm('确定删除该图片?', function () {
    460                     var index;
    461                     for (var i = 0, len = uploadCustomFileList.length; i < len; ++i) {
    462                         var file = uploadCustomFileList[i];
    463                         if (file.id == id) {
    464                             index = i;
    465                             break;
    466                         }
    467                     }
    468                     if (index) uploadCustomFileList.splice(index, 1);
    470                     target.remove();
    471                     gallery.hide();
    472                 });
    473             }
    474         });
    475     });
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhaogaojian/p/9364146.html
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