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  • DocX开源WORD操作组件的学习系列四




    DocX开源WORD操作组件的学习系列一 :  http://www.cnblogs.com/zhaojiedi1992/p/zhaojiedi_sharp_001_docx1.html


    DocX开源WORD操作组件的学习系列二 :  http://www.cnblogs.com/zhaojiedi1992/p/zhaojiedi_csharp_005_docx2.html


    DocX开源WORD操作组件的学习系列三:  http://www.cnblogs.com/zhaojiedi1992/p/zhaojiedi_csharp_006_docx3.html

    DocX开源WORD操作组件的学习系列四:  http://www.cnblogs.com/zhaojiedi1992/p/zhaojiedi_csharp_006_docx4.html


            static void LargeTable()
                Console.WriteLine("	LargeTable()");
                var _directoryWithFiles = "docs\";
                using (var output = File.Open(_directoryWithFiles + "LargeTable.docx", FileMode.Create))
                    using (var doc = DocX.Create(output))
                        var tbl = doc.InsertTable(1, 18);
                        var wholeWidth = doc.PageWidth - doc.MarginLeft - doc.MarginRight;
                        var colWidth = wholeWidth / tbl.ColumnCount;
                        var colWidths = new int[tbl.ColumnCount];
                        tbl.AutoFit = AutoFit.Contents;
                        var r = tbl.Rows[0];
                        var cx = 0;
                        foreach (var cell in r.Cells)
                            cell.Paragraphs.First().Append("Col " + cx);
                            //cell.Width = colWidth;
                            cell.MarginBottom = 0;
                            cell.MarginLeft = 0;
                            cell.MarginRight = 0;
                            cell.MarginTop = 0;
                        tbl.SetBorder(TableBorderType.Bottom, BlankBorder);
                        tbl.SetBorder(TableBorderType.Left, BlankBorder);
                        tbl.SetBorder(TableBorderType.Right, BlankBorder);
                        tbl.SetBorder(TableBorderType.Top, BlankBorder);
                        tbl.SetBorder(TableBorderType.InsideV, BlankBorder);
                        tbl.SetBorder(TableBorderType.InsideH, BlankBorder);
                Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\LargeTable.docx
            static void TableWithSpecifiedWidths()
                Console.WriteLine("	TableSpecifiedWidths()");
                var _directoryWithFiles = "docs\";
                using (var output = File.Open(_directoryWithFiles + "TableSpecifiedWidths.docx", FileMode.Create))
                    using (var doc = DocX.Create(output))
                        var widths = new float[] { 200f, 100f, 300f };
                        var tbl = doc.InsertTable(1, widths.Length);
                        var wholeWidth = doc.PageWidth - doc.MarginLeft - doc.MarginRight;
                        tbl.AutoFit = AutoFit.Contents;
                        var r = tbl.Rows[0];
                        var cx = 0;
                        foreach (var cell in r.Cells)
                            cell.Paragraphs.First().Append("Col " + cx);
                            //cell.Width = colWidth;
                            cell.MarginBottom = 0;
                            cell.MarginLeft = 0;
                            cell.MarginRight = 0;
                            cell.MarginTop = 0;
                        //add new rows 
                        for (var x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                            r = tbl.InsertRow();
                            cx = 0;
                            foreach (var cell in r.Cells)
                                cell.Paragraphs.First().Append("Col " + cx);
                                //cell.Width = colWidth;
                                cell.MarginBottom = 0;
                                cell.MarginLeft = 0;
                                cell.MarginRight = 0;
                                cell.MarginTop = 0;
                        tbl.SetBorder(TableBorderType.Bottom, BlankBorder);
                        tbl.SetBorder(TableBorderType.Left, BlankBorder);
                        tbl.SetBorder(TableBorderType.Right, BlankBorder);
                        tbl.SetBorder(TableBorderType.Top, BlankBorder);
                        tbl.SetBorder(TableBorderType.InsideV, BlankBorder);
                        tbl.SetBorder(TableBorderType.InsideH, BlankBorder);
                Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\TableSpecifiedWidths.docx


         public class Data
                public string Name { get; set; }
                public string AliasName { get; set; }
      private static void InsertTabelTest()
                Console.WriteLine("	able1()");
                var list = new List<Data>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                    list.Add(new Data() {Name = i.ToString(),AliasName = i+".."+i.ToString()});
                Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
                using (DocX document = DocX.Create(@"docsInsertTable.docx"))
                  var table1=  document.InsertTable(list.Count,2);
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\InsertTable.docx
                Console.WriteLine(stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds+"毫秒");//   234277.7521毫秒
                using (DocX document = DocX.Create(@"docsAddTable.docx"))
                    var table1 = document.AddTable(list.Count, 2);
                    table1.Design = TableDesign.ColorfulGrid;
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\AddTable.docx
                Console.WriteLine(stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds +"毫秒");//60773.5141毫秒


       static void ProtectedDocument()
                Console.WriteLine("	HelloWorldPasswordProtected()");
                // Create a new document.
                using (DocX document = DocX.Create(@"docsHelloWorldPasswordProtected.docx"))
                    // Insert a Paragraph into this document.
                    Paragraph p = document.InsertParagraph();
                    // Append some text and add formatting.
                    p.Append("Hello World!^011Hello World!")
                    .Font(new Font("Times New Roman"))
                    // Save this document to disk with different options
                    // Protected with password for Read Only
                    EditRestrictions erReadOnly = EditRestrictions.readOnly;
                    document.AddProtection(erReadOnly, "oracle");
                    Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\HelloWorldPasswordProtectedReadOnly.docx
                    // Protected with password for Comments
                    EditRestrictions erComments = EditRestrictions.comments;
                    document.AddProtection(erComments, "oracle");
                    Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\HelloWorldPasswordProtectedCommentsOnly.docx
                    // Protected with password for Forms
                    EditRestrictions erForms = EditRestrictions.forms;
                    document.AddProtection(erForms, "oracle");
                    Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\HelloWorldPasswordProtectedFormsOnly.docx
                    // Protected with password for Tracked Changes
                    EditRestrictions erTrackedChanges = EditRestrictions.trackedChanges;
                    document.AddProtection(erTrackedChanges, "oracle");
                    Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\HelloWorldPasswordProtectedTrackedChangesOnly.docx
                    // But it's also possible to add restrictions without protecting it with password.
                    // Protected with password for Read Only
                    Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\HelloWorldWithoutPasswordReadOnly.docx
                    // Protected with password for Comments
                    Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\HelloWorldWithoutPasswordCommentsOnly.docx
                    // Protected with password for Forms
                    Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\HelloWorldWithoutPasswordFormsOnly.docx
                    // Protected with password for Tracked Changes
                    Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\HelloWorldWithoutPasswordTrackedChangesOnly.docx


      private static void Indentation()
                Console.WriteLine("	Indentation()");
                // Create a new document.
                using (DocX document = DocX.Create(@"docsIndentation.docx"))
                    // Create a new Paragraph.
                    Paragraph p = document.InsertParagraph("Line 1
    Line 2
    Line 3");
                    // Indent only the first line of the Paragraph
                    p.IndentationFirstLine = 1.0f;
                    // Save all changes made to this document.
                    Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\Indentation.docx


            private static void DocumentMargins()
                Console.WriteLine("	DocumentMargins()");
                // Create a document.
                using (DocX document = DocX.Create(@"docsDocumentMargins.docx"))
                    // Create a float var that contains doc Margins properties.
                    float leftMargin = document.MarginLeft;
                    float rightMargin = document.MarginRight;
                    float topMargin = document.MarginTop;
                    float bottomMargin = document.MarginBottom;
                    // Modify using your own vars.
                    leftMargin = 95F;
                    rightMargin = 45F;
                    topMargin = 50F;
                    bottomMargin = 180F;
                    // Or simply work the margins by setting the property directly. 
                    document.MarginLeft = leftMargin;
                    document.MarginRight = rightMargin;
                    document.MarginTop = topMargin;
                    document.MarginBottom = bottomMargin;
                    // created bulleted lists
                    var bulletedList = document.AddList("First Bulleted Item.", 0, ListItemType.Bulleted);
                    document.AddListItem(bulletedList, "Second bullet item");
                    document.AddListItem(bulletedList, "Sub bullet item", 1);
                    document.AddListItem(bulletedList, "Second sub bullet item", 1);
                    document.AddListItem(bulletedList, "Third bullet item");
                    // Save this document.
                    Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\DocumentMargins.docx


          private static void CreateInvoice()
                Console.WriteLine("	CreateInvoice()");
                DocX g_document;
                    // Store a global reference to the loaded document.
                    g_document = DocX.Load(@"docsInvoiceTemplate.docx");
                     * The template 'InvoiceTemplate.docx' does exist, 
                     * so lets use it to create an invoice for a factitious company
                     * called "The Happy Builder" and store a global reference it.
                    g_document = CreateInvoiceFromTemplate(DocX.Load(@"docsInvoiceTemplate.docx"));
                    // Save all changes made to this template as Invoice_The_Happy_Builder.docx (We don't want to replace InvoiceTemplate.docx).
                    Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\Invoice_The_Happy_Builder.docx
                // The template 'InvoiceTemplate.docx' does not exist, so create it.
                catch (FileNotFoundException)
                    // Create and store a global reference to the template 'InvoiceTemplate.docx'.
                    g_document = CreateInvoiceTemplate();
                    // Save the template 'InvoiceTemplate.docx'.
                    Console.WriteLine("	Created: docs\InvoiceTemplate.docx");
                    // The template exists now so re-call CreateInvoice().
           // Create an invoice for a factitious company called "The Happy Builder".
            private static DocX CreateInvoiceFromTemplate(DocX template)
                #region Logo
                // A quick glance at the template shows us that the logo Paragraph is in row zero cell 1.
                Paragraph logo_paragraph = template.Tables[0].Rows[0].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0];
                // Remove the template Picture that is in this Paragraph.
                // Add the Happy Builders logo to this document.
                RelativeDirectory rd = new RelativeDirectory(); // prepares the files for testing
                Image logo = template.AddImage(rd.Path + @"imageslogo_the_happy_builder.png");
                // Insert the Happy Builders logo into this Paragraph.
                #region Set CustomProperty values
                // Set the value of the custom property 'company_name'.
                template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("company_name", "The Happy Builder"));
                // Set the value of the custom property 'company_slogan'.
                template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("company_slogan", "No job too small"));
                // Set the value of the custom properties 'hired_company_address_line_one', 'hired_company_address_line_two' and 'hired_company_address_line_three'.
                template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("hired_company_address_line_one", "The Crooked House,"));
                template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("hired_company_address_line_two", "Dublin,"));
                template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("hired_company_address_line_three", "12345"));
                // Set the value of the custom property 'invoice_date'.
                template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("invoice_date", DateTime.Today.Date.ToString("d")));
                // Set the value of the custom property 'invoice_number'.
                template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("invoice_number", 1));
                // Set the value of the custom property 'hired_company_details_line_one' and 'hired_company_details_line_two'.
                template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("hired_company_details_line_one", "Business Street, Dublin, 12345"));
                template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("hired_company_details_line_two", "Phone: 012-345-6789, Fax: 012-345-6789, e-mail: support@thehappybuilder.com"));
                 * InvoiceTemplate.docx contains a blank Table, 
                 * we want to replace this with a new Table that
                 * contains all of our invoice data.
                Table t = template.Tables[1];
                Table invoice_table = CreateAndInsertInvoiceTableAfter(t, ref template);
                // Return the template now that it has been modified to hold all of our custom data.
                return template;
            // Create an invoice template.
            private static DocX CreateInvoiceTemplate()
                // Create a new document.
                DocX document = DocX.Create(@"docsInvoiceTemplate.docx");
                // Create a table for layout purposes (This table will be invisible).
                Table layout_table = document.InsertTable(2, 2);
                layout_table.Design = TableDesign.TableNormal;
                layout_table.AutoFit = AutoFit.Window;
                // Dark formatting
                Formatting dark_formatting = new Formatting();
                dark_formatting.Bold = true;
                dark_formatting.Size = 12;
                dark_formatting.FontColor = WindowsColor.FromArgb(31, 73, 125);
                // Light formatting
                Formatting light_formatting = new Formatting();
                light_formatting.Italic = true;
                light_formatting.Size = 11;
                light_formatting.FontColor = WindowsColor.FromArgb(79, 129, 189);
                #region Company Name
                // Get the upper left Paragraph in the layout_table.
                Paragraph upper_left_paragraph = layout_table.Rows[0].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0];
                // Create a custom property called company_name
                CustomProperty company_name = new CustomProperty("company_name", "Company Name");
                // Insert a field of type doc property (This will display the custom property 'company_name')
                layout_table.Rows[0].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0].InsertDocProperty(company_name, f: dark_formatting);
                // Force the next text insert to be on a new line.
    ", false);
                #region Company Slogan
                // Create a custom property called company_slogan
                CustomProperty company_slogan = new CustomProperty("company_slogan", "Company slogan goes here.");
                // Insert a field of type doc property (This will display the custom property 'company_slogan')
                upper_left_paragraph.InsertDocProperty(company_slogan, f: light_formatting);
                #region Company Logo
                // Get the upper right Paragraph in the layout_table.
                Paragraph upper_right_paragraph = layout_table.Rows[0].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0];
                // Add a template logo image to this document.
                RelativeDirectory rd = new RelativeDirectory(); // prepares the files for testing
                Image logo = document.AddImage(rd.Path + @"imageslogo_template.png");
                // Insert this template logo into the upper right Paragraph.
                upper_right_paragraph.Alignment = Alignment.right;
                // Custom properties cannot contain newlines, so the company address must be split into 3 custom properties.
                #region Hired Company Address
                // Create a custom property called company_address_line_one
                CustomProperty hired_company_address_line_one = new CustomProperty("hired_company_address_line_one", "Street Address,");
                // Get the lower left Paragraph in the layout_table. 
                Paragraph lower_left_paragraph = layout_table.Rows[1].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0];
    ", false, dark_formatting);
                // Insert a field of type doc property (This will display the custom property 'hired_company_address_line_one')
                lower_left_paragraph.InsertDocProperty(hired_company_address_line_one, f: light_formatting);
                // Force the next text insert to be on a new line.
    ", false);
                // Create a custom property called company_address_line_two
                CustomProperty hired_company_address_line_two = new CustomProperty("hired_company_address_line_two", "City,");
                // Insert a field of type doc property (This will display the custom property 'hired_company_address_line_two')
                lower_left_paragraph.InsertDocProperty(hired_company_address_line_two, f: light_formatting);
                // Force the next text insert to be on a new line.
    ", false);
                // Create a custom property called company_address_line_two
                CustomProperty hired_company_address_line_three = new CustomProperty("hired_company_address_line_three", "Zip Code");
                // Insert a field of type doc property (This will display the custom property 'hired_company_address_line_three')
                lower_left_paragraph.InsertDocProperty(hired_company_address_line_three, f: light_formatting);
                #region Date & Invoice number
                // Get the lower right Paragraph from the layout table.
                Paragraph lower_right_paragraph = layout_table.Rows[1].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0];
                CustomProperty invoice_date = new CustomProperty("invoice_date", DateTime.Today.Date.ToString("d"));
                lower_right_paragraph.InsertText("Date: ", false, dark_formatting);
                lower_right_paragraph.InsertDocProperty(invoice_date, f: light_formatting);
                CustomProperty invoice_number = new CustomProperty("invoice_number", 1);
    Invoice: ", false, dark_formatting);
                lower_right_paragraph.InsertText("#", false, light_formatting);
                lower_right_paragraph.InsertDocProperty(invoice_number, f: light_formatting);
                lower_right_paragraph.Alignment = Alignment.right;
                // Insert an empty Paragraph between two Tables, so that they do not touch.
                document.InsertParagraph(string.Empty, false);
                // This table will hold all of the invoice data.
                Table invoice_table = document.InsertTable(4, 4);
                invoice_table.Design = TableDesign.LightShadingAccent1;
                invoice_table.Alignment = Alignment.center;
                // A nice thank you Paragraph.
                Paragraph thankyou = document.InsertParagraph("
    Thank you for your business, we hope to work with you again soon.", false, dark_formatting);
                thankyou.Alignment = Alignment.center;
                #region Hired company details
                CustomProperty hired_company_details_line_one = new CustomProperty("hired_company_details_line_one", "Street Address, City, ZIP Code");
                CustomProperty hired_company_details_line_two = new CustomProperty("hired_company_details_line_two", "Phone: 000-000-0000, Fax: 000-000-0000, e-mail: support@companyname.com");
                Paragraph companyDetails = document.InsertParagraph(string.Empty, false);
                companyDetails.InsertDocProperty(hired_company_details_line_one, f: light_formatting);
    ", false);
                companyDetails.InsertDocProperty(hired_company_details_line_two, f: light_formatting);
                companyDetails.Alignment = Alignment.center;
                // Return the document now that it has been created.
                return document;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhaojiedi1992/p/zhaojiedi_csharp_006_docx4.html
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