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  • [Study Note] NHibernate In Action 20100521

    NHibernate In Action

    Part 1 Discovering ORM with NHibernate

    1 Object/relational persistence in .NET

    ORM object/relational mapping

    1.1 What is persistence?

    1.1.1 Relational database
    1.1.2 Understanding SQL

    SQL Tuning by Dan Tow [Tow 2003]
    SQL Cookbook by Anthony Molinaro [Mol 2005]
    An Introduction to Database Systems [Date 2004]

    1.1.3 Using SQL in .NET application

    Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture by Martin Fowler [Fowler 2003]

    1.1.4 Persistence in object-oriented applications

    persistent object
    transient object

    [GOF 1995]

    1.1.5 Persistence and the layered architecture

    Presentation layer
    Business layer
    Persistence layer
    Helper/utility classes

    1.2 Approaches to persistence in .NET

    1.2.1 Choice of persistence layer

    (p9 2010-05-20 17:15)

    hand-coded persistence layer
    dataset-based persistence layer
    NHibernate persistence layer
    LINQ to SQL-based persistence layer
    ADO.NET Entity Framework

    1.2.2 Implementing the entities

    hand-coded entities
    entities in a dataset
    entities and NHibernate
    entities and LINQ to SQL

    paradigm mismatch / object/relational impedance mismatch

    1.2.3 Displaying entities in the user interface

    Dataset-based persentation layer
    Persentation layer and entities


    1.2.4 Implementing CRUD operations

    hand-coded CRUD operations
    CRUD operations with datasets
    CRUD operations using NHibernate
    LINQ to SQL CRUD operations

    table adapters

    1.3 Why do we need NHibernate ?

    productivity, maintainability and performance

    1.3.1 The paradigm mismatch

    The problem of granularity
    The problem of inheritance and polymorphism
    The problem of identity
    problem relating to associations

    primary key / surrogate key

    1.3.2 Units of work and conversations

    conversation / business transactions / application transactions

    The Unit of Work Pattern
    The Identity Map pattern
    Transparent persistence and lazy loading

    1.3.3 Complex queries and the ADO.NET Entity Framework

    Implementing a query engine

    HQL - Hibernate Query Language
    QBC - Query by Criteria API

    ADO.NET Entity Framework

    1.4 object/relation mapping

    1.4.1 what is ORM

    object/relational mapping is the automated (and possibly transparent) persistence of objects in an application to the tables in a relational database, using metadata that describes the mapping between the objects and the database.

    ORM, in essence, works by transforming data from one representation to another.

    entity-relationship modeling, ERM
    object role modeling, ORM

    1.4.2 why ORM ?

    modeling mismatch
    productivity and maintainability
    database independence

    (p24 2010-05-20 18:20)

    2 Hello NHibernate

    2.1 "Hello World" with NHibernate

    2.1.1 Installing NHibernate
    2.1.2 Create a new Visual Studio project
    2.1.3 Creating the Employee class
    2.1.4 Setting up the database
    2.1.5 Creating an Employee and saving to the database
    2.1.6 Loading an Employee from the database
    2.1.7 Creating a mapping file
    2.1.8 Configuring your application
    2.1.9 Updating an Employee
    2.1.10 Running the program

    The persistent class can be used with or without NHibernate

    Enbedded Resource

    automatic dirty checking
    cascading save
    transactional write-behind

    2.2 Understanding the architecture

    2.2.1 The core interface

    ISession interface
    ISessionFactory interface
    Configuration interface
    ITransaction interface
    IQuery and ICriteria interface

    An instance of ISession is lightweight and is inexpensive to create and destroy.

    2.2.2 Callback interface

    Callback interfaces allow the application to receive a notification when something interesting happens to an object.

    ILifecycle interface
    IValidatable interface

    persistence lifecycle

    2.2.3 Types

    An NHibernate Type object maps a .NET type to a database column type (the type may span multiple columns).

    custom types

    IUserType, ICompositeUserType, IParameterizedType, IUserCollectionType

    2.2.4 Extension interface

    Primary-key generation (IIdentifierGenerator interface)
    SQL dialect support (Dialect abstract class)
    Caching strategies (ICache and ICacheProvider interface)
    ADO.NET connection management (IConnectionProvider interface)
    Transaction management (ITransactionFactory and ITransaction interface)
    ORM strategies (IClassPersister interface hierarchy)
    Property-access strategies (IPropertyAccessor interface)
    Proxy creation (IProxyFactory interface)

    2.3 Basic configuration

    2.3.1 Creating a SessionFactory

    Method chaining

    Method chaining is a programming style supported by many NHibernate interfaces (they're also called fluent interfaces).

    If you use the coding style of Method chaining, it's better to write each method invocation on a different line.

    one mapping file per class

    working with mapping files

    Multiple database and session factories

    Configuration techniques

    2.3.2 Configuring the ADO.NET database access

    Configuring NHibernate using hibernate.cfg.xml

    • connection.provider
    • dialect
    • connection.driver_class
    • connection.connection_string

    Starting NHibernate

    1. If your database's ADO.NET data provider isn't ye installed, download and install it.
    2. Add log4net.dll as reference to your project.
    3. Decide which database-access properties NHibernate will need.
    4. Let the Configuration know about these properties by placing them in a hibernate.cfg.xml file in the current directory.
    5. Create an instance of Configuration in your application, call the Configure() method; load the mapped class ( with .NET attributes ) using HbmSerializer.Default.Serialize() and AddInputStream(); and load the XML mapping files using either AddAssembly(), AddClass(), or AddXmlFile(). Build an ISessionFactory instance from the Configruation by calling BuildSessionFactory().
    6. Remember to close the instance of ISessionFactory( using MySessionFactory.Close() ) when you're done using NHibernate.

    2.4 Advanced configuration settings

    2.4.1 Using the application configuration file

    When configure() is called, NHibernate first searches for the information in the application configuration file and then in a file named hibernate.cfg.xml in the current directory.

    <session-factory name="MySessionFactory">


    2.4.2 Loging


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhaorui/p/1741835.html
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