from configparser import ConfigParser def write(): cp = ConfigParser() cp['one'] = { 'aa': '111', 'bb': '222' } cp['two'] = dict( cc='zxl', dd='hhu' ) cp['three'] = {} cp['three']['ee'] = '888' t = cp['three'] t['ff'] = '999' with open('config', 'w') as f: cp.write(f) def read(): cp = ConfigParser() # print(cp.sections()) result ='config') # print(cp.has_option('one', 'aa')) # print(cp.has_section('three')) # for i in cp: # print(i) # for i in cp['two']: # print(i) # print(type(result), result) # print(cp.sections()) # print('one' in cp) # print(cp['one']) # value = cp['one']['aa'] # print(type(value), value) # value = cp.get('one', 'aa') # print(type(value), value) # value = cp.getint('one', 'aa') # print(type(value), value) read() def delete(): cp = ConfigParser() read ='config') cp.remove_section('two') cp.remove_option('three', 'ee') with open('config2', 'w') as f: cp.write(f) # delete() def update(): cp = ConfigParser()'config') cp.set('one', 'aa', 'zhangsan') with open('config', 'w') as f: cp.write(f) # update()