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  • library cache lock

    SESSION 34 执行存储过程:
    SESSION 43 编译存储过程:
    SESSION 25  删除存储过程:
    1.查询查看library cache lock等待事件的相关会话  
    SQL> select sid, P1RAW,P1TEXT ,event from v$session_wait where event not like '%message%';
           SID P1RAW	    P1TEXT							     EVENT
    ---------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
    	 2 000000000000006F duration							     pmon timer
    	 3 00										     VKTM Logical Idle Wait
    	 5 0000000000000005 component							     DIAG idle wait
    	 8 0000000000000005 component							     DIAG idle wait
    	10 00000000000006F0 requests							     db file async I/O submit
    	13 000000000000012C sleep time							     smon timer
    	18 00										     Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wait
    	25 000000002BF0897C handle address						     library cache lock
    	26 0000000000000001 Type							     Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait
    	28 0000000000000001 Slave ID							     Space Manager: slave idle wait
    	31 0000000000000004 file#							     db file sequential read
           SID P1RAW	    P1TEXT							     EVENT
    ---------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
    	32 00										     Streams AQ: waiting for time management or cleanup tasks
    	34 0000000000000004 file#							     db file sequential read
    	43 000000002BF0897C handle address						     library cache pin
    SQL> select saddr,sid,username,event,p1raw from v$session where event='library cache lock';
    SADDR		SID USERNAME			   EVENT							    P1RAW
    -------- ---------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
    35FEE7F0	 25 TEST			   library cache lock						    000000002BF0897C
    2.查询持有library cache lock的会话以及lock住的对象
    SQL> select user_name,kglnaobj "Owner",kgllkses saddr,kgllkreq req,kgllkmod mod,kglnaobj object
     from x$kgllk lock_a
     where kgllkmod > 0
     and exists (select lock_b.kgllkhdl from x$kgllk lock_b
     where kgllkses = '35FEE7F0' /* blocked session */
     and lock_a.kgllkhdl = lock_b.kgllkhdl
     and kgllkreq > 0);  2    3    4    5    6    7  
    USER_NAME		       Owner							    SADDR	    REQ        MOD OBJECT
    ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------
    TEST			       TEST_PRC 						    35FD6A24	      0 	 1 TEST_PRC
    TEST			       TEST_PRC 						    35FBEC58	      0 	 3 TEST_PRC
    SQL> select sid,saddr,event,q.sql_text from v$session s,v$sql q
     where saddr in ('35FD6A24','35FBEC58') and s.sql_id=q.sql_id;   2  
           SID SADDR    EVENT		 SQL_TEXT
    ---------- -------- -------------------- --------------------
    	34 35FD6A24 db file sequential r INSERT INTO TEST1 SE
    		    ead 		 LECT * FROM TEST1
    	43 35FBEC58 library cache pin	 alter procedure  tes
    					 t_prc compile
    从输出结果发现会话地址为35FBEC58 的会话正在编译TEST_PRC,所以该会话持有的lock模式肯定会x,而会话25正是被它所阻塞。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhaoyangjian724/p/3797904.html
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