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  • mysql 闪回表工具

    use HTTP::Date qw(time2iso str2time time2iso time2isoz);  
    use POSIX;
    my $SDATE = strftime("%Y-%m-%d",localtime());
    if ( $#ARGV < 4 ){  
            print "please input  like  binglog-0001 '2013-07-01 00:00:00' '2013-07-02 00:00:00' dml db_name table!
          my   $binlog= $ARGV[0];  
          my   $start_dt = $ARGV[1];
          my   $end_dt = $ARGV[2];
          my   $dml =$ARGV[3];
          my   $database=$ARGV[4];
          my   $table=$ARGV[5];
          my @binlog=`mysqlbinlog --base64-output=decode-rows -v --start-datetime='$start_dt' --stop-datetime='$end_dt' $binlog >$table.$SDATE.txt`;
          use DBI;
          my $db_name="$database";
          my $ip='';
          my $user="root";
          my $passwd="1234567";
          $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=$db_name;host=$ip;port=3306",$user,$passwd) or die "can't connect to database ". DBI-errstr;
          $UNLOAD_SRC_DBCONN = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=$db_name;host=$ip;port=3306",$user,$passwd) or die "can't connect to database ". DBI-errstr; 
          my $hostSql = qq{SELECT column_name  from information_schema.columns where table_schema='$db_name' and  table_name='$table'};
          my $DW_DATA_DT ="";
          my ($COLUMN_NAME);
          my $selStmt = $dbh->prepare($hostSql);
          $selStmt->bind_col(1, $COLUMN_NAME);;
         while( $selStmt->fetch() ){
            print "$COLUMN_NAME
            push  (@lstRlst1 ,$COLUMN_NAME);
           for ($m=1;$m<=@lstRlst1 ; $m++){
              $hash{"@$m"}=$lstRlst1[$m -1 ];
           print %hash;
           print "
           sub undo_update { 
           local $/='/*!*/;';
           open (A,"<","$table.$SDATE.txt");
           while (<A>){
           if  (( $_ =~/$dmls+$table/i ) or ($_ =~/$dmls+`$table`/i) or ($_ =~/$dmls+`$database`.`$table`/i) or ($_ =~/$dmls+$database.$table/i )){
                local $/="
               #if ($_ =~/.*?(@[0-9]+).*/){print "$id is $1
               #print $_;
               open DATAFH,">>$table.$SDATE.txt.tmp.1" || die "open csdn file failed:$!"; 
               print DATAFH  $_;
          #print DATAFH  "
          close DATAFH;
          print "
          local $/="
          open (B,"<","$table.$SDATE.txt.tmp.1");
           print "orignal update sql
          while (<B>){
               next unless   /^###/;
            if ($_ =~/.*?(@[0-9]+).*/)
              my $idnum=$1;
              #print "$idnum is $idnum
              my $id=$hash{"$idnum"};
              $_ =~ s/$idnum/$id/;
               print $_;
              open (C,">>","$table.$SDATE.txt.tmp.2");
              print C  $_;
              close C
            else {
               print $_;
              open (C,">>","$table.$SDATE.txt.tmp.2");
              print C  $_;};
              close C;
           close B;
           open (C,"<","$table.$SDATE.txt.tmp.2");
           print "rollback update sql
           while (<C>){
               next unless   /^###/;
               #$_ =~ s/^###//;
               if ($_ =~ s/WHERE/SET/i){ print "$_";}
               elsif ($_ =~ s/SET/WHERE/i){ print "$_";}
               else{print "$_";}
           close C;
    	  sub undo_delete {
    	  local $/='/*!*/;';
              open (A,"<","$table.$SDATE.txt");
              while (<A>){
                if  (( $_ =~/$dmls+froms+$table/i ) or ($_ =~/$dmls+froms+`$table`/i) or ($_ =~/$dmls+froms+`$database`.`$table`/i) or ($_ =~/$dmls+froms+$database.$table/i )){
                local $/="
               #if ($_ =~/.*?(@[0-9]+).*/){print "$id is $1
               #print $_;
               open DATAFH,">>$table.$SDATE.txt.tmp.1" || die "open csdn file failed:$!"; 
               print DATAFH  $_;
              #print DATAFH  "
              close DATAFH;
              print "
              local $/="
              open (B,"<","$table.$SDATE.txt.tmp.1");
              while (<B>){
               if ($_ =~/.*?(@[0-9]+).*/)
                 my $idnum=$1;
                 #print "$idnum is $idnum
                 my $id=$hash{"$idnum"};
                 $_ =~ s/$idnum/$id/;
                 print $_;
                 open (C,">>","$table.$SDATE.txt.tmp.2");
                 print C  $_;
                 close C
                 else {
                 print $_;
                 open (C,">>","$table.$SDATE.txt.tmp.2");
                 print C  $_;};
                 close C;
                close B;    
    		   open (C,"<","$table.$SDATE.txt.tmp.2");
                while (<C>)
                next  unless /^###/; 
                next  if /^$/; 
                open (D,">>","$table.$SDATE.txt.tmp.3");
                if ($_ =~ s/###s+DELETE FROM/INSERT INTO/i){ print D $_;}
                elsif ($_ =~ s/###s+WHERE/values/i){  print D $_;}
                elsif($_ =~ s/^###s+//g){  print D $_;}
                close D;
               close C;
               print "-----------------------------
                $sql="INSERT INTO $table VALUES";
               open  (E,"<","$table.$SDATE.txt.tmp.3");
               while (<E>){
                 if ($_ =~ /.*?=(.*)/){push (@arr,$1) };
                 if ( @arr + 0 == @lstRlst1 + 0){
                 print "@arr is @arr
                 for (my $m=0;$m<@arr + 0 ;$m++)
                      if  ($m == 0 ){
                      $sql="$sql ($arr[$m]".",";
                      elsif ($m == @arr - 1){
                      $sql="$sql $arr[$m]".");"
                      else{$sql="$sql $arr[$m]".","};  
                      print "$sql is $sql
                      $sql="INSERT INTO $table VALUES";
               close E;
              if ($dml =~ /update/i){&undo_update}; 
              if ($dml =~ /delete/i){&undo_delete}; 

  • 相关阅读:
    Shell 传递参数
    Shell 概述、截取字符操作等
    Python Falling back to the 'python' engine because the 'c' engine does not support regex separators
    Python IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('r') 解决方法
    正则表达式 基础语法
    Hive 常用函数
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhaoyangjian724/p/6198923.html
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