input { stdin { add_field => { "@timestamp" => "2016-08-31T06:35:18.536Z" } codec=>"plain" tags =>["add"] type=>"std" } } output { stdout { codec=>rubydebug{} } } zjtest7-frontend:/usr/local/logstash-2.3.4/config# ../bin/logstash -f stdin.conf Settings: Default pipeline workers: 1 Pipeline main started Hello World A plugin had an unrecoverable error. Will restart this plugin. Plugin: <LogStash::Inputs::Stdin add_field=>{"@timestamp"=>"2016-08-31T06:35:18.536Z"}, codec=><LogStash::Codecs::Plain charset=>"UTF-8">, tags=>["add"], type=>"std"> Error: The field '@timestamp' must be a (LogStash::Timestamp, not a Array (["2016-08-31T07:58:54.464Z", "2016-08-31T06:35:18.536Z"]) {:level=>:error} /***修改后: zjtest7-frontend:/usr/local/logstash-2.3.4/config# cat stdin.conf input { stdin { add_field => { "@timestamp1" => "2016-08-31T06:35:18.536Z" } codec=>"plain" tags =>["add"] type=>"std" } } output { stdout { codec=>rubydebug{} } } zjtest7-frontend:/usr/local/logstash-2.3.4/config# ../bin/logstash -f stdin.conf Settings: Default pipeline workers: 1 Pipeline main started Hello World { "message" => "Hello World", "@version" => "1", "@timestamp" => "2016-08-31T08:01:09.018Z", "type" => "std", "@timestamp1" => "2016-08-31T06:35:18.536Z", "tags" => [ [0] "add" ], "host" => "" } 2.1.3 TCP输入: 未来你可能会用Redis 服务器或者其他的消息队列系统来作为Logstash Broker 的角色。 不过Logstash 其实也有自己的TCP/UDP 插件。 2.2 编解配置: 事实上,我们第一个"Hello World" 用例就已经使用Codec了 rubydebug 就是一种Codec 虽然它一般只会在stdout 插件中,作为配置测试或者调试的工具。 2.2.2 多行事件编码: Logstash 正为此准备好了codec/multiline插件!当然,multiline 插件也可以用于其他类似的堆栈信息,比如Linux的内核日志。 zjtest7-frontend:/usr/local/logstash-2.3.4/config# ../bin/logstash -f m.conf Settings: Default pipeline workers: 1 Pipeline main started [Aug/08/08 14:54:03] hello world [Aug/08/08 14:54:03] hello world { "@timestamp" => "2016-08-31T09:00:45.163Z", "message" => "[Aug/08/08 14:54:03] hello world", "@version" => "1", "host" => "" } he[Aug/08/08 14:54:03] hello logstash best practice hello scan [Aug/08/08 14:54:03] end { "@timestamp" => "2016-08-31T09:01:18.622Z", "message" => "[Aug/08/08 14:54:03] hello world he[Aug/08/08 14:54:03] hello logstash best practice hello scan", "@version" => "1", "tags" => [ [0] "multiline" ], "host" => "" } 其实这个插件的原理很简单,就是把当前行的数据添加到前面一行后面,直到新进的当前行匹配^[正则为止。 2.3.2 grok 正则捕获: 1、命名分组格式为(?<grp name>),反向引用时用k<grp name> 2、命名分组的匹配的结果存在在变量%+变量中,取命名分组值,$+{grp name}. zjtest7-frontend:/root/test# cat my $str="begin 123.456 end"; if ($str =~/s+(?<request_time>d+(?:.d+)?)s+/){my ($request_time) = ($+{request_time}); print "$request_time "}; zjtest7-frontend:/root/test# perl 123.456 2.4.1 输出插件 1.配置示例 output { elasticsearch { host=>"" protocol =>"http" index=>"logstash-%{type}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}" index_type =>"%type" workers =>5 template_overwrite =>true } }