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  • 比较有用的php代码片段

    一 从网页中提取关键词

    $meta = get_meta_tags('http://www.emoticode.net/');
    $keywords = $meta['keywords'];
    // Split keywords
    $keywords = explode(',', $keywords );
    // Trim them
    $keywords = array_map( 'trim', $keywords );
    // Remove empty values
    $keywords = array_filter( $keywords );
    print_r( $keywords );

    二 查找页面上的所有链接

    1. $html = file_get_contents('http://www.example.com');
    3. $dom = new DOMDocument();
    4. @$dom->loadHTML($html);
    6. // grab all the on the page
    7. $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
    8. $hrefs = $xpath->evaluate("/html/body//a");
    10. for ($i = 0; $i < $hrefs->length; $i++) {
    11. $href = $hrefs->item($i);
    12. $url = $href->getAttribute('href');
    13. echo $url.'<br />';
    14. }

    三 创建数据URI

    function data_uri($file, $mime) {
        echo "data:$mime;base64,$base64";

    四 下载和保存远程图片到你的服务器

    $image = file_get_contents('http://www.php100.com/image.jpg');
    file_put_contents('/images/image.jpg', $image);   //Where to save the image

    五 移除Microsoft Word HTML标签

     当你使用Microsoft Word时,会创建很多标签tag,比如font、span、style、class等,这些标签在Word中十分有用,但当你从Word中把文本粘贴到网页上,就会出现很多没用的标签。下面实用的函数可以帮助你清除所有的Word HTML标签。
    function cleanHTML($html) {
    /// Removes all FONT and SPAN tags, and all Class and Style attributes.
    /// Designed to get rid of non-standard Microsoft Word HTML tags.
    // start by completely removing all unwanted tags
    $html = ereg_replace("<(/)?(font|span|del|ins)[^>]*>","",$html);
    // then run another pass over the html (twice), removing unwanted attributes
    $html = ereg_replace("<([^>]*)(class|lang|style|size|face)=("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^>]+)([^>]*)>","<1>",$html);
    $html = ereg_replace("<([^>]*)(class|lang|style|size|face)=("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^>]+)([^>]*)>","<1>",$html);
    return $html

    六 检测浏览器语言

    function get_client_language($availableLanguages, $default='en'){
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
              foreach ($langs as $value){
                  if(in_array($choice, $availableLanguages)){
                        return $choice;
          return $default;

    七 保存请求信息到本地

    file_put_contents('/tmp/all.log','mapping'.date("m-d H:i:s")."

    八 excel相互转换日期

    function excelTime($date, $time = false) { if(function_exists('GregorianToJD')){ if (is_numeric( $date )) { $jd = GregorianToJD( 1, 1, 1970 ); $gregorian = JDToGregorian( $jd + intval ( $date ) - 25569 ); $date = explode( '/', $gregorian ); $date_str = str_pad( $date [2], 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ) ."-". str_pad( $date [0], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ) ."-". str_pad( $date [1], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ) . ($time ? " 00:00:00" : ''); return $date_str; } }else{ // $date=$date>25568? $date+1:25569; /*There was a bug if Converting date before 1-1-1970 (tstamp 0)*/ $ofs=(70 * 365 + 17+2) * 86400; $date = date("Y-m-d",($date * 86400) - $ofs).($time ? " 00:00:00" : ''); return $date; } }

    9 json与数据相互转换

    1 json转换成数组
    $json = '[{"id":"22","name":"33","descn":"44"}]'; //json格式的数组转换成 php的数组
    $arr = (Array)json_decode($json);
    echo $arr[0]->id; //用对象的方式访问(这种是没有转换成数组,而是转换成对象的情况
    2 数组转换成json
    $json_arr = array('WebName'=>'11','WebSite'=>'11');
    $php_json = json_encode($json_arr); //把php数组格式转换成 json 格式的数据
    echo $php_json;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhenghongxin/p/5267986.html
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