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  • Openstack Nova 控制服务 和 计算服务 (六)

    Openstack Nova 控制服务 和 计算服务 (六)

    引用: https://docs.openstack.org/ocata/zh_CN/install-guide-rdo/nova.html


    1 ) 在安装和配置 Compute 服务前,你必须创建数据库服务的凭据以及 API endpoints。
        mysql -u root -p
    2 ) Create the nova_api, nova, and nova_cell0 databases:
       MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE nova_api;
       MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE nova;
       MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE nova_cell0;
    3 )对数据库进行正确的授权:
       GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nova_api.* TO 'nova'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
       GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nova.* TO 'nova'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
       GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nova_cell0.* TO 'nova'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
    4)获得 admin 凭证来获取只有管理员能执行的命令的访问权限:
       source admin.sh
    5) 创建nova用户:
       openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt nova   # 我设置了123456
    [root@cont-1 ~]# openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt nova
    User Password:
    Repeat User Password:
    | Field               | Value                            |
    | domain_id           | 317ace63cb8f4562af682ca6c7bdf955 |
    | enabled             | True                             |
    | id                  | ebe9faf1e4964d7ab022780190c713be |
    | name                | nova                             |
    | options             | {}                               |
    | password_expires_at | None                             |
    6 ) 给 nova 用户添加 admin 角色:
    openstack role add --project service --user nova admin
    *** 此命令没有任何输出
    7 )  创建计算节点的 Compute API service endpoints:
    [root@cont-1 ~]# openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne compute public http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8774/v2.1
     RegionOne compute admin http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8774/v2.1
    | Field        | Value                                             |
    | enabled      | True                                              |
    | id           | 64d7113f699c414bb4ba419f24caf3c6                  |
    | interface    | public                                            |
    | region       | RegionOne                                         |
    | region_id    | RegionOne                                         |
    | service_id   | 7563ddce71f2419f9042b1cb4b737c00                  |
    | service_name | nova                                              |
    | service_type | compute                                           |
    | url          | http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8774/v2.1 |
    [root@cont-1 ~]# openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne compute internal http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8774/v2.1
    | Field        | Value                                             |
    | enabled      | True                                              |
    | id           | 09b6f2906f864125ae2c0c2721beeb4e                  |
    | interface    | internal                                          |
    | region       | RegionOne                                         |
    | region_id    | RegionOne                                         |
    | service_id   | 7563ddce71f2419f9042b1cb4b737c00                  |
    | service_name | nova                                              |
    | service_type | compute                                           |
    | url          | http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8774/v2.1 |
    [root@cont-1 ~]# openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne compute admin http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8774/v2.1
    | Field        | Value                                             |
    | enabled      | True                                              |
    | id           | f650c9a98b6a437994b6ba698b30213c                  |
    | interface    | admin                                             |
    | region       | RegionOne                                         |
    | region_id    | RegionOne                                         |
    | service_id   | 7563ddce71f2419f9042b1cb4b737c00                  |
    | service_name | nova                                              |
    | service_type | compute                                           |
    | url          | http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8774/v2.1 |
    openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt placement
    [root@cont-1 ~]# openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt placement
    User Password:
    Repeat User Password:
    | Field               | Value                            |
    | domain_id           | 317ace63cb8f4562af682ca6c7bdf955 |
    | enabled             | True                             |
    | id                  | e6e27d0f656d42c6afa07653c1e5707e |
    | name                | placement                        |
    | options             | {}                               |
    | password_expires_at | None                             |
    openstack role add --project service --user placement admin
    openstack service create --name placement --description "Placement API" placement
    [root@cont-1 ~]# openstack service create --name placement --description "Placement API" placement
    | Field       | Value                            |
    | description | Placement API                    |
    | enabled     | True                             |
    | id          | aba655abd8ef4ed699b675f7a9744718 |
    | name        | placement                        |
    | type        | placement                        |
    openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne placement public http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8778
    openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne placement internal http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8778
    openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne placement admin http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8778
    [root@cont-1 ~]# openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne placement public http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8778
    | Field        | Value                                        |
    | enabled      | True                                         |
    | id           | 14a2b9a8f27a40668e7efab09e422f94             |
    | interface    | public                                       |
    | region       | RegionOne                                    |
    | region_id    | RegionOne                                    |
    | service_id   | aba655abd8ef4ed699b675f7a9744718             |
    | service_name | placement                                    |
    | service_type | placement                                    |
    | url          | http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8778 |
    [root@cont-1 ~]# openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne placement internal http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8778
    | Field        | Value                                        |
    | enabled      | True                                         |
    | id           | 77700950759c4dd8a11c5471ce03b34d             |
    | interface    | internal                                     |
    | region       | RegionOne                                    |
    | region_id    | RegionOne                                    |
    | service_id   | aba655abd8ef4ed699b675f7a9744718             |
    | service_name | placement                                    |
    | service_type | placement                                    |
    | url          | http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8778 |
    [root@cont-1 ~]# openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne placement admin http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8778
    | Field        | Value                                        |
    | enabled      | True                                         |
    | id           | f231546406754b5797f24e44b588629b             |
    | interface    | admin                                        |
    | region       | RegionOne                                    |
    | region_id    | RegionOne                                    |
    | service_id   | aba655abd8ef4ed699b675f7a9744718             |
    | service_name | placement                                    |
    | service_type | placement                                    |
    | url          | http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8778 |
    ## 安装软件包:
    yum install openstack-nova-api openstack-nova-conductor openstack-nova-console openstack-nova-novncproxy 
      openstack-nova-scheduler openstack-nova-placement-api
    ## 编辑``/etc/nova/nova.conf``文件并完成下面的操作:
           # ...
           2630   enabled_apis = osapi_compute,metadata
          # ...
          3381  connection = mysql+pymysql://nova:123456@openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net/nova_api
           # ...
         4400  connection = mysql+pymysql://nova:123456@openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net/nova
          # ...
        3023  transport_url = rabbit://openstack:RABBIT_PASS@controller
        transport_url = rabbit://openstack:123456@openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net
        In the [api] and [keystone_authtoken] sections, configure Identity service access:
           # ... 
           auth_strategy = keystone
           # ...
        auth_uri = http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:5000
        auth_url = http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:35357
        memcached_servers = openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:11211
        auth_type = password
        project_domain_name = default
        user_domain_name = default
        project_name = service
        username = nova
        password = 123456
        在 ``[DEFAULT]``部分,启用网络服务支持(用来开启网络组策略):
            # ...
            use_neutron = True
            firewall_driver = nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver
        *** 注解:
        # ......
        transport_url = rabbit://openstack:openstack123@openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net
         enabled = true
         vncserver_listen =    # 可以写0.0.0.0  也可以写本机IP地址
         vncserver_proxyclient_address =
        api_servers = http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:9292
        # ...
        lock_path = /var/lib/nova/tmp
        os_region_name = RegionOne
        project_domain_name = Default
        project_name = service
        auth_type = password
        user_domain_name = Default
        auth_url = http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:35357/v3
        username = placement
        password = 123456
       ########################## 保存一下配置, 修复一下httpd的一个bug##################### 
       # Due to a packaging bug, you must enable access to the Placement API by adding the following configuration to   
        vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/00-nova-placement-api.conf
        <Directory /usr/bin>
           <IfVersion >= 2.4>
              Require all granted
           <IfVersion < 2.4>
              Order allow,deny
              Allow from all
       # Restart the httpd service:
         systemctl restart httpd   
       # 初始化 nova-api database:
       su -s /bin/sh -c "nova-manage api_db sync" nova
       # Register the cell0 database:
       su -s /bin/sh -c "nova-manage cell_v2 map_cell0" nova
       su -s /bin/sh -c "nova-manage cell_v2 create_cell --name=cell1 --verbose" nova
       [root@cont-1 ~]# su -s /bin/sh -c "nova-manage cell_v2 create_cell --name=cell1 --verbose" nova
       su -s /bin/sh -c "nova-manage db sync" nova
       # Verify nova cell0 and cell1 are registered correctly:
       [root@cont-1 ~]# nova-manage cell_v2 list_cells
        |  Name |                 UUID                 |
        | cell0 | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
        | cell1 | 5944c763-cc8f-42f8-98d4-e0d57da4ff72 |
        # 启动 Compute 服务并将其设置为随系统启动:
        systemctl enable openstack-nova-api.service openstack-nova-consoleauth.service openstack-nova-scheduler.service 
            openstack-nova-conductor.service openstack-nova-novncproxy.service
        systemctl start openstack-nova-api.service openstack-nova-consoleauth.service openstack-nova-scheduler.service 
            openstack-nova-conductor.service openstack-nova-novncproxy.service
        #  做个haproxy 转发控制端的 6080
        listen  openstack_nova_port_6080
         mode tcp
         log global
         server check inter 3000 fall 2 rise 5
        # 查看日志有无error错误:
         tail -f /var/log/nova/nova-*.log  
        # 查看rabbitmq 是否有数据连接进来:    |  guest | guest 
        *** 增加其他机器:
         1 安装软件
         2 拷配置到目标主机
         3 更改配置(绑定的IP 等等)
         4 启动服务
         注意:  不需要重新添加账号,初始化数据库,直接启动即可.
       ####################################  nova 控制端安装完成 ####################################

    nova 计算节点安装:

    # 安装软件包:
     yum install openstack-nova-compute
    # 编辑``/etc/nova/nova.conf``文件并完成下面的操作:
        # ...
        enabled_apis = osapi_compute,metadata
    # 在``[DEFAULT]``部分,配置``RabbitMQ``消息队列访问权限:
    transport_url = rabbit://openstack:openstack123@openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net
    # In the [api] and [keystone_authtoken] sections, configure Identity service access:
    # ...
    auth_strategy = keystone
    auth_uri = http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:5000
    auth_url = http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:35357
    memcached_servers = openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:11211
    auth_type = password
    project_domain_name = default
    user_domain_name = default
    project_name = service
    username = nova
    password = 123456
    # 启用网络服务支持:
    # ...
    use_neutron = True
    firewall_driver = nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver
    ** 缺省情况下,Compute 使用内置的防火墙服务。由于 Networking 包含了防火墙服务,所以你必须通过使用 nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver 来去除 Compute 内置的防火墙服务。
    # 在``[vnc]``部分,启用并配置远程控制台访问:
    enabled = True
    vncserver_listen =
    vncserver_proxyclient_address =   # 本地ip地址
    novncproxy_base_url = http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:6080/vnc_auto.html  #控制端的地址
    *** 如果你运行浏览器的主机无法解析``controller`` 主机名,你可以将 ``controller``替换为你控制节点管理网络的IP地址。
    # 在 [glance] 区域,配置镜像服务 API 的位置:
    # ...
    api_servers = http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:9292
    # 在 [oslo_concurrency] 部分,配置锁路径:
    # ...
    lock_path = /var/lib/nova/tmp
    # In the [placement] section, configure the Placement API:
    os_region_name = RegionOne
    project_domain_name = Default
    project_name = service
    auth_type = password
    user_domain_name = Default
    auth_url = http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:35357/v3
    username = placement
    password = 123456
    # 确定您的计算节点是否支持虚拟机的硬件加速。
    egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo
    如果这个命令返回了 one or greater 的值,那么你的计算节点支持硬件加速且不需要额外的配置。
    如果这个命令返回了 zero 值,那么你的计算节点不支持硬件加速。你必须配置 libvirt 来使用 QEMU 去代替 KVM
    # 在 /etc/nova/nova.conf 文件的 [libvirt] 区域做出如下的编辑:
    # ...
    virt_type = qemu
    # 多久发现新的节点:
    discover_hosts_in_cells_interval = 300
    # 启动计算服务及其依赖,并将其配置为随系统自动启动:
      systemctl enable libvirtd.service openstack-nova-compute.service
      systemctl start libvirtd.service openstack-nova-compute.service
    # 验证操作 控制节点操作如下 获得 admin 凭证来获取只有管理员能执行的命令的访问权限:
      source admin.sh
    # 列出服务组件,以验证是否成功启动并注册了每个进程:
    [root@cont-1 ~]# openstack compute service list
    | ID | Binary           | Host   | Zone     | Status  | State | Updated At                 |
    |  1 | nova-scheduler   | cont-1 | internal | enabled | up    | 2020-05-26T07:42:49.000000 |
    |  2 | nova-conductor   | cont-1 | internal | enabled | up    | 2020-05-26T07:42:47.000000 |
    |  4 | nova-consoleauth | cont-1 | internal | enabled | up    | 2020-05-26T07:42:50.000000 |
    |  7 | nova-compute     | node-1 | nova     | enabled | up    | 2020-05-26T07:42:51.000000 |
    |  8 | nova-compute     | node-2 | nova     | enabled | up    | 2020-05-26T07:42:51.000000 |
    *** 该输出应该显示三个服务组件在控制节点上启用,两个服务组件在计算节点上启用。
    # 列出身份认证服务中的 API 端点来验证身份认证服务的连通性:
    [root@cont-1 ~]# openstack catalog list
    | Name      | Type      | Endpoints                                                     |
    | keystone  | identity  | RegionOne                                                     |
    |           |           |   public: http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:5000/v3     |
    |           |           | RegionOne                                                     |
    |           |           |   admin: http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:35357/v3     |
    |           |           | RegionOne                                                     |
    |           |           |   internal: http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:5000/v3   |
    |           |           |                                                               |
    | nova      | compute   | RegionOne                                                     |
    |           |           |   internal: http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8774/v2.1 |
    |           |           | RegionOne                                                     |
    |           |           |   public: http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8774/v2.1   |
    |           |           | RegionOne                                                     |
    |           |           |   admin: http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8774/v2.1    |
    |           |           |                                                               |
    | placement | placement | RegionOne                                                     |
    |           |           |   public: http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8778        |
    |           |           | RegionOne                                                     |
    |           |           |   internal: http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8778      |
    |           |           | RegionOne                                                     |
    |           |           |   admin: http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:8778         |
    |           |           |                                                               |
    | glance    | image     | RegionOne                                                     |
    |           |           |   internal: http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:9292      |
    |           |           | RegionOne                                                     |
    |           |           |   admin: http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:9292         |
    |           |           | RegionOne                                                     |
    |           |           |   public: http://openstack-linux36-vip.magedu.net:9292        |
    |           |           |                                                               |
    # List images in the Image service to verify connectivity with the Image service:
    [root@cont-1 ~]# openstack image list
    | ID                                   | Name         | Status |
    | 1511da48-c7d3-4237-85fb-015a69d2134b | cirros-0.3.5 | active |
    # Check the cells and placement API are working successfully:
    [root@cont-1 ~]# nova-status upgrade check
    | Upgrade Check Results     |
    | Check: Cells v2           |
    | Result: Success           |
    | Details: None             |
    | Check: Placement API      |
    | Result: Success           |
    | Details: None             |
    | Check: Resource Providers |
    | Result: Success           |
    | Details: None             |
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhenxing06/p/13025326.html
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