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I'd recommend looking at NServiceBus. It is a powerful, open source service bus solution that uses a one-way messaging approach. It can be scaled from a small single machine installation to extremely large grid-based high throughput scenarios. It sits on top of MSMQ and MSDTC, but there is work being done to put it on Azure. Some key advantages:
NServiceBus is fairly popular in the .Net landscape. We are just starting to incorporate it, so I can't really offer any opinion on it yet. |
You can also use PServiceBus because it provides a simple api for communication between application with variety of transports(MSMQ, RabbitMQ, Redis, RavenDB, TCP, WebService, HTTP, Email, and custom adapter option) and transformation(xml, csv, json, text). It also provide a javascript api/rest for use in the browser. For more information and samples usage visit |
Somewhat late to the party but I would use Shuttle ESB ( Mostly because I wrote it :) It is a distributed ESB with a highly decoupled architecture. The core assemblies have no direct dependencies on third party assemblies although they may be incorparated by using some adapter interfaces. IQueue 'out-of-the-box' implementations include Msmq and Sql Server. Pub/Sub is there. Distributor is there. Includes a management console and health monitor. Message Forwarding is there. There is even CRON job scheduling. |
You should look into the Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit. I've used is successfully on several projects. There really is not a better powerhouse product for enterprise development out there (on the windows platform at least). |