- import os, sys
- print "I'm going to fork now - the child will write something to a pipe, and the parent will read it back"
- r, w = os.pipe() # r,w是文件描述符, 不是文件对象
- pid = os.fork()
- if pid:
- # 父进程
- os.close(w) # 关闭一个文件描述符
- r = os.fdopen(r) # 将r转化为文件对象
- print "parent: reading"
- txt = r.read()
- os.waitpid(pid, 0) # 确保子进程被撤销
- else:
- # 子进程
- os.close(r)
- w = os.fdopen(w, 'w')
- print "child: writing"
- w.write("here's some text from the child")
- w.close()
- print "child: closing"
- sys.exit(0)
- print "parent: got it; text =", txt
15 py2exe
def UsePlatform():
sysstr = platform.system()
if(sysstr =="Windows"):
print ("Call Windows tasks")
elif(sysstr == "Linux"):
print ("Call Linux tasks")
print ("Other System tasks")
- sourceDir = r"\"
- 10 targetDir = r"D:mmtimages"
- 11 copyFileCounts = 0
- 12
- 13 def copyFiles(sourceDir, targetDir):
- 14 global copyFileCounts
- 15 print sourceDir
- 16 print u"%s 当前处理文件夹%s已处理%s 个文件" %(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())), sourceDir,copyFileCounts)
- 17 for f in os.listdir(sourceDir):
- 18 sourceF = os.path.join(sourceDir, f)
- 19 targetF = os.path.join(targetDir, f)
- 20
- 21 if os.path.isfile(sourceF):
- 22 #创建目录
- 23 if not os.path.exists(targetDir):
- 24 os.makedirs(targetDir)
- 25 copyFileCounts += 1
- 26
- 27 #文件不存在,或者存在但是大小不同,覆盖
- 28 if not os.path.exists(targetF) or (os.path.exists(targetF) and (os.path.getsize(targetF) != os.path.getsize(sourceF))):
- 29 #2进制文件
- 30 open(targetF, "wb").write(open(sourceF, "rb").read())
- 31 print u"%s %s 复制完毕" %(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())), targetF)
- 32 else:
- 33 print u"%s %s 已存在,不重复复制" %(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())), targetF)
- 34
- 35 if os.path.isdir(sourceF):
- 36 copyFiles(sourceF, targetF)