sublime text 3配置过程
Package Control 安装方法
1.通过快捷键 ctrl+` 或者 View > Show Console 打开控制台,然后粘贴相应的 Python 安装代码;
2.Sublime Text 3 安装代码并回车:
import urllib.request,os; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); open(os.path.join(ipp, pf),'wb').write(urllib.request.urlopen( '' + pf.replace(' ','%20')).read())
3.重启Sublime Text 3;
4.如果在Perferences->package settings中看到package control这一项,则安装成功。
用Package Control安装插件的方法:
- 按下Ctrl+Shift+P调出命令面板
- 输入install 调出 Install Package 选项并回车,然后在列表中选中要安装的插件。如图:
Pylinter.sublime-settings 配置了pylinter 插件。我使用下面的配置让 Pyhton 在保存时自动规范,并对违反规范显示图标。
这里是和上一步一样,先安装Pylinter插件,然后出现了Pylinter could not automatically determined the path问题
// Configure pylint's behavior
"pylint_rc": "/Users/daniel/dev/pylintrc",
// Show different icons for errors, warnings, etc.
"use_icons": true,
// Automatically run Pylinter when saving a Python document
"run_on_save": true,
// Don't hide pylint messages when moving the cursor
"message_stay": true
SublimeCodeIntel 插件
1 "Python": { 2 "python":"D:/Python27/python.exe", 3 "pythonExtraPaths": 4 [ 5 "D:/Python27", 6 "D:/Python27/DLLs", 7 "D:/Python27/Lib", 8 "D:/Python27/Lib/lib-tk", 9 "D:/Python27/Lib/site-packages" 10 ] 11 }
Python PEP8 Autoformat 插件
这是用来按PEP8自动格式化代码的。可以在包管理器中安装。快捷键 CTRL+SHIFT+R 自动格式化python代码
1 { 2 "auto_complete": false, 3 "caret_style": "solid", 4 "ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true, 5 "find_selected_text": true, 6 "font_size": 11.0, 7 "highlight_modified_tabs": true, 8 "line_padding_bottom": 0, 9 "line_padding_top": 0, 10 "scroll_past_end": false, 11 "show_minimap": false, 12 "tab_size": 4, 13 "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true, 14 "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true, 15 "wide_caret": true, 16 "word_wrap": true, 17 }