git clone https://github.com/openstack/octavia.git
cd octavia/diskimage-create/
./diskimage-create.sh -i centos -t qcow2 -o amphora-x64-haproxy -r 1234qwer -s 4
diskimage-create.sh [-a i386 | amd64 | armhf ] [-b haproxy ] [-c ~/.cache/image-create | <cache directory> ] [-h] [-i ubuntu | fedora | centos ] [-o amphora-x64-haproxy | <filename> ] [-r <root password> ] [-s 5 | <size in GB> ] [-t qcow2 | tar ] [-w <working directory> ] ‘-a’ is the architecture type for the image (default: amd64) #指定镜像架构,默认是amd64 ‘-b’ is the backend type (default: haproxy) #指定backend类型,默认是haproxy ‘-c’ is the path to the cache directory (default: ~/.cache/image-create) ‘-h’ display help message ‘-i’ is the base OS (default: ubuntu) #指定系统,默认是Ubuntu ‘-o’ is the output image file name #指定镜像名称 ‘-r’ enable the root account in the generated image (default: disabled) #启用root账号并指定密码 ‘-s’ is the image size to produce in gigabytes (default: 5) #指定镜像大小 ‘-t’ is the image type (default: qcow2) #指定镜像类型 ‘-w’ working directory for image building (default: .)