今天下午在看死锁相关的文档,到线上查看一生产数据库的时候,正好发现了show engine innodb status有一个死锁的信息:
LATEST DETECTED DEADLOCK ------------------------ 120626 20:00:30 *** (1) TRANSACTION: TRANSACTION 3 3052385643, ACTIVE 0 sec, process no 3898, OS thread id 1356507456 inserting mysql TABLES IN USE 1, locked 1 LOCK WAIT 16 LOCK struct(s), heap SIZE 3024, undo log entries 56 MySQL thread id 32282264, query id 9170497209 product_db UPDATE INSERT INTO occur_dead_lock_table(xx_id1,xx_id2,xx_cloumn1,STATUS,quantity,xxx_id3,price,gmt_create,gmt_modified) VALUES(19273026495,10378,0x313632373230373A36303039323B32303530333A33323637393435,1,1902,723417070,5600,now(),now()) *** (1) WAITING FOR THIS LOCK TO BE GRANTED: RECORD LOCKS SPACE id 879 page no 241 n bits 808 INDEX `ind_occur_dead_lock_table` OF TABLE `product_db/occur_dead_lock_table` trx id 3 3052385643 lock_m ode X locks gap BEFORE rec INSERT intention waiting Record LOCK, heap no 291 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 2; compact format; info bits 32 0: len 8; hex 800000000000288b; ASC ( ;; 1: len 8; hex 80000000000c400d; ASC @ ;; *** (2) TRANSACTION: TRANSACTION 3 3052385652, ACTIVE 0 sec, process no 3898, OS thread id 1663498560 setting auto-inc LOCK mysql TABLES IN USE 1, locked 1 15 LOCK struct(s), heap SIZE 3024, undo log entries 43 MySQL thread id 32231290, query id 9170497216 product_db UPDATE INSERT INTO occur_dead_lock_table(xx_id1,xx_id2,xx_cloumn1,STATUS,quantity,xxx_id3,price,gmt_create,gmt_modified) VALUES(19400057961,10379,0x313632373230373A333233323438333B32303530333A3235303333333336,1,19713,723417070,5600,now(),now()) *** (2) HOLDS THE LOCK(S): RECORD LOCKS SPACE id 879 page no 241 n bits 808 INDEX `ind_occur_dead_lock_table` OF TABLE `product_db/occur_dead_lock_table` trx id 3 3052385652 lock_m ode X Record LOCK, heap no 251 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 2; compact format; info bits 32 0: len 8; hex 800000000000288b; ASC ( ;; 1: len 8; hex 80000000000c4028; ASC @(;; ......省略部分内容。。。。。 *** (2) WAITING FOR THIS LOCK TO BE GRANTED: TABLE LOCK TABLE `product_db/occur_dead_lock_table` trx id 3 3052385652 LOCK mode AUTO-INC waiting *** WE ROLL BACK TRANSACTION (2)
我们首先来分析一下LATEST DETECTED DEADLOCK的信息中,出现死锁的表为occur_dead_lock_table,数据库版本:
$mysql -V mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.81, for unknown-linux-gnu (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper
CREATE TABLE occur_dead_lock_table ( id BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增主键', xx_id1 BIGINT(20) NOT NULL, xx_id2 BIGINT(20) NOT NULL, xx_cloumn1 VARCHAR(512) NOT, STATUS tinyint(4) NOT NULL , quantity INT(11) NOT NULL , xxx_id3 BIGINT(20) NOT NULL , price BIGINT(20) NOT NULL , gmt_create datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '记录创建时间', gmt_modified datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '记录最后修改时间', PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY ind_occur_dead_lock_table (xx_id2) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=842353 DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk ;
死锁出现的场景: (一).通常发出死锁的时候,两个事务通常都会形成一个‘圈’的逻辑,事务1持有事务2所需要的锁,同时事务2又持有事务1所需要的锁,这样就造成了死锁,这是非常常见的一种死锁;
从show innodb status中dead lock的信息来看:
(1).transaction1显示了正在向occur_dead_lock_table中插入一行数据,它正在等待获得表上的索引ind_occur_dead_lock_table的一个x锁(lock_mode X locks gap before rec insert intention waiting); (2).transaction2的信息包括两部分:已经持有的锁和正在等待的锁;已持有的锁为一个向occur_dead_lock_table表中插入记录的时候,在其索引上获得的X锁;正在等待的锁为在表occur_dead_lock_table上的一个AUTO-INC锁;
a.在5.0(5.1.22以下),auto_increment的实现机制为在innodb存储引擎的内存结构中维护一个自增长计数器,该计数器的值由: Select max(auto_inc_col) from t for update得到,插入操作首先从这个计数器中得到值,然后赋予自增长列(auto_inc locking),可以看到这个锁本质上是一种表锁,那么其缺点就是必须等待前一个插入完成后,这样在大并发下,其插入性能的并发性不然较差; b.在5.1(5.1.22以上)中增加了另外一种实现机制,在innodb引擎中提供了一种轻量级互斥量(mutex)的自动增长机制,对于普通的insert 操作,innodb用一个mutex去对内存中的计数器进行累加,去掉了对原表的表锁机制,无疑会对部分插入提高较大的性能,该机制在5.1(5.1.22以上)中为自增长值实现的默认方式;
从上面可以看到,在mysql 5.0(5.1.22以下)中自增的id的实现采用的是table lock的方式,这样无疑是加大了死锁出现的概率,该bug已经在5.1.22中修复,新加入了参数就innodb_autoinc_lock_mode(默认为innodb_autoinc_lock_mode = 1 ):
There is a new innodb_autoinc_lock_mode system variable to configure the locking behavior thatInnoDB uses for generating auto-increment values. The default behavior now is slightly different from before,which involves a minor incompatibility for multiple-row inserts that specify anexplicit value for the auto-increment column in some but not all rows.
同时在大并发插入的情况,还会抛出dead lock的(TOO DEEP OR LONG SEARCH IN THE LOCK TABLE WAITS-FOR GRAPH—场景2),该bug已经修复:
“SHOW INNODB STATUS deadlock info incorrect when deadlock detection aborts”. Print the correctlock owner when recursive function lock_deadlock_recursive() exceeds its maximum depth LOCK_MAX_DEPTH_IN_DEADLOCK_CHECK.