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  • Opengl绘制我们的小屋(一)球体,立方体绘制



     1     type T2N3V3 =
     2         struct
     3             val mutable TexCoord : Vector2
     4             val mutable Normal : Vector3
     5             val mutable Position : Vector3
     6             new(v,n,p) = {TexCoord = v;Normal = n;Position = p}
     7         end
     8     [<AbstractClass>]
     9     type Shape() =
    10         let mutable bCreate = false
    11         let mutable vi = 0
    12         let mutable ei = 0
    13         let mutable count = 0
    14         member this.vboID with get() = vi and set value = vi <- value
    15         member this.eboID with get() = ei and set value = ei <- value
    16         member this.TriangelCount with get() = count and set value = count <- value
    17         member this.IsCreate with get() = bCreate and set value = bCreate <- value
    18         abstract Draw : unit -> unit
    19         abstract Init : unit -> unit
    20         member this.InitQ : unit -> unit =fun () -> ()
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     1     type Sphere(radius:float32,level:int) =
     2         inherit Shape()
     3         let mutable rad,lev = radius,level
     4         let RightLevel = 
     5             if lev < 0 then lev <- 0
     6             elif lev > 6 then lev <-6
     7         override this.Draw() =  
     8             if this.IsCreate<>true then this.Init()
     9             GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer,this.vboID)
    10             GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer,this.eboID)
    11             GL.InterleavedArrays(InterleavedArrayFormat.T2fN3fV3f,0,IntPtr.Zero)
    12             GL.DrawElements(BeginMode.Triangles,this.TriangelCount,DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt,IntPtr.Zero)
    13         override this.Init() =
    14             let alls = Array.create 6 (new T2N3V3())
    15             alls.[0] <- new T2N3V3(new Vector2( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Vector3.UnitX, Vector3.UnitX * rad )
    16             alls.[1] <- new T2N3V3(new Vector2( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Vector3.UnitY, Vector3.UnitY * rad )
    17             alls.[2] <- new T2N3V3(new Vector2( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Vector3.UnitZ, Vector3.UnitZ * rad )
    18             alls.[3] <- new T2N3V3(new Vector2( 0.0f, 0.0f ), -Vector3.UnitX, -Vector3.UnitX * rad )
    19             alls.[4] <- new T2N3V3(new Vector2( 0.0f, 0.0f ), -Vector3.UnitY, -Vector3.UnitY * rad )
    20             alls.[5] <- new T2N3V3(new Vector2( 0.0f, 0.0f ), -Vector3.UnitZ, -Vector3.UnitZ * rad )
    21             let is = [| 
    22                             1;2;0
    23                             0;2;4
    24                             0;4;5
    25                             5;1;0
    26                             1;3;2
    27                             4;2;3
    28                             4;3;5
    29                             1;5;3
    30                         |]
    31             let (vvv:T2N3V3 []),(iv: int[]) = this.Sub (alls,is)
    32             let mutable vID,eID = 0,0
    33             //let mutable tv,vv,pv = vvv |> Array.map (fun v -> v.TexCoord,v.Normal,v.Position) |> Array.unzip3            
    34             GL.GenBuffers(1,&vID) 
    35             GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer,vID)
    36             GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer,IntPtr (4 * 8 * vvv.Length),vvv,BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw)
    38             GL.GenBuffers(1,&eID)
    39             GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer,eID)
    40             GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer,IntPtr (4 * iv.Length),iv,BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw)
    42             this.vboID <- vID
    43             this.eboID <- eID
    44             this.TriangelCount <- iv.Length 
    45             this.IsCreate <- true
    46             ()
    47          member v.GetMidValue (first:T2N3V3,second:T2N3V3) =
    48             let midN = Vector3.Lerp(first.Position,second.Position,0.5f) |> Vector3.Normalize
    49             let midP = midN *(float32 rad)
    50             let midT = Vector2.Lerp(first.TexCoord,second.TexCoord,0.5f) |> Vector2.Normalize
    51             let result = new T2N3V3(midT,midN,midP)
    52             result
    53         member v.Subdivide (v1:T2N3V3,v2:T2N3V3,v3:T2N3V3) =
    54             let vs = Array.create 6 (new T2N3V3())
    55             vs.[0] <- v1
    56             vs.[1] <- v.GetMidValue(v1,v2)
    57             vs.[2] <- v.GetMidValue(v3,v1)
    58             vs.[3] <- v2
    59             vs.[4] <- v.GetMidValue(v2,v3)
    60             vs.[5] <- v3
    61             let is = Array.create 12 0
    62             is.[0] <- 0
    63             is.[1] <- 1
    64             is.[2] <- 2
    65             is.[3] <- 2
    66             is.[4] <- 1
    67             is.[5] <- 4
    68             is.[6] <- 4
    69             is.[7] <- 1
    70             is.[8] <- 3
    71             is.[9] <- 2
    72             is.[10] <-4
    73             is.[11] <- 5
    74             (vs,is)
    75         member this.Sub(alls:T2N3V3 [],is:int []) =
    76             //let mutable tv,vv,pv = alls |> Array.map (fun v -> v.TexCoord,v.Normal,v.Position) |> Array.unzip3
    77             let mutable allv = alls
    78             let mutable iv = is
    79             let show array = printfn "%A" array
    80             for j in 0 .. lev do
    81                 let mutable av = Array.create 0 (new T2N3V3())
    82                 let mutable ev = Array.create 0 0
    83                 printfn "%i" allv.Length
    84                 printfn "%i" iv.Length
    85                 for i in 0 .. 3 .. iv.Length - 1 do
    86                     let (vvv,iiv) = this.Subdivide(allv.[iv.[i]],allv.[iv.[i+1]],allv.[iv.[i+2]])
    87                     let length = av.Length
    88                     av <- Array.append av vvv
    89                     let map = iiv |> Array.map (fun p -> p + length)
    90                     ev <- Array.append ev map
    91                 allv <- av
    92                 iv <- ev 
    93                 allv |> Array.map (fun p -> p.Position) |> show
    94                 show iv
    95             allv,iv
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    GL.InterleavedArrays(InterleavedArrayFormat.T2fN3fV3f,0,IntPtr.Zero)其中的T2fN3fV3f对应于我们的数据结构T2N3V3,这个函数分别相当于指定GL.TexCoordPointer,GL.NormalPointer,GL.VertexPointer(还会打开相应状态),会自动给我们处理好,我们也可以只指定顶点,如下GL.VertexPointer(3,VertexPointerType.Float,4*8,IntPtr (4*8-4*5)),这些数据之间的间隔对应与我们前面写入的GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer,IntPtr (4 * 8 * vvv.Length),vvv,BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw)其中vvv是T2N3V3的结构.



     1     type Cube(float32,height:float32,length:float32,index:int) =
     2         inherit Shape()
     3         let mutable id = index
     4         let xl,yl,zl =width/2.f,height/2.f,length/2.f
     5         let mutable color = Color.White
     6         let v8 = [|
     7                         new Vector3(xl,yl,zl)
     8                         new Vector3(-xl,yl,zl)
     9                         new Vector3(-xl,-yl,zl)
    10                         new Vector3(xl,-yl,zl)
    11                         new Vector3(xl,yl,-zl)
    12                         new Vector3(-xl,yl,-zl)
    13                         new Vector3(-xl,-yl,-zl)
    14                         new Vector3(xl,-yl,-zl)
    15                     |]
    16         new(x,y,z) =
    17             let rnd = System.Random().Next()
    18             printfn "%i" rnd
    19             Cube(x,y,z,-1)
    20         override this.Draw() = 
    21             if this.IsCreate<>true then this.Init()
    22             GL.EnableClientState(ArrayCap.VertexArray)
    23             GL.EnableClientState(ArrayCap.NormalArray)
    24             GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer,this.vboID)
    25             GL.VertexPointer(3,VertexPointerType.Float,0,IntPtr.Zero)
    26             GL.PushMatrix()
    27             if id >= 0 && id < 8 then
    28                 GL.Translate(v8.[id])
    29             GL.Color3(this.Color:Color)
    30             GL.Normal3(Vector3.UnitZ)
    31             GL.DrawElements(BeginMode.Triangles,6,DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt,[|0;1;2;0;2;3|])
    32             //GL.Color3(Color.Black)
    33             GL.Normal3(Vector3.UnitY)
    34             GL.DrawElements(BeginMode.Triangles,6,DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt,[|4;5;1;4;1;0|])
    35             //GL.Color3(Color.Red)
    36             GL.Normal3(Vector3.UnitX)
    37             GL.DrawElements(BeginMode.Triangles,6,DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt,[|4;0;3;4;3;7|])
    38             //GL.Color3(Color.Green)
    39             GL.Normal3(-Vector3.UnitY)
    40             GL.DrawElements(BeginMode.Triangles,6,DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt,[|3;2;6;3;6;7|])
    41             //GL.Color3(Color.Blue)
    42             GL.Normal3(-Vector3.UnitX)
    43             GL.DrawElements(BeginMode.Triangles,6,DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt,[|1;5;6;1;6;2|])
    44             //GL.Color3(Color.DodgerBlue)
    45             GL.Normal3(-Vector3.UnitZ)
    46             GL.DrawElements(BeginMode.Triangles,6,DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt,[|5;4;7;5;7;6|])
    47             GL.PopMatrix()
    48         override this.Init() =
    49             let mutable vID = 0
    50             GL.GenBuffers(1,&vID) 
    51             GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer,vID)
    52             GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer,IntPtr (4 * 3 * v8.Length),v8,BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw)
    53             this.vboID <- vID
    54             this.IsCreate <- true    
    55             let rnd = System.Random(this.GetHashCode())
    56             this.Color <- Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next(0,255),rnd.Next(0,255),rnd.Next(0,255))
    57             ()
    58         member this.Index with get() = id and set value = id <-value
    59         member this.Color with get() = color and set value = color <- value
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhouxin/p/3417563.html
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