b=0 num=23 succ=False maxTryTime=3 while b<maxTryTime : a=int( input('Wrtie a Number(10-30),you have '+str(maxTryTime-b)+' times :')) if a==num: print 'you got it' succ=True break elif a< num: print 'No,it is a bigger num' else: print 'No,it is a smaller num' b=b+1 if not succ : print 'you failed' else: print 'you got it by '+str(b+1)+' times' input()
b=0 num=23 succ=False maxTryTime=3 while b<maxTryTime : str1=raw_input('Wrtie a Number(10-30),you have '+str(maxTryTime-b)+' times :') if not str1.isdigit(): print str1+' is not a num !!please write a num' else: a=int(str1) if a==num: print 'you got it' succ=True break elif a< num: print 'No,it is a bigger num' else: print 'No,it is a smaller num' b=b+1 if not succ : print 'you failed' else: print 'you got it by '+str(b+1)+' times' input()
这里再记一下raw_input 与 input 的区别
raw_input() 直接读取控制台的输入(任何类型的输入它都可以接收)。而对于 input() ,它希望能够读取一个合法的 python 表达式,即你输入字符串的时候必须使用引号将它括起来