1. 文件读写
1.1 读取文件
1 # read(): Read all context from file 2 fp = open('./data.txt') 3 context = fp.read() 4 fp.close()
1.2 read(), readline(), readlines()
read() ,从打开的文件对象中一次性读取所有内容,并返回字符串
1 # read(): Read all context from file 2 fp = open('./data.txt') 3 context = fp.read() 4 fp.close() 5 6 # readline(): Read one line at a time from file 7 fp = open('./data.txt') 8 context = fp.readline() 9 fp.close() 10 11 # readlines(): Read all lines from file and storte in list 12 fp = open('./data.txt') 13 context = fp.readlines() 14 fp.close()
1.3 写入文件
write() 将字符串内容写入文件
writelines() 将列表写入文件,列表中的所有元素自动合并
1 # write(): The file writen is string 2 fp = open('./wf.txt','w') 3 fp.write('w, Hello world') 4 fp.close() 5 6 # writelines(): The file writen is list 7 fp = open('./wf.txt','w') 8 fp.writelines(['writelines','hello','world']) 9 fp.close()
1.4 关闭打开的文件句柄
计算机程序中,打开的一个文件占用一个文件句柄,每个进程所拥有的文件句柄数是有限的,并且文件句柄占用计算机资源。所以当我们处理完文件后,需及时关闭文件,在Python中,使用 close() 方法关闭打开的文件,通常使用 try..finally 或者 with..as 语句块来及时关闭处理完的文件对象。
1 # Use finally sure file is closed 2 try: 3 fp = open('./data.txt') 4 context = fp.read() 5 finally: 6 fp.close()
1 # Use with sure file is closed 2 with open('./data.txt') as fp: 3 context = fp.read()
1.5 文件读写练习
1.5.1 将文件中的所有单词首字母修改为大写
1 def file_initial_upper(input_file, output_file): 2 '''Change all words to uppercase 3 input_file: string, input file path. 4 output_file: string, output file path. 5 ''' 6 with open(input_file, 'r') as fpi, open(output_file, 'a') as fpo: 7 for line in fpi: 8 upper_list = [] 9 for word in line.split(): 10 upper_list.append(word.capitalize()) 11 12 upper_str = ' '.join(upper_list) + '\n' 13 fpo.write(upper_str) 14 15 16 if __name__ == '__main__': 17 in_file = './in.txt' 18 out_file = './out.txt' 19 file_initial_upper(in_file,out_file)
2. 文件路径
os 模块是Python提供的处理文件路径和目录的函数
2.1 文件路径相关函数
2.1.1 os.getcwd(), 当前工作目录
>>> import os
>>> os.getcwd()
2.1.2 os.path.abspath(), 返回指定路径的绝对路径
>>> import os >>> dirname = './' >>> os.path.abspath(dirname) '/root/python'
2.1.3 os.listdir(), 列出指定路径下的所有文件
>>> os.listdir('/home/apache') ['.bash_logout', '.bash_profile', '.bashrc', '.viminfo', '.bash_history']
2.1.4 os.path.dirname(), 返回路径名
>>> os.path.dirname('/root/python') '/root'
2.1.5 os.path.basename(),返回基名
>>> os.path.basename('/root/python') 'python'
2.1.6 os.path.exists(), 判断文件是否存在
>>> os.path.exists('/root/python') True
2.1.7 os.path.isfile(), 判断是否是普通文件
>>> os.path.isfile('/root/.vimrc') True
2.1.8 os.path.isdir(),判断是否是目录
>>> os.path.isdir('/root/') True
2.1.9 os.path.expanduser(), 展开缩写的文件路径
>>> os.path.expanduser('~') '/root'
2.1.10 os.path.isabs(),判断给定的路径是否为绝对路径
>>> os.path.isabs('/root') True
2.1.11 os.path.join(),连接多个路径
>>> os.path.join('/home','zhubiao','python') '/home/zhubiao/python'
2.2 文件路径练习
2.2.1 给一个目录,打印出该目录及其子目录下的所有文件的绝对路径
1 #!/usr/bin/python3 2 import os 3 4 def walk(dirname): 5 '''Print file name of the directory and subdirectory 6 dirname: string 7 ''' 8 if not os.path.exists(dirname): 9 print(dirname,'is not exists') 10 return 11 12 if os.path.isfile(dirname): 13 print(dirname) 14 return 15 16 for name in os.listdir(dirname): 17 path = os.path.join(dirname,name) 18 if os.path.isdir(path): 19 walk(path) 20 else: 21 print(path) 22 23 24 if __name__ == '__main__': 25 dirname = input('Please input a directory name: ') 26 walk(dirname)