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  • installshield12 命令行模式编译工程的几点问题总结



    命令行模式编译生成安装包,可以省去打开installshield IDE的麻烦(打开很慢啊~),尤其是在工程量多,修改文件少的,升级的情况。


    Using ISCmdBld.exe to Build a Release from the Command Line 使用ISCmdBld.exe在命令行中编译一个release。



    -a <product configuration>
    This parameter specifies the product configuration for the release. If it does not exist, it is created. Although this parameter is not required, you should include it if you are including the parameter for the release name.

    这个参数标识编译的productconfiguration,对应IDE中Release view中的product configuration

    -b <build location>
    The fully qualified path to the folder where you want the output folders and files to be placed. UNC paths are acceptable. The built installation's files will be located in the Disk Images\Disk1 subfolder of the location that you specify.

    This parameter is optional. If it is left unspecified, the build will place the build package and files in the directory specified in the File Locations tab of the Options dialog box.

    Enclose long file names in quotation marks.


    -c <release configuration>
    This parameter is specific to Windows Installer projects. It allows you to specify whether your release is compressed into one file or remains uncompressed in multiple files. The valid arguments for this parameter are COMP and UNCOMP. To specify that your release be compressed into one file, use the COMP argument. If you do not want your release compressed, use the UNCOMP argument.

    This parameter is not applicable in InstallScript projects and is ignored. For Basic MSI and InstallScript MSI projects, the parameter is optional.

    If the parameter is omitted for a release that already exists, the configuration is based on what was specified in the InstallShield interface. If the parameter is omitted for a new release, the files remain uncompressed.


    Use this parameter to provide a preprocessor define as if it has been specified in the Product Configuration "Preprocessor Defines" property. This parameter can be specified multiple times, one per preprocessor define. For example:

    ISCmdBld.exe -D VARIABLENAME=Value

    这个参数标识一个预编辑指令,等同于release view中productconfiguration中的"Preprocessor Defines"属性,在这里设置了一个预编译的常量,在工程的脚本中就可以使用#if #endif语句来判断这个预编辑指令,进行相应的判断了。

    -e <y/n>
    For Windows Installer–based projects, this parameter specifies whether you want to create a Setup.exe along with your installation. Specify -e y to build Setup.exe or -e n to just create an installation.

    这个参数在基于Windows Installer的工程中,来标识,是否生成一个exe,还是仅仅生成一个安装信息。

    For merge module projects, the meaning of -e is different from Windows Installer–based projects. Specifying -e n will cause the merge module to be built and then copied to the merge modules folder. Specifying -e y will cause the merge module to only be built but not copied to the merge modules folder.

    -f <release flags>
    Use this parameter to specify any release flags that you would like to include in your release. Separate multiple flags with commas.

    这个参数等同于release view中productconfiguration中release中的“release flags”参数,这个和feature中的“release flags”联合使用,可以有选择的编译有相同release flag的feature,以达到编译不同版本的目的,而无需再建立以外一个工程了。

    -i <.ini file path>
    Instead of passing all of your parameters on the command line, you can include them all in an initialization (.ini) file and call that file from the command line. For more information, see Passing Command-Line Parameters in an .ini File.

    Absolute and relative paths are acceptable.

    Enclose long file names in quotation marks.

    Use this parameter to override a Path Variable as if it had been specified in the Test Value column of the Path Variables view. This parameter can be specified multiple times, one per path variable override. For example:

    ISCmdBld.exe -L VariableName="C:\Path"

    -m <.cub file name>
    Allows you to validate the built .msi package.

    Specify this parameter if you do not want Setup.rul compiled as part of the build process.

    Note: If you are building from the command line and specifying an .ini file with the build settings, you can specify the following in the [Project] section of the .ini file, instead of adding the -n command line build flag:



    Like the command-line build flag, this ensures that Setup.rul is not compiled as part of the build process.

    -p <project location>
    Pass the path to the project (.ism) file. This path can be fully qualified, relative, or just the file name. If only the project file name is passed, the file is retrieved relative to the current working directory. For example:

    ISCmdBld.exe -p "C:\My InstallShield 12 Projects\MyProject1\MyProject1.ism"

    UNC paths are also acceptable. This is the only required parameter.

    Enclose long file names in quotation marks.


    Builds only the Windows Installer tables for your release. If you have not built this installation already, a new .msi file is created, but no files are added to your installation. If you have built your installation already, the .msi file is updated when all the tables are built, but, again no files are transferred. Ideally, this option is to be used to test the user interface of your installation.

    Builds the Windows Installer tables and refreshes files. This option rebuilds your .msi file and updates the Files table, including any new or changed files in your installation. Changed files are updated only if the size or time stamp differs from the copy already included in the build. References to deleted files are removed from the installation, but the file remains in the build location. This type of build can be run only after a complete build has been performed, and it works only when the media is an uncompressed network image.

    Compiles only Setup.rul and streams Setup.inx into the Binary table of the .msi package, if one was previously built.

    This parameter does not upgrade the project. If your project was created with InstallShield Developer 8 or earlier, you should upgrade it to the latest version of InstallShield before using -q3. For example, use -u to upgrade.

    -r <release name>
    The release name as specified in the Release Wizard. You can use an existing release name or create a new one. Although this parameter is not required, you should include it if you are including the flag for product configurations.

    这个参数标识product configuration中的release的版本,release1,release2等

    This parameter allows you to build your release in silent mode. Silent builds are useful if you want to run the build without displaying any errors or warning messages.

    This parameter is optional.


    This parameter allows you to upgrade—but not build—your release. You can use this parameter to upgrade an installation project that you created using InstallShield—Windows Installer Edition version 2.03 or earlier.

    This parameter treats warnings that occur during the build process as errors. Each warning increments the error count by one.


    If you want the build to stop when it encounters an error, use the -x parameter. If you want the build to stop when it encounters a warning, use this parameter in conjunction with the -w parameter.



    echo this is a test install shield command line file
    set BUILD="D:\Program Files\Macrovision\IS12\System\IsCmdBld.exe"
    Set PACKAGE1=-p "G:\Vault_IAGeA\PackingProject\Application\CANopen\Windows\WindowsCANopen32\WindowsCANopen32.ism"
    Set LOCATION=-b "G:\IS12\release"
    %BUILD% %PACKAGE1% %LOCATION% -c COMP -a "canopen1" -r "canopen"
    %BUILD% %PACKAGE1% %LOCATION% -c COMP -a "Build2" -r "Release1"
    %BUILD% %PACKAGE1% %LOCATION% -a "Build2" -s


    3.还有在每次安装包的升级时,除了替换安装的文件以外,就需要修改安装包的版本,版本会体现在安装包的名字、安装界面、安装包的属性……中,安装包的名字可以在编译好很容易rename,但是安装界面和安装包属性中的版本信息,都是在IDE中的属性栏中设置的,即为IFX_PRODUCT_VERSION,听说2010可以直接通过ISCmdBld.exe的参数-y直接修改,但是12就没有这个参数,所以,使用了另一种方法,Changing Project Properties from the Command Line ,通过命令行的方式修改工程属性,主要通道的automation interface 的ISWiProject Object ,这个对象的有很多属性、方法、collection(这个不知道是什么)可以修改很多东西,其中就包括:


    Read-Write Property
    Gets or sets the product name.


    Read-Write Property
    Contains the version number of the project as a string.



    Set oProject = CreateObject("IswiAuto12.ISWiProject")

    oProject.OpenProject "G:\Vault_IAGeA\PackingProject\Application\CANopen\Windows\WindowsCANopen32\WindowsCANopen32.ism"

    ' perform queries and changes here

    oProject.ProductVersion = "111.11.111"
    oProject.ProductName = "adv window can"

    oProject.SaveProject ' necessary only if modifying the project




    DIM objShell
    set objShell=wscript.createObject("wscript.shell")
    iReturn=objShell.Run("cmd.exe /C""G:\IS12\testis.bat", 1, TRUE)



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhulinyixuan/p/2184176.html
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