public LTreeNew() { // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer. ApplyNewUI.SetNewUI(this, InitializeComponent); // TODO: Add any initialization after the InitForm call //自已绘制 this.tree.DrawMode = TreeViewDrawMode.OwnerDrawAll; this.tree.DrawNode += new DrawTreeNodeEventHandler(tree1_DrawNode); } //在绘制节点事件中,按自已想的绘制 private void tree1_DrawNode(object sender, DrawTreeNodeEventArgs e) { TreeViewZJStyle.SetTreeNodeDraw(sender, e, imageCollectionTree, this.Width, 0, 0, 1); }
/// <summary> /// 调整TreeView 样式 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <param name="imageList1">节点图片组件</param> /// <param name="Width">总宽度</param> /// <param name="ExpandImageIndex">展开图</param> /// <param name="CollapseImageIndex">收缩图</param> /// <param name="LeafImageIndex">叶子图</param> public static void SetTreeNodeDraw(object sender, DrawTreeNodeEventArgs e, ImageCollection imageList1, int Width, int ExpandImageIndex, int CollapseImageIndex, int LeafImageIndex) { TreeNode tn = e.Node as TreeNode; if (tn == null) { return; } Point ptbigimage = new Point(tn.Bounds.X - 5, tn.Bounds.Y + 5); Point ptsmallimage = new Point(tn.Bounds.X-5, tn.Bounds.Y + 5); Size szbig = new Size(16, 16);//打开收缩图片 Size szsmall = new Size(16, 16);//叶子图片 //Rectangle bcimage = new Rectangle(ptimage, new Size(33, 23)); //根据节点增加图片 if (tn.IsExpanded) { e.Graphics.DrawImage(imageList1.Images[ExpandImageIndex], new Rectangle(ptbigimage, szbig)); } else if (tn.Nodes.Count > 0) { e.Graphics.DrawImage(imageList1.Images[CollapseImageIndex], new Rectangle(ptbigimage, szbig)); } else { e.Graphics.DrawImage(imageList1.Images[LeafImageIndex], new Rectangle(ptsmallimage, szsmall)); } //增加背景颜色 Point pt = new Point(tn.Bounds.X + 11, tn.Bounds.Y); Brush bccolor = new SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(224)))), ((int)(((byte)(229)))), ((int)(((byte)(242)))))); Brush ybccolor = new SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(255)))), ((int)(((byte)(255)))), ((int)(((byte)(255)))))); Rectangle bcrt = new Rectangle(pt, new Size(Width - e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Height));//使用Width充满整行 if ((e.State & TreeNodeStates.Focused) != 0) { e.Graphics.FillRectangle(bccolor, bcrt); } else { e.Graphics.FillRectangle(ybccolor, bcrt); } //增加格线 using (Pen focusPen = new Pen(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(192)))), ((int)(((byte)(192)))), ((int)(((byte)(192))))))) { focusPen.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid; e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(focusPen, bcrt); } //设置文本颜色和字体 Point ptft = new Point(tn.Bounds.X + 16, tn.Bounds.Y + 7); Rectangle rt = new Rectangle(ptft, new Size(e.Bounds.Width, e.Bounds.Height)); Brush bfcolor = new SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(59)))), ((int)(((byte)(59)))), ((int)(((byte)(59)))))); Font nf = tn.NodeFont == null ? ((TreeView)sender).Font : tn.NodeFont; e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Node.Text, nf, bfcolor, Rectangle.Inflate(rt, 1, 4)); }