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  • 每日一库:ZeroClipboard.js

    介绍:The Zero Clipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie, and a JavaScript interface



      1 /*!
      2  * zeroclipboard
      3  * The Zero Clipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie, and a JavaScript interface.
      4  * Copyright 2012 Jon Rohan, James M. Greene, .
      5  * Released under the MIT license
      6  * http://jonrohan.github.com/ZeroClipboard/
      7  * v1.1.6
      8  */
     10 (function() {
     11   "use strict";
     13   var _getStyle = function(el, prop) { //获取样式
     14     var y = el.style[prop];
     15     if (el.currentStyle) y = el.currentStyle[prop]; else if (window.getComputedStyle) y = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(prop);
     16     if (y == "auto" && prop == "cursor") { //auto没处理
     17       var possiblePointers = [ "a" ];
     18       for (var i = 0; i < possiblePointers.length; i++) {
     19         if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() == possiblePointers[i]) {
     20           return "pointer";
     21         }
     22       }
     23     }
     24     return y;
     25   };
     27   var _addEventHandler = function(element, method, func) { //注册事件
     28     if (element.addEventListener) {
     29       element.addEventListener(method, func, false);
     30     } else if (element.attachEvent) {
     31       element.attachEvent("on" + method, func);
     32     }
     33   };
     35   var _removeEventHandler = function(element, method, func) { //注销事件
     36     if (element.removeEventListener) {
     37       element.removeEventListener(method, func, false);
     38     } else if (element.detachEvent) {
     39       element.detachEvent("on" + method, func);
     40     }
     41   };
     43   var _inArray = function(elem, array) {
     44     if (array.indexOf) {
     45       return array.indexOf(elem);
     46     }
     47     for (var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {
     48       if (array[i] === elem) {
     49         return i;
     50       }
     51     }
     52     return -1;
     53   };
     56   var _addClass = function(element, value) {
     57     if (element.addClass) {
     58       element.addClass(value);
     59       return element;
     60     }
     62     if (value && typeof value === "string") {
     63       var classNames = (value || "").split(/\s+/); //可以一次添加多个classname
     64       if (element.nodeType === 1) {
     65         if (!element.className) {
     66           element.className = value;
     67         } else {
     69           var className = " " + element.className + " ", setClass = element.className;
     70           for (var c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++) {
     71             if (className.indexOf(" " + classNames[c] + " ") < 0) {
     72               setClass += " " + classNames[c];
     73             }
     74           }
     75           element.className = setClass.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
     78         }
     79       }
     80     }
     82     return element;
     83   };
     85   var _removeClass = function(element, value) {
     86     if (element.removeClass) {
     87       element.removeClass(value);
     88       return element;
     89     }
     90     if (value && typeof value === "string" || value === undefined) {
     91       var classNames = (value || "").split(/\s+/);
     92       if (element.nodeType === 1 && element.className) {
     93         if (value) {
     94           var className = (" " + element.className + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ");
     95           for (var c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++) {
     96             className = className.replace(" " + classNames[c] + " ", " ");
     97           }
     98           element.className = className.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
     99         } else {
    100           element.className = "";
    101         }
    102       }
    103     }
    104     return element;
    105   };
    107   var _getDOMObjectPosition = function(obj) {
    108     var info = {
    109       left: 0,
    110       top: 0,
    111        obj.width || obj.offsetWidth || 0,
    112       height: obj.height || obj.offsetHeight || 0,
    113       zIndex: 9999
    114     };
    115     var zi = _getStyle(obj, "zIndex");
    116     if (zi && zi != "auto") {
    117       info.zIndex = parseInt(zi, 10);
    118     }
    119     while (obj) {
    120       var borderLeftWidth = parseInt(_getStyle(obj, "borderLeftWidth"), 10);
    121       var borderTopWidth = parseInt(_getStyle(obj, "borderTopWidth"), 10);
    122       info.left += isNaN(obj.offsetLeft) ? 0 : obj.offsetLeft;
    123       info.left += isNaN(borderLeftWidth) ? 0 : borderLeftWidth;
    124       info.top += isNaN(obj.offsetTop) ? 0 : obj.offsetTop;
    125       info.top += isNaN(borderTopWidth) ? 0 : borderTopWidth;
    126       obj = obj.offsetParent;
    127     }
    128     return info;
    129   };
    131   var _elementMouseOver = function(event) { //mouseover以后关联为当前元素
    132     if (!ZeroClipboard.prototype._singleton) return;
    133     if (!event) {
    134       event = window.event;
    135     }
    136     var target;
    137     if (this !== window) {
    138       target = this;
    139     } else if (event.target) {
    140       target = event.target;
    141     } else if (event.srcElement) {
    142       target = event.srcElement;
    143     }
    144     ZeroClipboard.prototype._singleton.setCurrent(target);
    145   };
    147   var _noCache = function(path) { //不要缓存
    148     return (path.indexOf("?") >= 0 ? "&" : "?") + "nocache=" + (new Date).getTime();
    149   };
    151   var _vars = function(options) {
    152     var str = [];
    153     if (options.trustedDomains) {
    154       if (options.trustedDomains.length) {
    155         str.push("trustedDomain=" + options.trustedDomains.join(","));
    156       } else {
    157         str.push("trustedDomain=" + options.trustedDomains);
    158       }
    159     }
    160     return str.join("&");
    161   };
    165   var _prepGlue = function(elements) { //_prep  preparation数组化
    166     if (typeof elements === "string") throw new TypeError("ZeroClipboard doesn't accept query strings.");
    167     if (!elements.length) return [ elements ];
    168     return elements;
    169   };
    171   var ZeroClipboard = function(elements, options) {
    172     if (elements) (ZeroClipboard.prototype._singleton || this).glue(elements);
    173     if (ZeroClipboard.prototype._singleton) return ZeroClipboard.prototype._singleton;
    174     ZeroClipboard.prototype._singleton = this;
    175     this.options = {};
    176     for (var kd in _defaults) this.options[kd] = _defaults[kd];
    177     for (var ko in options) this.options[ko] = options[ko];
    178     this.handlers = {}; //存处理函数
    179     if (ZeroClipboard.detectFlashSupport()) _bridge();
    180   };
    182   var currentElement, gluedElements = []; //当前关联元素 所有关联元素
    184  ZeroClipboard.prototype.getCurrent = function(element) {
    185     return currentElement;
    186   };
    189   ZeroClipboard.prototype.setCurrent = function(element) {
    190     currentElement = element;
    191     this.reposition();
    192     this.setText(this.options.text || element.getAttribute("data-clipboard-text"));
    193     if (element.getAttribute("title")) {
    194       this.setTitle(element.getAttribute("title"));
    195     }
    196     this.setHandCursor(_getStyle(element, "cursor") == "pointer");
    197   };
    199   ZeroClipboard.prototype.setText = function(newText) {
    200     if (newText && newText !== "") {
    201       this.options.text = newText;
    202       if (this.ready()) this.flashBridge.setText(newText);
    203     }
    204   };
    206   ZeroClipboard.prototype.setTitle = function(newTitle) {
    207     if (newTitle && newTitle !== "") this.htmlBridge.setAttribute("title", newTitle);
    208   };
    210   ZeroClipboard.prototype.setSize = function(width, height) {
    211     if (this.ready()) this.flashBridge.setSize(width, height);
    212   };
    214   ZeroClipboard.prototype.setHandCursor = function(enabled) {
    215     if (this.ready()) this.flashBridge.setHandCursor(enabled);
    216   };
    218   ZeroClipboard.version = "1.1.6";
    220   var _defaults = {
    221     moviePath: "ZeroClipboard.swf",
    222     trustedDomains: null, //信任;信托;照管
    223     text: '',
    224     hoverClass: "zeroclipboard-is-hover",
    225     activeClass: "zeroclipboard-is-active"
    226   };
    228   ZeroClipboard.setDefaults = function(options) {
    229     for (var ko in options) _defaults[ko] = options[ko];
    230   };
    232   ZeroClipboard.destroy = function() { 
    233     ZeroClipboard.prototype._singleton.unglue(gluedElements);
    234     var bridge = ZeroClipboard.prototype._singleton.htmlBridge;
    235     bridge.parentNode.removeChild(bridge);
    236     delete ZeroClipboard.prototype._singleton;
    237   };
    239   ZeroClipboard.detectFlashSupport = function() {
    240     var hasFlash = false;
    241     try {
    242       if (new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash")) {
    243         hasFlash = true;
    244       }
    245     } catch (error) {
    246       if (navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"]) {
    247         hasFlash = true;
    248       }
    249     }
    250     return hasFlash;
    251   };
    253   var _bridge = function() {
    254     var client = ZeroClipboard.prototype._singleton;
    255     client.htmlBridge = document.getElementById("global-zeroclipboard-html-bridge");
    256     if (client.htmlBridge) {
    257       client.flashBridge = document["global-zeroclipboard-flash-bridge"];
    258       return;
    259     }
    260     var html = '    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" id="global-zeroclipboard-flash-bridge" width="100%" height="100%">       <param name="movie" value="' + client.options.moviePath + _noCache(client.options.moviePath) + '"/>       <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />       <param name="scale" value="exactfit">       <param name="loop" value="false" />       <param name="menu" value="false" />       <param name="quality" value="best" />       <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />       <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/>       <param name="flashvars" value="' + _vars(client.options) + '"/>       <embed src="' + client.options.moviePath + _noCache(client.options.moviePath) + '"         loop="false" menu="false"         quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff"         width="100%" height="100%"         name="global-zeroclipboard-flash-bridge"         allowScriptAccess="always"         allowFullScreen="false"         type="application/x-shockwave-flash"         wmode="transparent"         pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"         flashvars="' + _vars(client.options) + '"         scale="exactfit">       </embed>     </object>';
    261     client.htmlBridge = document.createElement("div");
    262     client.htmlBridge.id = "global-zeroclipboard-html-bridge";
    263     client.htmlBridge.setAttribute("class", "global-zeroclipboard-container");
    264     client.htmlBridge.setAttribute("data-clipboard-ready", false);
    265     client.htmlBridge.style.position = "absolute";
    266     client.htmlBridge.style.left = "-9999px";
    267     client.htmlBridge.style.top = "-9999px";
    268     client.htmlBridge.style.width = "15px";
    269     client.htmlBridge.style.height = "15px";
    270     client.htmlBridge.style.zIndex = "9999";
    271     client.htmlBridge.innerHTML = html;
    272     document.body.appendChild(client.htmlBridge);
    273     client.flashBridge = document["global-zeroclipboard-flash-bridge"];
    274   };
    276   ZeroClipboard.prototype.resetBridge = function() {
    277     this.htmlBridge.style.left = "-9999px";
    278     this.htmlBridge.style.top = "-9999px";
    279     this.htmlBridge.removeAttribute("title");
    280     this.htmlBridge.removeAttribute("data-clipboard-text");
    281     _removeClass(currentElement, this.options.activeClass);
    282     currentElement = null;
    283   };
    285   ZeroClipboard.prototype.ready = function() {
    286     var ready = this.htmlBridge.getAttribute("data-clipboard-ready");
    287     return ready === "true" || ready === true;
    288   };
    290   ZeroClipboard.prototype.reposition = function() { //可调整位置
    291     if (!currentElement) return false;
    292     var pos = _getDOMObjectPosition(currentElement);
    293     this.htmlBridge.style.top = pos.top + "px";
    294     this.htmlBridge.style.left = pos.left + "px";
    295     this.htmlBridge.style.width = pos.width + "px";
    296     this.htmlBridge.style.height = pos.height + "px";
    297     this.htmlBridge.style.zIndex = pos.zIndex + 1;
    298     this.setSize(pos.width, pos.height);
    299   };
    301   ZeroClipboard.dispatch = function(eventName, args) {
    302     ZeroClipboard.prototype._singleton.receiveEvent(eventName, args);
    303   };
    305   ZeroClipboard.prototype.on = function(eventName, func) {
    306     var events = eventName.toString().split(/\s/g); //可以同时注册多个事件
    307     for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
    308       eventName = events[i].toLowerCase().replace(/^on/, "");
    309       if (!this.handlers[eventName]) this.handlers[eventName] = func;
    310     }
    311     if (this.handlers.noflash && !ZeroClipboard.detectFlashSupport()) {
    312       this.receiveEvent("onNoFlash", null);
    313     }
    314   };
    316   ZeroClipboard.prototype.addEventListener = ZeroClipboard.prototype.on;
    318   ZeroClipboard.prototype.receiveEvent = function(eventName, args) { //receive收到;接到;接纳;接待
    319     eventName = eventName.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/^on/, "");
    320     var element = currentElement;
    321     switch (eventName) {
    322      case "load":
    323       if (args && parseFloat(args.flashVersion.replace(",", ".").replace(/[^0-9\.]/gi, "")) < 10) {
    324         this.receiveEvent("onWrongFlash", {
    325           flashVersion: args.flashVersion
    326         });
    327         return;
    328       }
    329       this.htmlBridge.setAttribute("data-clipboard-ready", true);
    330       break;
    331      case "mouseover":
    332       _addClass(element, this.options.hoverClass); //element 绑定元素
    333       break;
    334      case "mouseout":
    335       _removeClass(element, this.options.hoverClass);
    336       this.resetBridge();
    337       break;
    338      case "mousedown":
    339       _addClass(element, this.options.activeClass);
    340       break;
    341      case "mouseup":
    342       _removeClass(element, this.options.activeClass);
    343       break;
    344      case "complete":
    345       this.options.text = null;
    346       break;
    347     }
    349     if (this.handlers[eventName]) {
    350       var func = this.handlers[eventName];
    351       if (typeof func == "function") {
    352         func.call(element, this, args);
    353       } else if (typeof func == "string") {
    354         window[func].call(element, this, args);
    355       }
    356     }
    357   };
    360   ZeroClipboard.prototype.glue = function(elements) {  //glue胶合;紧附于
    361     elements = _prepGlue(elements);
    362     for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
    363       if (_inArray(elements[i], gluedElements) == -1) {
    364         gluedElements.push(elements[i]);
    365         _addEventHandler(elements[i], "mouseover", _elementMouseOver);
    366       }
    367     }
    368   };
    370   ZeroClipboard.prototype.unglue = function(elements) {
    371     elements = _prepGlue(elements);
    372     for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
    373       _removeEventHandler(elements[i], "mouseover", _elementMouseOver);
    374       var arrayIndex = _inArray(elements[i], gluedElements);
    375       if (arrayIndex != -1) gluedElements.splice(arrayIndex, 1);
    376     }
    377   };
    379   if (typeof module !== "undefined") {
    380     module.exports = ZeroClipboard;
    381   } else {
    382     window.ZeroClipboard = ZeroClipboard;
    383   }
    385 })();
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhuzf/p/ZeroClipboard.html
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