第6章 AJAX
AJAX-Asynchronous JavaScript and XML 异步javascript和xml
6.1 基于请求加载数据(从Web服务器上取得静态的数据文件)
1 追加html
1 $(document).ready(function(){ 2 $('#letter-a a').click( function(){ 3 $(#dictionary).load('a.html',function(){ 4 //回调函数:加载完a.html后做什么 5 alert('Loaded!'); 6 }); 7 return false; 8 }); 9 });
2 操作javaScript对象
javascript对象就是由一些“键-值”对组成的,而且可以方便的用花括号来定义,另一方面javascript的数组可以使用方括号进行动态定义。这两种语法组合起来,可以表达复杂且庞大的数据结构,这就是JSON(javascript object notation,javascript对象表示法).
[ { "key":"value1", "key 2":["array", "of", "items"] } { "key":"value2", "key 2":["array", "of", "items"] } ]
1 $(document).ready(function(){ 2 $('#letter-b a').click( function(){ 3 $.getJSON('b.json', function( data ){ 4 //回调函数:加载完b.json后做什么? 5 /*加载b.json返回一个javascript对象data --例子是个javascript对象数组对象 6 利用全局函数$.each()来处理这个data对象. 7 该函数以一个数组或映射作为第一个参数,以一个回调函数作为第二个参数; 8 另外,将每次循环中数组或映射的当前索引和当前项作为回调函数的两个参数 9 */ 10 $.each(data, function(entryIndex,entry){ 11 var html = '<div class="entry">'; 12 html += '<h3 class="term">'+ entry['term']+ '</h3>'; 13 html += '</div>'; 14 $('#dictionary').append(html); 15 }); 16 }); 17 return false; 18 }); 19 });
3 执行脚本
1 $(document).ready( function(){ 2 $('#letter-c a').click( function(){ 3 $.getScript('c.js');//前面的例子是需要回调函数来处理结果数据以便有效利用加载的文件,但对于脚本文件来说是自动执行! 4 return false; 5 }); 6 });
4 加载XML文档
1 $(document).ready(function(){ 2 $('#letter-b a').click( function(){ 3 //$.get()函数只是简单取得由URL指定的文件,然后将纯文本格式的数据提供给回调函数,但根据服务器提供的MIME类型知道响应的是XML的情况下,提供给回调函数的将是XML DOM树--jquery的DOM遍历对XML文档就如同对HTML文档一样 4 $.get('d.xml',function(data){ 5 //加载完xml文件后,怎么处理? 6 $(data).find('entry:has(quote[author])').each( function(){ 7 var $entry = $(this); 8 var html = '<div class="entry">'; 9 html += '<h3 class="term">' + $entry.attr('term');+'</h3>'; 10 html += '</div>'; 11 $('#dictionary').append($(html)); 12 }); 13 }); 14 return false; 15 }); 16 });
6.2 选择数据格式
6.3 向服务器传递参数
1 执行GET请求
1 <?php 2 $entries = array( 3 'EAVESDROP' => array( 4 'part'=>'v.i.', 5 'definition'=>'secretly to overhear a catalogue of the crimes and vices of another or yourself', 6 'author'=>'Gopete Sherany', 7 ), 8 .... 9 ); 10 $term = strtoupper($_REQUEST['term']); 11 if( isset($enties[$term])){ 12 $entry = $entries[$term]; 13 $html = '<div class="entry">'; 14 $html .= '<h3 class="term">'; 15 $html .= $term; 16 $html .= '</h3>'; 17 $html .= '<div class="part">'; 18 $html .= $entry['part']; 19 $html .= '</div>'; 20 $html .= '</div>'; 21 print($html); 22 } 23 ?>
1 $(document).ready( function(){ 2 $('#letter-e a').click( function(){ 3 //注意第二个参数是一个用来构建查询字符串的键和值的映射 4 $.get('e.php',{'term':$(this).text()}, function(data){ 5 //回调函数,对取得的e.php?term=***的结果数据data进行处理 6 $('#dictionary').html(data); 7 }); 8 return false; 9 }); 10 });
2 执行POST请求
1 $(document).ready( function(){ 2 $('#letter-e a').click( function(){ 3 $.post('e.php',{'term':$(this).text()}, function(data){ 4 $('#dictionary').html(data); 5 }); 6 return false; 7 }); 8 });
1 $(document).ready( function(){ 2 $('#letter-e a').click( function(){ 3 $('#dictionary').load('e.php',{'term':$(this).text()}); 4 return false; 5 }); 6 });
3 序列化表单
1 foreach($entries as $term => $entry){ 2 if(strpos($term,strtoupper($_REQUEST['term'])) != FALSE){ 3 $html = '<div class="entry">'; 4 $html .= '<h3 class="term">'; 5 $html .= $term; 6 $html .= '</h3>'; 7 $html .= '<div class="part">'; 8 $html .= $entry['part']; 9 $html .= '</div>'; 10 $html .= '</div>'; 11 print($html); 12 } 13 }
1 $(document).ready( function(){ 2 $('#letter-f form').submit( function(){ 3 //通过名称属性逐个搜索输入字段并将该字段的值添加到映射中 4 $('#dictionary').load('f.php',{'term':$('input[name="term"]').val()}); 5 return false; 6 }); 7 }); 8 9 $(document).ready( function(){ 10 $('#letter-f form').submit( function(){ 11 //将匹配的DOM元素转换成能够随AJAX请求传递的查询字符串??? 12 $.get('f.php',$(this).serialize(), function(data){ 13 $('#dictionary').html(data); 14 }); 15 return false; 16 }); 17 });
1 <?php 2 $data = ' 3 [ 4 { 5 "term": "GALLOWS", 6 "part": "n.", 7 "definition": "A stage for the performance of miracle plays, in which the leading actor is translated to heaven. In this country the gallows is chiefly remarkable for the number of persons who escape it.", 8 "quote": [ 9 "Whether on the gallows high", 10 "Or where blood flows the reddest,", 11 "The noblest place for man to die —", 12 "Is where he died the deadest." 13 ], 14 "author": "Old play" 15 }, 16 ... 17 ] 18 '; 19 print($_GET['callback'].'('.$data.')'); 20 ?>
jsonp1336466439850( [ { "term": "GALLOWS", "part": "n.", "definition": "A stage for the performance of miracle plays, in which the leading actor is translated to heaven. In this country the gallows is chiefly remarkable for the number of persons who escape it.", "quote": [ "Whether on the gallows high", "Or where blood flows the reddest,", "The noblest place for man to die —", "Is where he died the deadest." ], "author": "Old play" }, ... ] )
1 $(document).ready(function() { 2 var url = 'http://examples.learningjquery.com/jsonp/g.php'; 3 $('#letter-g a').click(function() { 4 $.getJSON(url + '?callback=?', function(data) { //http://examples.learningjquery.com/jsonp/g.php?callback=jsonp1336469221109&_=1336469224885 5 $('#dictionary').empty(); 6 $.each(data, function(entryIndex, entry) { 7 var html = '<div class="entry">'; 8 html += '<h3 class="term">' + entry['term'] 9 + '</h3>'; 10 html += '</div>'; 11 $('#dictionary').append(html); 12 }); 13 }); 14 return false; 15 }); 16 });
1 $(document).ready(function() { 2 $('#letter-h a').click(function() { 3 $('#dictionary').load('h.html .entry');//指定了选择符表达式,则load()会利用它查找加载文档的匹配部分 4 return false; 5 }); 6 });