#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "windows.h" using namespace std; using namespace cv; const int w = 384; const int h = 288; const int maxDisparity = 40; const int RAD = 5; void cpu_stereo(uchar* Limg, uchar* Rimg, uchar* Oimg) { for( int y = 0 ; y< h; y++) { for(int x = 0 ; x< w; x++){ unsigned int bestCost = 999999; unsigned int bestDisparity = 0; for( int d = 0; d<= maxDisparity; d++) { unsigned int cost = 0; for( int i = -RAD; i<= RAD; i ++) { for( int j = -RAD; j<=RAD; j++) { int yy,xx,xxd; yy = y + i; if( yy < 0 ) yy = 0; if (yy>=h) yy = h-1; xx = x + j; if( xx < 0) xx = 0; if ( xx>=w) xx = w -1; xxd = xx - d ; if ( xxd < 0 ) xxd = 0; if ( xxd >=w ) xxd = w-1; cost += abs((int)(Limg[yy*w + xx] - Rimg[yy*w + xxd])); } } if(cost < bestCost) { bestCost = cost; bestDisparity = 255 - d*6; } Oimg[y*w + x] = bestDisparity; } } } } int main() { Mat imL, imR,imO; imL = imread("data\imL.bmp",0); if ( imL.empty() ) { cout<<"Could not find the imL."<< std::endl; return -1; } imR = imread("data\imR.bmp",0); if ( imR.empty() ) { cout<<"Could not find the imR."<< std::endl; return -1; } imO.create(imL.rows,imL.cols,imL.type()); // 创建、初始化CPU计时 LARGE_INTEGER freq; LARGE_INTEGER start_t, stop_t; double exe_time; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq); QueryPerformanceCounter(&start_t); cpu_stereo(imL.data,imR.data,imO.data); QueryPerformanceCounter(&stop_t); exe_time = 1e3*(stop_t.QuadPart-start_t.QuadPart)/freq.QuadPart; cout<<"CPU costs"<<exe_time<<"ms"<<endl; namedWindow("left",WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); namedWindow("right",WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); namedWindow("Output",WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); imshow("Output", imO); imshow("left", imL); imshow("right",imR); waitKey(0); return 0; }
// 创建、初始化CPU计时 LARGE_INTEGER freq; LARGE_INTEGER start_t, stop_t; double exe_time; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq); QueryPerformanceCounter(&start_t); do some job
QueryPerformanceCounter(&stop_t); exe_time = 1e3*(stop_t.QuadPart-start_t.QuadPart)/freq.QuadPart; cout<<"CPU costs"<<exe_time<<"ms"<<endl;