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  • pygame 运行心理学问卷

    import pygame
    import sys
    from pygame.locals import *
    # wait for keys to putdown
    def waitForKeys(keysAllowed):
        key = False # initialize the key
        pygame.event.clear() # clear the event 
        while not key:     
            for i in pygame.event.get(): # for every event in the event list
                if i.type == pygame.KEYDOWN or i.type == pygame.KEYUP: # if the event type is keydown
                    if i.key in keysAllowed : # if key is the special key
                    # 如果是 if i.key ==  K_0 or K_1 or K_2 ,那么按任意一个键都将退出,因为 or 的逻辑成了(if i.key ==  K_0) or K_1 这种形式  
                        print(i.key, pygame.key.name(i.key))
                        key = True # break the while loop 
        return 0 # reture the value
    # draw a two sentences
    def displayOneQuestion(myString):
        pygame.init() # initialize pygame
        mywin = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600), DOUBLEBUF|HWSURFACE) # create the window
        myFont = pygame.font.SysFont("华文宋体", 25,False, False) # create the font
        myStringSurface = myFont.render(myString, True,  (255,255,255), False) # create the string
        myString1 = "1 有点  2 中等 3 很多"
        myStringSurface1 = myFont.render(myString1, True, (255,255,255), None)
        mywin.blit(myStringSurface, (1,1), None, 0) # draw the font surface to another surface
        mywin.blit(myStringSurface1, (1,100), None, 0) # draw another surface
        pygame.display.flip() # flip the window
        return 0 # return 0
    myString = ["你好啊","我不好","吃了吗","枯井柘城","没有呢","那好吧"]
    keysAllowed = [pygame.K_1, pygame.K_2, pygame.K_3, pygame.K_4, pygame.K_5]
    for element in myString:
    # 注意点1 : 如果 pygame.event.clear() # clear the event 这一句放在 while :的开头,那么程序会非常慢,而且有的还会跳过,不知为什么。
    # 注意点2:  如果是 if i.key ==  K_0 or K_1 or K_2 ,那么按任意一个键都将退出,因为 or 的逻辑成了(if i.key ==  K_0) or K_1 这种形式 ,而且if i.key == (K_0 or K_1)也是不行的。








    继续用的pygame , 但是对自己之前的工作,做了优化。


    import pygame
    import sys
    from pygame.locals import *
    # wait for keys to putdown
    def waitForKeys(keysAllowed,theQuestion):
        key = False # initialize the key
        pygame.event.clear() # clear the event 
        while not key:     
            for i in pygame.event.get(): # for every event in the event list
                if i.type == pygame.KEYDOWN or i.type == pygame.KEYUP: # if the event type is keydown
                    if i.key in keysAllowed : # if key is the special key
                    # 如果是 if i.key ==  K_0 or K_1 or K_2 ,那么按任意一个键都将退出,因为 or 的逻辑成了(if i.key ==  K_0) or K_1 这种形式  
                        result = "{0}_{1}_{2}_{3:,<30}{4}{5}".format(participantName,participantGender,participantAge,theQuestion,"按键是: ",pygame.key.name(i.key)) # format the string , the format not only can use print() function   
                        print(result) # print the result
                        key = True # break the while loop 
        return result # reture the value
    # draw a two sentences
    def displayOneQuestion(myString):
        pygame.init() # initialize pygame
        mywin = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600), DOUBLEBUF|HWSURFACE) # create the window
        myFont = pygame.font.SysFont("华文宋体", 25,False, False) # create the font
        myStringSurface = myFont.render(myString, True,  (255,255,255), False) # create the string
        myString1 = "1 非常不符合  2 比较不符合 3 难以确定 4 比较符合 5 非常符合"
        myStringSurface1 = myFont.render(myString1, True, (255,255,255), None)
        surfaceHeight = myStringSurface.get_height() # get the suface width of picture one
        surfaceWidth = myStringSurface.get_width() # get the suface height of picture one
        surfaceHeight1 = myStringSurface1.get_height() # get the suface width of picture two
        surfaceWidth1 = myStringSurface1.get_width() # get the suface height of picture two
        finalSurfaceHeight = 250 - (surfaceHeight/2) # compute the half height of the picture one
        finalSurfaceWidth = 400 - (surfaceWidth/2) # compute the half width of the picture one
        finalSurfaceHeight1 = 250 - surfaceHeight1/2 # compute the half height of the picture two
        finalSurfaceWidth1 = 400 - surfaceWidth1/2 #compute the half width of the picture two
        mywin.blit(myStringSurface, (finalSurfaceWidth, 200), None, 0)
        # mywin.blit(myStringSurface, (400 - finalSurfaceWidth, 250 - finalSurfaceHeight), None, 0) # draw the font surface to another surface and put the font to the middle of the window
        mywin.blit(myStringSurface1, (finalSurfaceWidth1,310), None, 0) # draw another surface and put the font to the middle of the window 
        pygame.display.flip() # flip the window
        return 0 # return 03
    myString = ["第1题: 在社交场合,我总是显得不够自然()",
                        "第2题: 我有话就说,从来憋不住()",
                        "第3题: 在集体活动中,我总表现得很活跃()",
    participantNumber = input("请输入您的编号:") # collect participant number
    participantName = input("请输入您的名字:") # collect participant name
    participantGender = input("请输入您的性别:")  # collect participant gender
    participantAge = input("请输入您的年龄:") # collect participant age
    keysAllowed = [pygame.K_1, pygame.K_2, pygame.K_3, pygame.K_4, pygame.K_5] # set the allowed keys which participant can push
    resultList = [] # create a empty list to collect element for writing file
    for element in myString: # every element in the qestionaires
        displayOneQuestion(element) # display the image
        result = waitForKeys(keysAllowed, element) # the image will stay on the screen until participant push the keyboard
        resultList.append(result + '
    ') # add the key which participant push to the empty list
    # open a file
    with open("C:/users/mike1/desktop/data/wechatCrawlData/personality/{0}_{1}.txt".format(participantNumber,participantName), "w", encoding = "utf-8") as f1:
        f1.writelines(resultList) # write the list to the file
    # 注意点1 : 如果 pygame.event.clear() # clear the event 这一句放在 while :的开头,那么程序会非常慢,而且有的还会跳过,不知为什么。
    # 注意点2:  如果是 if i.key ==  K_0 or K_1 or K_2 ,那么按任意一个键都将退出,因为 or 的逻辑成了(if i.key ==  K_0) or K_1 这种形式 ,而且if i.key == (K_0 or K_1)也是不行的。
    # 注意点3 :  format()函数不仅可以用于print()函数中,还可以用于文本的写入 with open()函数,比如本例中,object = format(), write(object)






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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zijidefengge/p/12078901.html
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