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  • Using system view: sys.sysprocesses to check SqlServer's block and deadlock

    You also can read the Chinese version: 秋天的林子---SQLSERVER的阻塞和死锁


    Sys.SysProcesses: it's a important system view, it can locate and resolve block and deadlock.

    Some fields(it from MSDN):

    spid smallint SQL Server session ID.
    kpid smallint Windows thread ID.
    blocked smallint ID of the session that is blocking the request. If this column is NULL, the request is not blocked, or the session information of the blocking session is not available (or cannot be identified).

    -2 = The blocking resource is owned by an orphaned distributed transaction.

    -3 = The blocking resource is owned by a deferred recovery transaction.

    -4 = Session ID of the blocking latch owner could not be determined due to internal latch state transitions.
    waittype binary(2) Reserved.
    waittime bigint Current wait time in milliseconds.

    0 = Process is not waiting.
    lastwaittype nchar(32) A string indicating the name of the last or current wait type.
    waitresource nchar(256) Textual representation of a lock resource.
    dbid smallint ID of the database currently being used by the process.
    uid smallint ID of the user that executed the command. Overflows or returns NULL if the number of users and roles exceeds 32,767.
    cpu int Cumulative CPU time for the process. The entry is updated for all processes, regardless of whether the SET STATISTICS TIME option is ON or OFF.
    physical_io bigint Cumulative disk reads and writes for the process.
    memusage int Number of pages in the procedure cache that are currently allocated to this process. A negative number indicates that the process is freeing memory allocated by another process.
    login_time datetime Time at which a client process logged into the server.
    last_batch datetime Last time a client process executed a remote stored procedure call or an EXECUTE statement.
    ecid smallint Execution context ID used to uniquely identify the subthreads operating on behalf of a single process.
    open_tran smallint Number of open transactions for the process.
    status nchar(30) Process ID status. The possible values are:

    dormant = SQL Server is resetting the session.

    running = The session is running one or more batches. When Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) is enabled, a session can run multiple batches. For more information, see Using Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS).

    background = The session is running a background task, such as deadlock detection.

    rollback = The session has a transaction rollback in process.

    pending = The session is waiting for a worker thread to become available.

    runnable = The task in the session is in the runnable queue of a scheduler while waiting to get a time quantum.

    spinloop = The task in the session is waiting for a spinlock to become free.

    suspended = The session is waiting for an event, such as I/O, to complete.
    sid binary(86) Globally unique identifier (GUID) for the user.
    hostname nchar(128) Name of the workstation.
    program_name nchar(128) Name of the application program.
    hostprocess nchar(10) Workstation process ID number.
    cmd nchar(16) Command currently being executed.
    nt_domain nchar(128) Windows domain for the client, if using Windows Authentication, or a trusted connection.
    nt_username nchar(128) Windows user name for the process, if using Windows Authentication, or a trusted connection.
    net_address nchar(12) Assigned unique identifier for the network adapter on the workstation of each user. When a user logs in, this identifier is inserted in the net_address column.
    net_library nchar(12) Column in which the client's network library is stored. Every client process comes in on a network connection. Network connections have a network library associated with them that enables them to make the connection.
    loginame nchar(128) Login name.
    context_info binary(128) Data stored in a batch by using the SET CONTEXT_INFO statement.
    sql_handle binary(20) Represents the currently executing batch or object.

    Note This value is derived from the batch or memory address of the object. This value is not calculated by using the SQL Server hash-based algorithm.
    stmt_start int Starting offset of the current SQL statement for the specified sql_handle.
    stmt_end int Ending offset of the current SQL statement for the specified sql_handle.

    -1 = Current statement runs to the end of the results returned by the fn_get_sql function for the specified sql_handle.
    request_id int ID of request. Used to identify requests running in a specific session.
    page_resource binary(8) Applies to: SQL Server 2019 preview 

    An 8-byte hexadecimal representation of the page resource if the waitresource column contains a page.

    example of application:

    1. Check DB if have blocked

    first to find which process's blocked filed is not 0. example: if rSPID53's blocked filed is not 0, it equal 52 and SPID's blockd is 0, you can get the conclusion now: blocked occurs, the process 53 is blocked by 52. in another situation, if you found that the blocked filed same as itself, it means the process is reading and writing disk.

    2. Which DB is the process

    only check dbid, using the following query

    Select name,dbid from master.sys.sysdatabases

    3. check the process corresponding SQL code

    dbcc inputbuffer(spid);
    4. KILL the process

    kill spid

    5. sql blocked and process query

    select A.SPID as 'the process is blocked', a.CMD AS 'execute type',b.spid AS 'blocked process',b.cmd 
    from master..sysprocesses a,master..sysprocesses b
    where a.blocked<>0 and a.blocked= b.spid
    exec sp_who 'active'--all of system process and the process is blocked if BLK field is not 0
    exec sp_lock SPID --Returns a process lock on the resource situation
    SELECT object_name(1093578934)--Returns object ID corresponding object name 
    DBCC INPUTBUFFER (63)--show the SPID's statement

    6. SQL Server is running  sql statements

    SELECT spid,
    DB_NAME(sp.dbid) AS DBName,
    a.[Text] AS [TextData],
    SUBSTRING(A.text, sp.stmt_start / 2,
    (CASE WHEN sp.stmt_end = -1 THEN DATALENGTH(A.text) ELSE sp.stmt_end
    END - sp.stmt_start) / 2) AS [current_cmd]
    FROM sys.sysprocesses AS sp OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text (sp.sql_handle) AS A
    WHERE spid > 50
    ORDER BY blocked DESC, DB_NAME(sp.dbid) ASC, a.[text];

    SqlServer query deadlock process

    request_session_id spid,
    OBJECT_NAME(resource_associated_entity_id) tableName

    as to sqlserver check deadlock kill lock

    use master
    create procedure sp_who_lock
    declare @spid int,@bl int,
    @intTransactionCountOnEntry int,
    @intRowcount int,
    @intCountProperties int,
    @intCounter int
    create table #tmp_lock_who (
    id int identity(1,1),
    spid smallint,
    bl smallint)
    insert into #tmp_lock_who(spid,bl) select 0 ,blocked
    from (select * from sysprocesses where blocked>0 ) a
    where not exists(select * from (select * from sysprocesses where blocked>0 ) b
    where a.blocked=spid)
    union select spid,blocked from sysprocesses where blocked>0
    select @intCountProperties = Count(*),@intCounter = 1
    from #tmp_lock_who
    if @intCountProperties=0
    select 'no block and deadlock now' as message
    while @intCounter <= @intCountProperties
    select @spid = spid,@bl = bl
    from #tmp_lock_who where Id = @intCounter
    if @spid =0
    select 'DB deadlock is caused by : '+ CAST(@bl AS VARCHAR(10)) + 'its statement is:'
    select 'SPID:'+ CAST(@spid AS VARCHAR(10))+ ' is blocked by ' + 'SPID:'+ CAST(@bl AS VARCHAR(10)) +',its statement is:'
    set @intCounter = @intCounter + 1
    drop table #tmp_lock_who
    return 0

    --kill lock and process

    use master
    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[p_killspid]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
    drop procedure [dbo].[p_killspid]
    create proc p_killspid
    @dbname varchar(200) 
    declare @sql nvarchar(500)
    declare @spid nvarchar(20)
    declare #tb cursor for
    select spid=cast(spid as varchar(20)) from master..sysprocesses where dbid=db_id(@dbname)
    open #tb
    fetch next from #tb into @spid
    while @@fetch_status=0
    exec('kill '+@spid)
    fetch next from #tb into @spid
    close #tb
    deallocate #tb
    --exec p_killspid 'newdbpy'

    --view some lock information

    create table #t(req_spid int,obj_name sysname)
    declare @s nvarchar(4000)
    ,@rid int,@dbname sysname,@id int,@objname sysname
    declare tb cursor for
    select distinct req_spid,dbname=db_name(rsc_dbid),rsc_objid
    from master..syslockinfo where rsc_type in(4,5)
    open tb
    fetch next from tb into @rid,@dbname,@id
    while @@fetch_status=0
    set @s='select @objname=name from ['+@dbname+']..sysobjects where id=@id'
    exec sp_executesql @s,N'@objname sysname out,@id int',@objname out,@id
    insert into #t values(@rid,@objname)
    fetch next from tb into @rid,@dbname,@id
    close tb
    deallocate tb
    select 'process id'=a.req_spid
    ,'Type'=case rsc_type when 1 then 'NULL (no use)'
    when 2 then 'DB'
    when 3 then 'file'
    when 4 then 'Index'
    when 5 then 'table'
    when 6 then 'page'
    when 7 then 'key'
    when 8 then 'expand the disk'
    when 9 then 'RID(row ID)'
    when 10 then 'application'
    from master..syslockinfo a left join #t b on a.req_spid=b.req_spid
    drop table #t

    --view no commit transaction

    USE master
    SELECT es.session_id, es.login_name, es.host_name, est.text
    , cn.last_read, cn.last_write, es.program_name
    FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions es
    INNER JOIN sys.dm_tran_session_transactions st  
    ON es.session_id = st.session_id
    INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections cn
    ON es.session_id = cn.session_id
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(cn.most_recent_sql_handle) est
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests er
    ON st.session_id = er.session_id
    AND er.session_id IS NULL

    view which tables is locked

    select   request_session_id   spid,OBJECT_NAME(resource_associated_entity_id) tableName  
    from   sys.dm_tran_locks where resource_type='OBJECT'
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