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  • 开源UrlRewrite组件UrlRewriter.NET简介与实践

    UrlRewriter.NET is an open-source, light-weight, highly configurable URL rewriting component for ASP.NET 1.1 and 2.0. UrlRewriter.NET provides similar IIS Rewrite capabilities that the Apache web server provides with mod_rewrite and .htaccess. You don’t need to install an ISAPI Rewrite filter to use the component. Best of all, UrlRewriter.NET is free and licensed with a very permissive MIT-style licence.

    UrlRewriter.NET是一个适用于asp.net 1.1 和 2.0的,开源的,轻量级的,高可配置的URL重写组件.UrlRewriter.NET提供了类似IIS Rewrite或Apache中mod_rewrite与.htaccess的能力. 使用该组件无需要安装ISAPI Rewrite 过滤器.最棒的是UrlRewriter.NET是免费的且基于宽松的MIT-style licence.

    UrlRewriter.NET is a great Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool. Using UrlRewriter.NET, you can create URL’s containing your target keywords, boosting your rankings.


    With UrlRewriter.NET, you can:

        * Rewrite URL’s from “user and Search Engine” friendly urls to the actual .aspx pages (also known as URL Masking, IIS Rewrite or ASP Rewrite)
        * Redirect from old URL patterns to the new ones, ensuring the Search Engine spiders continue to follow your links (also known as URL Replace)
        * Block certain visitors based on the User-Agent - very helpful for blocking crawlers that don’t obey the robots.txt protocol
        * Ban users based on IP range (provides the capabilities of mod_rewrite on IIS)
        * And much more…

    通过 UrlRewriter.NET,你可以:

        * 重写用户或搜索引擎有好的URL到实际的.aspx页
        * 重定向旧的URL到新的URL,保证搜索引擎的蜘蛛程序能继续追踪你的连接
        * 基于User-Agent阻塞特定的访问者,对封锁不遵守robots.txt 协议的爬网非常有帮助.
        * 禁止特定IP范围的用户访问 (在IIS上提供mod_rewrite模块的能力)

    UrlRewriter.NET is a pure .NET component written in C#, and does not require any ISAPI rewrite dll’s to be installed in IIS. You configure rules in a very readable XML format, either in your web.config file or an external rewriter configuration file

    UrlRewriter.NET 是纯粹的C#编写的.NET组件,不需要在IIS上安装人设ISAPI重写dll,只需要在你的web.config文件或者外部的配置文件中,使用易读的XML格式配置重写规则.
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    毕业生 哈尔滨工业大学社会计算与信息检索研究中心 理解语言,认知社会
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zjneter/p/835287.html
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