这里做了两件事:1.用cmake编译vlfeat 2. 一个cmake构建的项目中使用vlfeat。具体做法见本文下面的内容,代码则在https://github.com/zchrissirhcz/vlfeat
- environment statement
- Compile vlfeat with cmake
- Compile example project with cmake
environment statement
- win10
- visual studio 2015 (to support cmake project)
- cmake (>3.10)
- vlfeat
- matlab
compile vlfeat with cmake
cd d:/work/vlfeat
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 Win64"
Then goto d:/work/vlfeat/build
, open vlfeat.sln
, choose Release
as build type, and choose ALL_BUILD
, run then repectively.
compile example project with cmake
1. make sure custom settings
Goto the folder d:/work/vlfeat/example/example-cmake-project
(or copy this folder to your working folder), check the paths in CMakeLists.txt
. You should change the vlfeat's include and library directories to yours.
Also, copy vl.dll
from D:/work/vlfeat/build/Release
to d:/work/vlfeat/example/example-cmake-projects
2. compile and run
Run compile.bat
Note: you may see compile.bat
and change it to linux scripts.
Then, goto its build
folder and open example-cmake-project.sln
. It will open Visual Studio.
Then run it.