Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65535/65535 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 2977 Accepted Submission(s): 1302
Problem Description
Given two positive integers G and L, could you tell me how many solutions of (x, y, z) there are, satisfying that gcd(x, y, z) = G and lcm(x, y, z) = L?
Note, gcd(x, y, z) means the greatest common divisor of x, y and z, while lcm(x, y, z) means the least common multiple of x, y and z.
Note 2, (1, 2, 3) and (1, 3, 2) are two different solutions.
Note, gcd(x, y, z) means the greatest common divisor of x, y and z, while lcm(x, y, z) means the least common multiple of x, y and z.
Note 2, (1, 2, 3) and (1, 3, 2) are two different solutions.
First line comes an integer T (T <= 12), telling the number of test cases.
The next T lines, each contains two positive 32-bit signed integers, G and L.
It’s guaranteed that each answer will fit in a 32-bit signed integer.
The next T lines, each contains two positive 32-bit signed integers, G and L.
It’s guaranteed that each answer will fit in a 32-bit signed integer.
For each test case, print one line with the number of solutions satisfying the conditions above.
Sample Input
6 72
7 33
Sample Output
将满足条件的一组x,z,y都除以G,得到x‘,y',z',满足条件gcd(x',y',x') = 1,同时lcm(x',y',x') = G/L.
特判,当G%L != 0 时,无解。
然后素数分解G/L,假设G/L = p1^t1 * p2^t2 *````* pn^tn。
x' = p1^i1 * p2^i2 *```* pn^in.
y' = p1^j1 * p2^j2 * ```*pn^jn.
z' = p1^k1 * p2^k2 * ```*pn^kn.
为了满足上面的条件,对于p1,一定有max(i1,j1,k1) = t1.min(i1,j1,k1) =0;则当选定第一个数为0,第二个数为t1时,第三个数可以为0-t1,又由于有顺序的,只有(0,t1,t1) 和(0,t1,0)这两种情形根据顺序只能产生三种结果,其他的由于三个数都不一样,一定能产生6种,所以最后产生了6*(t1-1)+3*2 = 6*t1种,根据乘法原理以及关于素数分解的唯一性,反过来,素数组合必然也是唯一的数,一共有6*t1 * 6*t2 *`````*6*tn种选法。
特判,当G%L != 0 时,无解。
然后素数分解G/L,假设G/L = p1^t1 * p2^t2 *````* pn^tn。
x' = p1^i1 * p2^i2 *```* pn^in.
y' = p1^j1 * p2^j2 * ```*pn^jn.
z' = p1^k1 * p2^k2 * ```*pn^kn.
为了满足上面的条件,对于p1,一定有max(i1,j1,k1) = t1.min(i1,j1,k1) =0;则当选定第一个数为0,第二个数为t1时,第三个数可以为0-t1,又由于有顺序的,只有(0,t1,t1) 和(0,t1,0)这两种情形根据顺序只能产生三种结果,其他的由于三个数都不一样,一定能产生6种,所以最后产生了6*(t1-1)+3*2 = 6*t1种,根据乘法原理以及关于素数分解的唯一性,反过来,素数组合必然也是唯一的数,一共有6*t1 * 6*t2 *`````*6*tn种选法。
1 #include <cstdio> 2 #include <cstring> 3 #include <iostream> 4 #include <algorithm> 5 #include <cmath> 6 using namespace std; 7 typedef long long ll; 8 const int maxn = 1111111; 9 int nu[maxn]; 10 int isprim[maxn]; 11 int prim[maxn]; 12 int main() 13 { 14 int t; 15 int g,l; 16 scanf("%d",&t); 17 while(t--) 18 { 19 scanf("%d%d",&g,&l); 20 if(l%g!=0) 21 { 22 printf("0 "); 23 continue; 24 } 25 memset(nu,0,sizeof(nu)); 26 int cnt=0; 27 28 int m=l/g; 29 int sqm=sqrt(m+1); 30 for(int i=2;i<=sqm;++i) 31 { 32 if(m%i==0) 33 { 34 ++cnt; 35 while(m%i==0) 36 { 37 nu[cnt]++; 38 m/=i; 39 } 40 } 41 42 }ll sum=1; 43 if(m!=1) 44 sum=6; 45 46 for(int i=1;i<=sqm;++i) 47 { 48 if(nu[i]!=0) 49 sum*=nu[i]*6; 50 } 51 printf("%lld ",sum); 52 } 53 return 0; 54 }