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  • LBP人脸识别的python实现


    import numpy as np
    import cv2, os, math, os.path, glob, random
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    def loadImageSet(folder, sampleCount=5):
        trainData = []; testData = []; yTrain=[]; yTest = [];
        for k in range(1,41):
            folder2 = os.path.join(folder, 's%d' %k)
            data = [cv2.imread(d.encode('gbk'),0) for d in glob.glob(os.path.join(folder2, '*.pgm'))]
            sample = random.sample(range(10), sampleCount)
            trainData.extend([data[i] for i in range(10) if i in sample])
            testData.extend([data[i] for i in range(10) if i not in sample])
            yTest.extend([k]* (10-sampleCount))
            yTrain.extend([k]* sampleCount)
        return trainData, testData, np.array(yTrain), np.array(yTest)
    def LBP(I, radius=2, count=8):       #得到图像的LBP特征
        dh = np.round([radius*math.sin(i*2*math.pi/count) for i in range(count)])
        dw = np.round([radius*math.cos(i*2*math.pi/count) for i in range(count)])
        height ,width = I.shape
        lbp = np.zeros(I.shape, dtype = np.int)
        I1 = np.pad(I, radius, 'edge')
        for k in range(count):
            h,w = radius+dh[k], radius+dw[k]
            lbp += ((I>I1[h:h+height, w:w+width])<<k)
        return lbp
    def calLbpHistogram(lbp, hCount=7, wCount=5, maxLbpValue=255): #分块计算lbp直方图
        height,width = lbp.shape
        res = np.zeros((hCount*wCount, max(g_mapping)+1), dtype=np.float)
        assert(maxLbpValue+1 == len(g_mapping))
        for h  in range(hCount):
            for w in range(wCount):
                blk = lbp[height*h/hCount:height*(h+1)/hCount, width*w/wCount:width*(w+1)/wCount]
                hist1 = np.bincount(blk.ravel(), minlength=maxLbpValue)
                hist = res[h*wCount+w,:]
                for v,k in zip(hist1, g_mapping):
                    hist[k] += v
                hist /= hist.sum()
        return res
    def main(folder=u'E:/迅雷下载/faceProcess/att_faces'):
        trainImg, testImg, yTrain, yTest = loadImageSet(folder)
        xTrain = np.array([calLbpHistogram(LBP(d)).ravel() for d in trainImg])
        xTest  = np.array([calLbpHistogram(LBP(d)).ravel() for d in testImg])
        lsvc = cv2.SVM()                              #支持向量机方法
        svm_params = dict( kernel_type = cv2.SVM_LINEAR, svm_type = cv2.SVM_C_SVC, C=2.67, gamma=5.383 )
        lsvc.train(np.float32(xTrain), np.float32(yTrain), params = svm_params)
        lsvc_y_predict = np.array( [lsvc.predict(d) for d in np.float32(xTest)])
        print u'支持向量机识别率', (lsvc_y_predict == np.array(yTest)).mean()  
    if __name__ == '__main__':


    import cPickle
    import gzip,math
    import numpy as np
    import os, glob, random, cv2
    SZ = 28
    def deskew(img):
        m = cv2.moments(img)
        if abs(m['mu02']) < 1e-2:
            return img.copy()
        skew = m['mu11']/m['mu02']
        M = np.float32([[1, skew, -0.5*SZ*skew], [0, 1, 0]])
        img = cv2.warpAffine(img,M,(SZ, SZ),flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP|cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
        return img
        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 58, 5, 6, 7, 58, 58, 58, 8, 58, 9, 10, 
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    def loadImageSet():
        with gzip.open('./mnist.pkl.gz') as fp:
            train_set, valid_set, test_set = cPickle.load(fp)
        xTrain = train_set[0]; s1 = xTrain.shape; xTrain = xTrain.reshape((s1[0],28,28))
        xTest = test_set[0];   s2 = xTest.shape;  xTest = xTest.reshape((s2[0],28,28))
        xTrain = np.array([deskew(d) for d in xTrain])
        xTest  = np.array([deskew(d) for d in xTest])
        return xTrain, xTest, train_set[1],  test_set[1]
    def LBP(I, radius=2, count=8):       #得到图像的LBP特征
        dh = np.round([radius*math.sin(i*2*math.pi/count) for i in range(count)])
        dw = np.round([radius*math.cos(i*2*math.pi/count) for i in range(count)])
        height ,width = I.shape
        lbp = np.zeros(I.shape, dtype = np.int)
        I1 = np.pad(I, radius, 'edge')
        for k in range(count):
            h,w = radius+dh[k], radius+dw[k]
            lbp += ((I>I1[h:h+height, w:w+width])<<k)
        return lbp
    def calLbpHistogram(lbp, hCount=2, wCount=2, maxLbpValue=255): #分块计算lbp直方图
        height,width = lbp.shape
        res = np.zeros((hCount*wCount, max(g_mapping)+1), dtype=np.float)
        assert(maxLbpValue+1 == len(g_mapping))
        for h  in range(hCount):
            for w in range(wCount):
                blk = lbp[height*h/hCount:height*(h+1)/hCount, width*w/wCount:width*(w+1)/wCount]
                hist1 = np.bincount(blk.ravel(), minlength=maxLbpValue)
                hist = res[h*wCount+w,:]
                for v,k in zip(hist1, g_mapping):
                    hist[k] += v
                hist /= hist.sum()
        return res
    def main():
        trainImg, testImg, yTrain, yTest = loadImageSet()
        xTrain = np.array([calLbpHistogram(LBP(d)).ravel() for d in trainImg])
        xTest  = np.array([calLbpHistogram(LBP(d)).ravel() for d in testImg])
        lsvc = cv2.SVM()                              #支持向量机方法
        svm_params = dict( kernel_type = cv2.SVM_LINEAR, svm_type = cv2.SVM_C_SVC, C=2.67, gamma=5.383 )
        lsvc.train(np.float32(xTrain), np.float32(yTrain), params = svm_params)
        lsvc_y_predict = np.array( [lsvc.predict(d) for d in np.float32(xTest)])
        print u'支持向量机', (lsvc_y_predict == np.array(yTest)).mean()  
    if __name__ == '__main__':


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