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  • css实现京东顶部导航条

     1 <!DOCTYPE html>                                                    
      2 <html lang="en">
      3 <head>
      4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
      5     <title></title>
      6     <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/all.css">
      7     <link rel="stylesheet" href="./reset.css">
      8     <style>
      9         body {
     10             font-size:14px;
     11         }
     12         /*解决元素浮动后到来的高度塌陷 */
     13         .clearfix::before,
     14         .clearfix::after {
     15             content:"";
     16             display:table;
     17             clear:both;
     18         }
     19         .top-bar-wraper {
     20             width:100%;
     21             height:30px;
     22             /* 设置行高使文字在容器中水平居中 */
     23             line-height:30px;
     24             border-bottom:1px #E1E1E1 solid;
     25             background-color:#E3E4E5;
     26         }
     27         .top-bra{
     28             width:1190px;
     29             margin:0px auto;
     30         }
     31         .location {
     32             float:left;
     33             margin-left: 100px;
     34             position: relative;
     35         }
     36         .location a {
     37             margin:0 auto;
     38         }
     39         /*将列表向右浮动*/
     40         .shutcut {
     41             float:right;
     42         }
     43         /*设置li向左浮动*/
     44         .shutcut li {
     45             float:left;
     46         }
     47         .top-bar a,
     48         .top-bar i {
     49             color:#999;
     50             text-decoration: none;
     51         }
     52         .top-bar a:hover {
     53             color:#f10215;
     54         }
     55         .top-bar .high {
     56             color:#f10215;
     57         }
     58         /*设置分割线*/
     59         .shutcut .line {
     60             width:1px;
     61             height:10px;
     62             background-color: #999;
     63             margin:10px 12px;
     64         }
     65         .location i{
     66             color:red;
     67         }
     68         .location .city-list {
     69             width: 320px;
     70             height: 436px;
     71             background-color: white;
     72             display:none;
     73             border:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);
     74             border-top:none;
     75             /*设置绝对定位使其脱离文档流,如果不设置定位,则显示是>    会影响页面布局*/
     76             position: absolute;
     77             top:29px;
     78             /*设置阴影*/
     79             box-shadow:0 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
     80             /*设置层级*/
     81             z-index: 9999;
     82         }
     83         /*移入效果设置在lication上,因为其包含city和city-list*/
     84         .location:hover
     85         .city-list
     86         {
     87             display:block;
     88         }
     89         .city {
     90             height: 30px;
     91             line-height:30px;
     92             padding: 0 10px;
     93             border:1px solid transparent;
     94             border-bottom:none;
     95             margin-top:1px;
     96             position: relative;
     97             z-index:9999;
     98         }
     99         /*当鼠标移入是设置背景色*/
    100         .location:hover .city {
    101             background-color:white;
    102             border:1px #cccccc solid;
    103             border-bottom:none;
    104         }
    105         .city-list a {
    106             display:block;
    107             float:left;                                                 
    108             width:60px;
    109             text-align: center;
    110             text-decoration: none;
    111             line-height: 20px;
    112             margin:4px auto;
    113  32         border:1px #ccc solid;
    114  33         background-color:#e14e14e14;
    115         }
    116     </style>
    117 </head>
    118 <body>
    119     <!--创建外部容器-->
    120     <div class="top-bar-wraper">
    121             <!--创建内部容器-->
    122         <div class="top-bar clearfix">
    123             <div class="location">
    124                 <div class="city">
    125                     <a href="javescript:;">
    126                     <i class = "fas fa-map-marker-alt"></i>
    127                     </a>
    128                     <a href="javescript:;">江西</a>
    129                 </div>
    130                 <!--放置一个城市列表-->
    131                 <div class="city-list">
    132                     <a href="">北京</a>
    133                     <a href="">上海</a>
    134                     <a href="">天津</a>
    135                     <a href="">重庆</a>
    136                     <a href="">安徽</a>
    137                     <a href="">福建</a>
    138                     <a href="">甘肃</a>
    139                     <a href="">广东</a>
    140                     <a href="">贵州</a>
    141                     <a href="">海南</a>
    142                     <a href="">河北</a>
    143                     <a href="">河南</a>
    144                     <a href="">湖北</a>
    145                     <a href="">湖南</a>
    146                     <a href="">吉林</a>
    147                     <a href="">江苏</a>
    148                     <a href="">江西</a>
    149                     <a href="">辽宁</a>
    150                     <a href="">宁夏</a>                                                
    151                     <a href="">青海</a>
    152                     <a href="">山东</a>
    153                     <a href="">山西</a>
    154                     <a href="">陕西</a>
    155                     <a href="">四川</a>
    156                     <a href="">西藏</a>
    157                     <a href="">新疆</a>                            
         158                     <a href="">云南</a>
    159                     <a href="">浙江</a>
    160                     <a href="">黑龙江</a>
    161                     <a href="">内蒙古</a>
    164                 </div>
    165             </div>
    166             <ul class="shutcut">
    167                 <li>
    168                     <a class = "shutcut-text"href="javescript:;"><s    pan>你好,请登录</span></a>
    169                     <a class = "shutcut-text"href="javescript:;"><s    pan>免费注册</span></a>
    170                     <i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>
    171                 </li>
    172                 <li class="line"></li>
    173                 <li>
    174                     <a class = "shutcut-text"href="javescript:;"><s    pan>我的订单</span></a>
    176                 </li>
    177                 <li class="line"></li>
    178                 <li>
    179                     <a class = "shutcut-text"href="javescript"><spa    n>我的京东</span></a>
    181                 </li>
    182                 <li class="line"></li>
    183                 <li>
    184                     <a class = "shutcut-text"href="javescript"><spa    n>京东会员</span></a>
    185                 </li>
    186                 <li class="line"></li>
    187                 <li>
    188                     <a class = "shutcut-text high"href="javescript"    ><span>企业采购</span></a>
    189                     <i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>
    190                 </li>
    191                 <li class="line"></li>
    192                 <li>
    193                     <a class = "shutcut-text"href="javescript"><spa    n>客户服务</span></a>
    194                     <i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>
    195                 </li>
    196                 <li class="line"></li>
    197                 <li>
    198                     <a class = "shutcut-text"href="javescript"><spa    n>网站导航</span></a>
    199                     <i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>
    200                 </li>
    201                 <li class="line"></li>
    202                 <li>
     203                     <a class = "shutcut-text"href="javescript"><spa    n>手机京东</span></a>
    204                 </li>
    205             </ul>
    206         </div>
    208     </div>
    209 </body>
    210 </html>                                                                                                                      
  • 相关阅读:
    hdu 1010 Tempter of the Bone 奇偶剪枝
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zoutingrong/p/14015781.html
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