!!!1.Memory Channel 内存通道
!type – 类型,必须是“memory”
capacity 100 事件存储在信道中的最大数量
transactionCapacity 100 每个事务中的最大事件数
keep-alive 3 添加或删除操作的超时时间
byteCapacityBufferPercentage 20 Defines the percent of buffer between byteCapacity and the estimated total size of all events in the channel, to account for data in headers. See below.
byteCapacity see description Maximum total bytes of memory allowed as a sum of all events in this channel. The implementation only counts the Event body, which is the reason for providing the byteCapacityBufferPercentage configuration parameter as well. Defaults to a computed value equal to 80% of the maximum memory available to the JVM (i.e. 80% of the -Xmx value passed on the command line). Note that if you have multiple memory channels on a single JVM, and they happen to hold the same physical events (i.e. if you are using a replicating channel selector from a single source) then those event sizes may be double-counted for channel byteCapacity purposes. Setting this value to 0 will cause this value to fall back to a hard internal limit of about 200 GB.
2.JDBC Channel
!!!3.File Channel
!type – 类型,必须是“file”
checkpointDir ~/.flume/file-channel/checkpoint 检查点文件存放的位置
useDualCheckpoints false Backup the checkpoint. If this is set to true, backupCheckpointDir must be set
backupCheckpointDir – The directory where the checkpoint is backed up to. This directory must not be the same as the data directories or the checkpoint directory
dataDirs ~/.flume/file-channel/data 逗号分隔的目录列表,用以存放日志文件。使用单独的磁盘上的多个目录可以提高文件通道效率。
transactionCapacity 10000 The maximum size of transaction supported by the channel
checkpointInterval 30000 Amount of time (in millis) between checkpoints
maxFileSize 2146435071 一个日志文件的最大尺寸
minimumRequiredSpace 524288000 Minimum Required free space (in bytes). To avoid data corruption, File Channel stops accepting take/put requests when free space drops below this value
capacity 1000000 Maximum capacity of the channel
keep-alive 3 Amount of time (in sec) to wait for a put operation
use-log-replay-v1 false Expert: Use old replay logic
use-fast-replay false Expert: Replay without using queue
checkpointOnClose true Controls if a checkpoint is created when the channel is closed. Creating a checkpoint on close speeds up subsequent startup of the file channel by avoiding replay.
encryption.activeKey – Key name used to encrypt new data
encryption.cipherProvider – Cipher provider type, supported types: AESCTRNOPADDING
encryption.keyProvider – Key provider type, supported types: JCEKSFILE
encryption.keyProvider.keyStoreFile – Path to the keystore file
encrpytion.keyProvider.keyStorePasswordFile – Path to the keystore password file
encryption.keyProvider.keys – List of all keys (e.g. history of the activeKey setting)
encyption.keyProvider.keys.*.passwordFile – Path to the optional key password file
!!!4.Spillable Memory Channel -- 内存溢出通道
内存存储通过embedded File channel来进行管理。
!type – 类型,必须是"SPILLABLEMEMORY"
memoryCapacity 10000 内存中存储事件的最大值,如果想要禁用内存缓冲区将此值设置为0。
overflowCapacity 100000000 可以存储在磁盘中的事件数量最大值。设置为0可以禁用磁盘存储。
overflowTimeout 3 The number of seconds to wait before enabling disk overflow when memory fills up.
byteCapacityBufferPercentage 20 Defines the percent of buffer between byteCapacity and the estimated total size of all events in the channel, to account for data in headers. See below.
byteCapacity see description Maximum bytes of memory allowed as a sum of all events in the memory queue. The implementation only counts the Event body, which is the reason for providing the byteCapacityBufferPercentage configuration parameter as well. Defaults to a computed value equal to 80% of the maximum memory available to the JVM (i.e. 80% of the -Xmx value passed on the command line). Note that if you have multiple memory channels on a single JVM, and they happen to hold the same physical events (i.e. if you are using a replicating channel selector from a single source) then those event sizes may be double-counted for channel byteCapacity purposes. Setting this value to 0 will cause this value to fall back to a hard internal limit of about 200 GB.
avgEventSize 500 Estimated average size of events, in bytes, going into the channel
<file channel properties> see file channel Any file channel property with the exception of ‘keep-alive’ and ‘capacity’ can be used. The keep-alive of file channel is managed by Spillable Memory Channel. Use ‘overflowCapacity’ to set the File channel’s capacity.
type - 自己实现的Channle类的全路径名称
存储到本地文件系统 存储到hdfs 存储到logger中