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  • @SuppressWarnings

    [摘]J2SE 提供的最后一个批注是 @SuppressWarnings。该批注的作用是给编译器一条指令,告诉它对被批注的代码元素内部的某些警告保持静默。 
    @SuppressWarnings 批注允许您选择性地取消特定代码段(即,类或方法)中的警告。其中的想法是当您看到警告时,您将调查它,如果您确定它不是问题,您就可以添加一个 @SuppressWarnings 批注,以使您不会再看到警告。虽然它听起来似乎会屏蔽潜在的错误,但实际上它将提高代码安全性,因为它将防止您对警告无动于衷 — 您看到的每一个警告都将值得注意。

     * @(#)SuppressWarnings.java	1.4 05/11/17
     * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
     * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
    package java.lang;
    import java.lang.annotation.*;
    import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
    import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;
     * Indicates that the named compiler warnings should be suppressed in the
     * annotated element (and in all program elements contained in the annotated
     * element).  Note that the set of warnings suppressed in a given element is
     * a superset of the warnings suppressed in all containing elements.  For
     * example, if you annotate a class to suppress one warning and annotate a
     * method to suppress another, both warnings will be suppressed in the method.
     * <p>As a matter of style, programmers should always use this annotation
     * on the most deeply nested element where it is effective.  If you want to
     * suppress a warning in a particular method, you should annotate that
     * method rather than its class.
     * @since 1.5
     * @author Josh Bloch
    public @interface SuppressWarnings {
         * The set of warnings that are to be suppressed by the compiler in the
         * annotated element.  Duplicate names are permitted.  The second and
         * successive occurrences of a name are ignored.  The presence of
         * unrecognized warning names is <i>not</i> an error: Compilers must
         * ignore any warning names they do not recognize.  They are, however,
         * free to emit a warning if an annotation contains an unrecognized
         * warning name.
         * <p>Compiler vendors should document the warning names they support in
         * conjunction with this annotation type. They are encouraged to cooperate
         * to ensure that the same names work across multiple compilers.
        String[] value();


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