xtype : 'combotree', fieldLabel : '部门名称', name : 'deptId', hiddenName : 'deptId', allowBlank : false, 235, tree : new Ext.tree.TreePanel({ root : { expanded : true, id : 'root' }, loader : new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({ dataUrl : 'dept/getDeptList' }), animate : true, enableDD : true, autoScroll : true, height:400, rootVisible : true }), listeners : { select : function(combotree){ } }, scope : this }
/** * 查找带check的部门树 * * @return */ @RequestMapping(value="/getDeptList",method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public List<Tree> getDeptList() { Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); return gradeCourseService.getDeptList(criteria); }
/** * * 方法描述 : 查询部门 * @param criteria * @return list<Dept>集合 */ List<Dept> getDeptList(Criteria criteria);
<!-- 查询学生部门 --> <select id="getDeptList" parameterType="Criteria" resultMap="depetMap"> select a.dept_id deptId, a.dept_Name deptName, a.leaf leaf, b.dept_id deptPartpId, b.dept_name deptPartName from spauth.base_dept a,spauth.base_dept b where a.dept_type = '2' and a.dept_id = b.dept_pid order by a.dept_id asc, b.dept_Id asc </select> <!-- 树叶模型 --> <resultMap type="cn.edu.hbcf.privilege.pojo.Dept" id="depetMap"> <id property="deptId" column="deptId"/> <result property="deptName" column="deptName"/> <result property="leaf" column="leaf"/> <collection property="children" ofType="cn.edu.hbcf.privilege.pojo.Dept"> <id property="deptId" column="deptPartpId"/> <result property="deptName" column="deptPartName"/> </collection> </resultMap>
/** * 获取部门下拉框列表 * @return */ List<Tree> getDeptList(Criteria criteria);
public List<Tree> getDeptList(Criteria criteria) { List<Tree> resultTree = new ArrayList<Tree>(); Tree treeNode = null; List<Dept> deptList = gradeCourseMapper.getDeptList(criteria); Dept dept = null; for(Iterator<Dept> it = deptList.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ treeNode = new Tree(); List<Tree> childTree =new ArrayList<Tree>(); Tree childNode = null; Dept chilDept = null; dept = it.next(); if(dept.getDeptName().equals("河北金融学院")){ continue ; } treeNode.setText(dept.getDeptName()); treeNode.setId(dept.getDeptId()); for(Iterator<Dept> iter = dept.getChildren().iterator(); iter.hasNext();){ childNode = new Tree(); chilDept = iter.next(); childNode.setText(chilDept.getDeptName()); childNode.setId(chilDept.getDeptId()); childNode.setLeaf(true); childTree.add(childNode); treeNode.setChildren(childTree); } // if(treeNode.getChildren().size()==0){//这是判断系节点是不是没有子节点。如果没有,就让系变为叶子节点。 // treeNode.setLeaf(true);//变为叶子节点。 // } resultTree.add(treeNode); } return resultTree; }
package cn.edu.hbcf.common.vo; import java.util.List; /** * ext树菜单 * * @author * @date 2012-02-24 19:06:00 * */ public class Tree { private String id; private String name; private String text; private String iconCls; private boolean expanded; private boolean leaf; private String url; private List<Tree> children; public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { this.id = id; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getText() { return text; } public void setText(String text) { this.text = text; } public String getIconCls() { return iconCls; } public void setIconCls(String iconCls) { this.iconCls = iconCls; } public boolean getExpanded() { return expanded; } public void setExpanded(boolean expanded) { this.expanded = expanded; } public boolean getLeaf() { return leaf; } public void setLeaf(boolean leaf) { this.leaf = leaf; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } public List<Tree> getChildren() { return children; } public void setChildren(List<Tree> children) { this.children = children; } }
package cn.edu.hbcf.privilege.pojo; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.List; /** * 部门 * @author*/ public class Dept implements Serializable{ /** 部门Id */ private String deptId; /** 父部门 */ private Dept parent; /** 部门名称 */ private String deptName; /** 部门简介 */ private String deptComment; /** 是否为根节点 0无1有*/ private int leaf; /** * 显示顺序 */ private Integer displayIndex; /** * 是否为系所号 */ private Integer deptType; private List<Dept> children; public String getDeptId() { return deptId; } public void setDeptId(String deptId) { this.deptId = deptId; } public String getDeptName() { return deptName; } public void setDeptName(String deptName) { this.deptName = deptName; } public String getDeptComment() { return deptComment; } public void setDeptComment(String deptComment) { this.deptComment = deptComment; } public int getLeaf() { return leaf; } public void setLeaf(int leaf) { this.leaf = leaf; } public void setParent(Dept parent) { this.parent = parent; } public Dept getParent() { return parent; } /** * @return the children */ public List<Dept> getChildren() { return children; } /** * @param children the children to set */ public void setChildren(List<Dept> children) { this.children = children; } /** * @return the displayIndex */ public Integer getDisplayIndex() { return displayIndex; } /** * @param displayIndex the displayIndex to set */ public void setDisplayIndex(Integer displayIndex) { this.displayIndex = displayIndex; } /** * @return the deptType */ public Integer getDeptType() { return deptType; } /** * @param deptType the deptType to set */ public void setDeptType(Integer deptType) { this.deptType = deptType; } }
ComboTree = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TriggerField, { triggerClass : 'x-form-arrow-trigger', shadow : 'sides', lazyInit : true, currNode:null, //当前选中的节点 /** * 覆盖initComponent */ initComponent : function() { ComboTree.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents( 'expand', 'collapse', 'beforeselect', 'select' ); }, /** * 覆盖onRender * @param {} ct * @param {} position */ onRender : function(ct, position) { Ext.form.ComboBox.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); var hiddenName = this.name; this.hiddenField = this.el.insertSibling({ tag : 'input', type : 'hidden', name : hiddenName }, 'before', true); this.hiddenField.value = this.value !== undefined ? this.value : 0; this.el.dom.removeAttribute('name'); this.id = this.name; if (!this.lazyInit) { this.initList(); } else { this.on('focus', this.initList, this, { single : true }); } }, /** * 私有:初始化下拉列表 */ initList : function() { //构建容纳TreePanel的层 if (this.list) { return; } this.list = new Ext.Layer({ cls : 'x-combo-list', constrain : false }); this.list.setWidth(Math.max(this.wrap.getWidth(), 70)); this.mon(this.list,'mouseover',this.onViewOver,this); //构建TreePanel,并渲染到list中 if(!this.tree){ this.root = this.root?this.root:new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({ expanded : true }); this.tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({ autoScroll : true, height : 200, border : false, root : this.root, loader : this.loader }); delete this.loader; } this.tree.on({ click:this.onTreeClick, scope:this }); this.tree.render(this.list); this.el.dom.setAttribute('readOnly', true); this.el.addClass('x-combo-noedit'); }, expandNode : function(n, v) { var cs = n.childNodes; for (var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++) { if (cs[i].id == v) { return true; } if (expandNode(cs[i], v)) { cs[i].expand(); return true; } } return false; }, validateValue : function(value) { return true; }, /** * 覆盖onDestory */ onDestroy : function() { if (this.wrap) { this.wrap.remove(); } if(this.tree){ this.tree.destroy(); } if (this.list) { this.list.destroy(); } ComboTree.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); }, isExpanded : function() { return this.list && this.list.isVisible(); }, collapse : function() { if (this.isExpanded()) { this.list.hide(); } this.fireEvent('collapse', this); }, expand : function(){ this.list.alignTo(this.wrap, 'tl-bl?'); this.list.show(); this.mon(Ext.getDoc(), { scope: this, mousewheel: this.collapseIf, mousedown: this.collapseIf }); this.fireEvent('expand', this); }, collapseIf : function(e){ console.log(e.within); if(!this.isDestroyed && !e.within(this.wrap) && !e.within(this.list)){ this.collapse(); } }, onSelect : function(node){ if(this.fireEvent('beforeselect', this, node) !== false){ this.setValue(node); this.collapse(); this.fireEvent('select', this, node); } }, onTreeClick : function(node) { if(node){ this.onSelect(node); }else{ this.collapse(); } }, assertValue:function(){ if(this.currNode){ this.setValue(this.currNode); } }, // private beforeBlur:function(){ this.assertValue(); }, postBlur : function(){ ComboTree.superclass.postBlur.call(this); this.collapse(); }, mimicBlur : function(e){ if(!this.isDestroyed && !this.wrap.contains(e.target) && this.validateBlur(e)){ this.triggerBlur(); } }, validateBlur : function(e){ return !this.list || !this.list.isVisible(); }, onViewOver:function(e,t){ t=Ext.get(t); if(t.hasClass("x-tree-node-el")){ var id=t.getAttribute("ext:tree-node-id"); if(id){ this.currNode=this.tree.getNodeById(id); } } }, setValue : function(v) { this.currNode=v; var val = v; if (typeof v === 'object') { this.hiddenField.value = ((this.root && v.id == this.root.id) ? 0 : v.id); val = v.text; } ComboTree.superclass.setValue.call(this, val); }, getValue:function(){ return this.currNode?this.currNode.id:""; }, getSelected:function(){ return this.currNode; }, initEvents : function() { ComboTree.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.el.on('mousedown', this.onTriggerClick, this); }, onTriggerClick : function() { if (this.disabled) { return; } if(this.isExpanded()) { this.collapse(); this.el.focus(); } else { this.onFocus({}); this.expand(); this.el.focus(); } } }); Ext.reg('combotree', ComboTree);