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  • Quagga-RE


    In relation with the Réseau Libre project, I wanted to test a routerinstallation using Quagga instead of simply running the standalone babelddaemon. Some of the advantages are a common location and syntax for routingconfiguration, support for multiple routing routing protocols (so we can easilymix Babel with OLSR with BGP, for example) and get the vtysh command-line toolto access information.

    The current stable version of Quagga integrates the babeld code, but Babel isnot a high priority so it does not tend to follow the new versions. The Quaggadevelopers balance this limitation with a separate release line of the Quaggacode, named Quagga RE. By using this code, we can get recent versions of babeldintegrated into Quagga.

    This page describes how Quagga RE has been installed on the gelato.deuxpi.camesh router. The Debian quagga package was previously installed on this serverso the configuration data, init scripts and user IDs are expected to be reusedwith minor modifications. I guess it could be possible to simply install andimmediately remove (without purging) the quagga package to get a functional installation.

    Get the code

    git clone https://github.com/Quagga-RE/quagga-RE.git
    git checkout RE-

    We can use the information from the Debian Quagga package to fetch most of the dependencies.

    sudo apt-get build-dep quagga
    sudo apt-get install libgcrypt11-dev

    Patch on recent versions of GNU Readline

    Apply the patch to fix compilation issuesin vtysh.


    Here we replicate the configurations options as they are set in thedebian/rules script of the Debian package.

    cd quagga-RE
    ./configure --prefix=/usr 
    sudo make install
    sudo /etc/init.d/quagga start

    Differences between Quagga and Quagga RE

    One of the major benefits of using Quagga RE for Babel is the support forspecifying IPv4 and IPv6 distribution lists independently. In the stableversion of Quagga, I only managed to distribute IPv6 routes. Here is thecurrent version of /etc/quagga/babeld.conf, which is very basic:

    password ********
    access-list vty permit
    access-list vty deny any
    line vty
     access-class vty
    log file /var/log/quagga/babeld.log
    router babel
     network eth1
     network mesh
     redistribute connected
     redistribute kernel
     redistribute static
     distribute-list global-v4 in eth1
     distribute-list global-v4 in mesh
     distribute-list local-v4 out eth1
     distribute-list local-v4 out mesh
     ipv6 distribute-list global in eth1
     ipv6 distribute-list global in mesh
     ipv6 distribute-list local out eth1
     ipv6 distribute-list local out mesh
    interface eth1
     babel wired
     babel split-horizon
    interface mesh
     babel wired
    access-list local-v4 permit
    access-list local-v4 deny any
    access-list global-v4 deny
    access-list global-v4 deny
    access-list global-v4 deny
    access-list global-v4 permit any
    ipv6 access-list local permit 2001:470:b2a7::/48
    ipv6 access-list local permit fd64:2c08:9fa7::/48
    ipv6 access-list local permit 2001:1928:1:9::/48
    ipv6 access-list local permit 2607:f2c0:f00e:4d00:227:22ff:fe73:cf9f/128
    ipv6 access-list local deny any
    ipv6 access-list global deny ::/4
    ipv6 access-list global deny 2001:470:b2a7::/48
    ipv6 access-list global permit any

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ztguang/p/12644693.html
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