1 ] /system is the main Android directory for storing immutable components generated bythe build of the AOSP. This includes native binaries, native libraries, framework packages,and stock apps. It’s usually mounted read-only from a separate image from theroot file system, which is itself mounted from a RAM disk image.
2 ] Android also includes many directories commonly found in any Linux system, suchas /dev, /proc, /sys, /sbin, /root, /mnt, and /etc. These directories often serve similar ifnot identical purposes to the ones they serve on any Linux system, although they arevery often trimmed down, as is the case of /sbin and /etc, and in some cases are empty,such as /root.
3 ] More than 150 command-line utilities are scattered throughout Android’s root file system./system/bin contains the majority of them, but some “extras” are in /system/xbin, and a handful are in /sbin.
4 ] /sbin dir In Linux, this would hold binaries essential to the system administrator. InAndroid, it contains only ueventd and adbd.
5 ] /bin dir All native binaries and daemons built as part of the AOSP. All modules built with BUILD_EXECUTABLE are here. The only exception is adbd, which has the LOCAL_MODULE_PATH set to /sbinand is therefore installed there instead.
6 ] /xbin dir “Extra” binaries generated by some of the packages that are built within the AOSP but aren’t essential to the system’s operation.
Thanks goes to Mr: Karim Yaghmour , The great ; The author of Embedded Android tutorial.