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  • (冯伟浩--吴晓培)链表内核模块运行与分析


    [root@bogon I21c]# gedit lb.c



    #define N 10   //链表节点
    struct numlist {
        int num;//数据
        struct list_head list;//指向双联表前后节点的指针

    struct numlist numhead;//头节点

    static int __init doublelist_init(void)
        struct numlist *listnode;//每次申请链表节点时所用的指针
        struct list_head *pos; //定义list_head的有效指针
        struct numlist *p;
        int i;

        printk("<0>""doublelist is starting... ");//利用"<0>"提升printk级别
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            listnode = (struct numlist *)kmalloc(sizeof(struct numlist), GFP_KERNEL); // kmalloc()在内核空间申请内存,用于存放结点。
            listnode->num = i+1;//给链表numlist的数据域赋值。
            list_add_tail(&listnode->list, &numhead.list);//将结点加入到链表尾部
            printk("<0>""Node %d has added to the doublelist... ", i+1);
        i = 1;
        list_for_each(pos, &numhead.list) {
            p = list_entry(pos, struct numlist, list);
            printk("<0>""Node %d's data:%d ", i, p->num);
        return 0;

    static void __exit doublelist_exit(void)
        struct list_head *pos, *n;
        struct numlist *p;
        int i;
        printk("<0>""依次删除N个节点 ");
        i = 1;
        list_for_each_safe(pos, n, &numhead.list) {  //为了安全删除节点而进行的遍历
            p = list_entry(pos, struct numlist, list);//得到当前数据节点的首地址,即指针
            printk("<0>""Node %d has removed from the doublelist... ", i++);
        printk("<0>""doublelist is exiting.. ");


    [root@bogon I21c]# gedit Makefile
    PWD:=$(shell pwd)
    CUR_PATH:=$(shell uname -r)

        make -C $(KERNEL_PATH) M=$(PWD) modules
        make -C $(KERNEL_PATH) M=$(PWD) clean

    [root@bogon I21c]# gedit Makefile
    obj-m:=lb.o                //目标文件
    PWD:=$(shell pwd)      //当前shell的路径赋值给PWD
    CUR_PATH:=$(shell uname -r)    //shell执行 uname -r命令为2.6.32-71.el6.i686
    KERNEL_PATH:=/usr/src/kernels/$(CUR_PATH)    //KERNEL_PATH:的完整路径为/usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-71.el6.i686
        make -C $(KERNEL_PATH) M=$(PWD) modules
        //make -C /usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-71.el6.i686 M=/root/桌面/I21c modules
        make -C $(KERNEL_PATH) M=$(PWD) clean

    [root@localhost I21c]# make
    make -C /usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-71.el6.i686 M=/root/桌面/I21c modules
    make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-71.el6.i686'
      CC [M]  /root/桌面/I21c/lb.o
      Building modules, stage 2.
      MODPOST 1 modules
      CC      /root/桌面/I21c/lb.mod.o
      LD [M]  /root/桌面/I21c/lb.ko.unsigned
      NO SIGN [M] /root/桌面/I21c/lb.ko
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-71.el6.i686'
    [root@localhost I21c]# insmod lb.ko
    [root@localhost I21c]#
    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:doublelist is starting...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 1 has added to the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 2 has added to the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 3 has added to the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 4 has added to the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 5 has added to the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 6 has added to the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 7 has added to the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 8 has added to the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 9 has added to the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 10 has added to the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 1's data:1

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 2's data:2

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 3's data:3

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 4's data:4

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 5's data:5

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 6's data:6

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 7's data:7

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 8's data:8

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 9's data:9

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:13 ...
     kernel:Node 10's data:10

    [root@localhost I21c]# rmmod lb.ko
    [root@localhost I21c]#
    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:29 ...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:29 ...
     kernel:Node 1 has removed from the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:29 ...
     kernel:Node 2 has removed from the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:29 ...
     kernel:Node 3 has removed from the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:29 ...
     kernel:Node 4 has removed from the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:29 ...
     kernel:Node 5 has removed from the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:29 ...
     kernel:Node 6 has removed from the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:29 ...
     kernel:Node 7 has removed from the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:29 ...
     kernel:Node 8 has removed from the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:29 ...
     kernel:Node 9 has removed from the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:29 ...
     kernel:Node 10 has removed from the doublelist...

    Message from syslogd@localhost at Oct  8 16:59:29 ...
     kernel:doublelist is exiting..

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