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  • (OK) 在CentOS7—编译OpenSSL 静态库—for—Android

    参考: https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Android

    下载makedepend.zip , 从http://llg.cubic.org/docs/vc7.html下载。 解压编译,然后 cp makedepend /bin/
    下载Setenv-android.sh , wget https://wiki.openssl.org/images/7/70/Setenv-android.sh

    [root@localhost openssl-1.0.1p]# gedit Setenv-android.sh        //关键设置如下:

    export MACHINE=armv7
    export RELEASE=2.6.37
    export SYSTEM=android
    export ARCH=arm
    #export CROSS_COMPILE="arm-linux-androideabi-"
    export CROSS_COMPILE=""

    [root@localhost openssl-1.0.1p]# pwd

    chmod a+x Setenv-android.sh
    perl -pi -e 's/install: all install_docs install_sw/install: install_docs install_sw/g' Makefile.org
    ./config shared no-ssl2 no-ssl3 no-comp no-hw no-engine --openssldir=/usr/local/ssl/android-14/
    make depend
    make all

    find . -name "*.a"
    find . -name libcrypto.a
    find . -name libssl.a

    readelf -h ./libcrypto.a | grep -i 'class|machine' | head -2

    cp libssl.a libcrypto.a /opt/cBPM-android/criteria-lin/lib

    # gedit Setenv-android.sh        //内容如下:


    1. #!/bin/bash
    2. # Cross-compile environment for Android on ARMv7 and x86
    3. #
    4. # Contents licensed under the terms of the OpenSSL license
    5. # http://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
    6. #
    7. # See http://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/FIPS_Library_and_Android
    8. # and http://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Android

    9. #####################################################################

    10. ANDROID_NDK_ROOT="/opt/android-on-linux/android-ndk-r8e"

    11. # Set ANDROID_NDK_ROOT to you NDK location. For example,
    12. # /opt/android-ndk-r8e or /opt/android-ndk-r9. This can be done in a
    13. # login script. If ANDROID_NDK_ROOT is not specified, the script will
    14. # try to pick it up with the value of _ANDROID_NDK_ROOT below. If
    15. # ANDROID_NDK_ROOT is set, then the value is ignored.
    16.  _ANDROID_NDK="android-ndk-r8e"
    17. #_ANDROID_NDK="android-ndk-r9"
    18. # _ANDROID_NDK="android-ndk-r10"

    19. # Set _ANDROID_EABI to the EABI you want to use. You can find the
    20. # list in $ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains. This value is always used.
    21. # _ANDROID_EABI="x86-4.6"
    22. # _ANDROID_EABI="arm-linux-androideabi-4.6"
    23. _ANDROID_EABI="arm-linux-androideabi-4.7"

    24. # Set _ANDROID_ARCH to the architecture you are building for.
    25. # This value is always used.
    26. # _ANDROID_ARCH=arch-x86
    27. _ANDROID_ARCH=arch-arm

    28. # Set _ANDROID_API to the API you want to use. You should set it
    29. # to one of: android-14, android-9, android-8, android-14, android-5
    30. # android-4, or android-3. You can't set it to the latest (for
    31. # example, API-17) because the NDK does not supply the platform. At
    32. # Android 5.0, there will likely be another platform added (android-22?).
    33. # This value is always used.
    34.  _ANDROID_API="android-14"
    35. #_ANDROID_API="android-18"
    36. # _ANDROID_API="android-19"

    37. #####################################################################

    38. # If the user did not specify the NDK location, try and pick it up.
    39. # We expect something like ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/opt/android-ndk-r8e
    40. # or ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/usr/local/android-ndk-r8e.

    41. if [ -z "$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" ]; then

    42.   _ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=""
    43.   if [ -z "$_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" ] && [ -d "/usr/local/$_ANDROID_NDK" ]; then
    44.     _ANDROID_NDK_ROOT="/usr/local/$_ANDROID_NDK"
    45.   fi

    46.   if [ -z "$_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" ] && [ -d "/opt/$_ANDROID_NDK" ]; then
    47.     _ANDROID_NDK_ROOT="/opt/$_ANDROID_NDK"
    48.   fi

    49.   if [ -z "$_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" ] && [ -d "$HOME/$_ANDROID_NDK" ]; then
    51.   fi

    52.   if [ -z "$_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" ] && [ -d "$PWD/$_ANDROID_NDK" ]; then
    54.   fi

    55.   # If a path was set, then export it
    56.   if [ ! -z "$_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" ] && [ -d "$_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" ]; then
    57.     export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT="$_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT"
    58.   fi
    59. fi

    60. # Error checking
    61. # ANDROID_NDK_ROOT should always be set by the user (even when not running this script)
    62. # http://groups.google.com/group/android-ndk/browse_thread/thread/a998e139aca71d77
    63. if [ -z "$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" ] || [ ! -d "$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" ]; then
    64.   echo "Error: ANDROID_NDK_ROOT is not a valid path. Please edit this script."
    65.   # echo "$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT"
    66.   # exit 1
    67. fi

    68. # Error checking
    69. if [ ! -d "$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains" ]; then
    70.   echo "Error: ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains is not a valid path. Please edit this script."
    71.   # echo "$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains"
    72.   # exit 1
    73. fi

    74. # Error checking
    75. if [ ! -d "$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains/$_ANDROID_EABI" ]; then
    76.   echo "Error: ANDROID_EABI is not a valid path. Please edit this script."
    77.   # echo "$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains/$_ANDROID_EABI"
    78.   # exit 1
    79. fi

    80. #####################################################################

    81. # Based on ANDROID_NDK_ROOT, try and pick up the required toolchain. We expect something like:
    82. # /opt/android-ndk-r83/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.7/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin
    83. # Once we locate the toolchain, we add it to the PATH. Note: this is the 'hard way' of
    84. # doing things according to the NDK documentation for Ice Cream Sandwich.
    85. # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/ndk/+/ics-mr0/docs/STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html

    87. for host in "linux-x86_64" "linux-x86" "darwin-x86_64" "darwin-x86"
    88. do
    89.   if [ -d "$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains/$_ANDROID_EABI/prebuilt/$host/bin" ]; then
    90.     ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN="$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains/$_ANDROID_EABI/prebuilt/$host/bin"
    91.     break
    92.   fi
    93. done

    94. # Error checking
    95. if [ -z "$ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN" ] || [ ! -d "$ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN" ]; then
    96.   echo "Error: ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN is not valid. Please edit this script."
    97.   # echo "$ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN"
    98.   # exit 1
    99. fi

    100. case $_ANDROID_ARCH in
    101.     arch-arm)    
    102.       ANDROID_TOOLS="arm-linux-androideabi-gcc arm-linux-androideabi-ranlib arm-linux-androideabi-ld"
    103.      ;;
    104.     arch-x86)    
    105.       ANDROID_TOOLS="i686-linux-android-gcc i686-linux-android-ranlib i686-linux-android-ld"
    106.      ;;    
    107.     *)
    108.      echo "ERROR ERROR ERROR"
    109.      ;;
    110. esac

    111. for tool in $ANDROID_TOOLS
    112. do
    113.   # Error checking
    114.   if [ ! -e "$ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN/$tool" ]; then
    115.     echo "Error: Failed to find $tool. Please edit this script."
    116.     # echo "$ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN/$tool"
    117.     # exit 1
    118.   fi
    119. done

    120. # Only modify/export PATH if ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN good
    121. if [ ! -z "$ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN" ]; then
    123.   export PATH="$ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN":"$PATH"
    124. fi

    125. #####################################################################

    126. # For the Android SYSROOT. Can be used on the command line with --sysroot
    127. # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/ndk/+/ics-mr0/docs/STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html
    129. export SYSROOT="$ANDROID_SYSROOT"

    131. # Error checking
    132. if [ -z "$ANDROID_SYSROOT" ] || [ ! -d "$ANDROID_SYSROOT" ]; then
    133.   echo "Error: ANDROID_SYSROOT is not valid. Please edit this script."
    134.   # echo "$ANDROID_SYSROOT"
    135.   # exit 1
    136. fi

    137. #####################################################################

    138. # If the user did not specify the FIPS_SIG location, try and pick it up
    139. # If the user specified a bad location, then try and pick it up too.
    140. if [ -z "$FIPS_SIG" ] || [ ! -e "$FIPS_SIG" ]; then

    141.   # Try and locate it
    142.   _FIPS_SIG=""
    143.   if [ -d "/usr/local/ssl/$_ANDROID_API" ]; then
    144.     _FIPS_SIG=`find "/usr/local/ssl/$_ANDROID_API" -name incore`
    145.   fi

    146.   if [ ! -e "$_FIPS_SIG" ]; then
    147.     _FIPS_SIG=`find $PWD -name incore`
    148.   fi

    149.   # If a path was set, then export it
    150.   if [ ! -z "$_FIPS_SIG" ] && [ -e "$_FIPS_SIG" ]; then
    151.     export FIPS_SIG="$_FIPS_SIG"
    152.   fi
    153. fi

    154. # Error checking. Its OK to ignore this if you are *not* building for FIPS
    155. if [ -z "$FIPS_SIG" ] || [ ! -e "$FIPS_SIG" ]; then
    156.   echo "Error: FIPS_SIG does not specify incore module. Please edit this script."
    157.   # echo "$FIPS_SIG"
    158.   # exit 1
    159. fi

    160. #####################################################################

    161. # Most of these should be OK (MACHINE, SYSTEM, ARCH). RELEASE is ignored.
    162. export MACHINE=armv7
    163. export RELEASE=2.6.37
    164. export SYSTEM=android
    165. export ARCH=arm
    166. #export CROSS_COMPILE="arm-linux-androideabi-"
    167. export CROSS_COMPILE=""

    168. if [ "$_ANDROID_ARCH" == "arch-x86" ]; then
    169.     export MACHINE=i686
    170.     export RELEASE=2.6.37
    171.     export SYSTEM=android
    172.     export ARCH=x86
    173.     export CROSS_COMPILE="i686-linux-android-"
    174. fi

    175. # For the Android toolchain
    176. # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/ndk/+/ics-mr0/docs/STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html
    178. export SYSROOT="$ANDROID_SYSROOT"
    181. export ANDROID_API="$_ANDROID_API"

    182. # CROSS_COMPILE and ANDROID_DEV are DFW (Don't Fiddle With). Its used by OpenSSL build system.
    183. # export CROSS_COMPILE="arm-linux-androideabi-"
    184. export ANDROID_DEV="$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/platforms/$_ANDROID_API/$_ANDROID_ARCH/usr"
    185. export HOSTCC=gcc

    186. VERBOSE=1
    187. if [ ! -z "$VERBOSE" ] && [ "$VERBOSE" != "0" ]; then
    189.   echo "ANDROID_ARCH: $_ANDROID_ARCH"
    190.   echo "ANDROID_EABI: $_ANDROID_EABI"
    191.   echo "ANDROID_API: $ANDROID_API"
    194.   echo "FIPS_SIG: $FIPS_SIG"
    196.   echo "ANDROID_DEV: $ANDROID_DEV"
    197. fi

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