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  • Codeforce GYM 100741 A. Queries

    A. Queries
    time limit per test
    0.25 s
    memory limit per test
    64 MB
    standard input
    standard output

    Mathematicians are interesting (sometimes, I would say, even crazy) people. For example, my friend, a mathematician, thinks that it is very fun to play with a sequence of integer numbers. He writes the sequence in a row. If he wants he increases one number of the sequence, sometimes it is more interesting to decrease it (do you know why?..) And he likes to add the numbers in the interval [l;r]. But showing that he is really cool he adds only numbers which are equal some mod (modulo m).

    Guess what he asked me, when he knew that I am a programmer? Yep, indeed, he asked me to write a program which could process these queries (n is the length of the sequence):

    • + p r It increases the number with index p by r. ()

      You have to output the number after the increase.

    • - p r It decreases the number with index p by r. () You must not decrease the number if it would become negative.

      You have to output the number after the decrease.

    • s l r mod You have to output the sum of numbers in the interval  which are equal mod (modulo m). () ()

    The first line of each test case contains the number of elements of the sequence n and the number m. (1 ≤ n ≤ 10000) (1 ≤ m ≤ 10)

    The second line contains n initial numbers of the sequence. (0 ≤ number ≤ 1000000000)

    The third line of each test case contains the number of queries q (1 ≤ q ≤ 10000).

    The following q lines contains the queries (one query per line).


    Output q lines - the answers to the queries.

    3 4
    1 2 3
    s 1 3 2
    + 2 1
    - 1 2

    注意:要开long long

     1 #include<iostream>
     2 #include<cstdio>
     3 #include<cstring>
     4 #include<cmath>
     5 #include<cstring>
     6 #include<algorithm>
     7 #define lli long long int 
     8 using namespace std;
     9 const lli MAXN=10001;
    10 void read(lli &n)
    11 {
    12     char c='+';lli x=0;bool flag=0;
    13     while(c<'0'||c>'9'){c=getchar();if(c=='-')flag=1;}
    14     while(c>='0'&&c<='9')x=x*10+c-48,c=getchar();
    15     n=flag==1?-x:x;
    16 }
    17 lli n,m;
    18 struct node
    19 {
    20     lli a[MAXN];
    21     lli lowbit(lli x){return x&(-x);}
    22     lli change(lli pos,lli val)
    23     {
    24         for(;pos<=n;pos+=lowbit(pos))
    25             a[pos]+=val;
    26     }
    27     lli query(lli l,lli r)
    28     {
    29         return ask(r)-ask(l-1);
    30     }
    31     lli ask(lli pos)
    32     {
    33         lli ans=0;
    34         for(;pos;pos-=lowbit(pos))
    35             ans+=a[pos];
    36         return ans;
    37     }    
    38     node(){memset(a,0,sizeof(a));}
    39 }bit[21];
    40 lli date[MAXN];
    41 int main()
    42 {
    43     read(n);read(m);
    44     for(lli i=1;i<=n;i++)
    45     {
    46         read(date[i]);
    47         bit[date[i]%m].change(i,date[i]);
    48     }
    49     lli T;read(T);
    50     while(T--)
    51     {
    52         char how;cin>>how;
    53         if(how=='+')
    54         {
    55             lli p,num;read(p);read(num);
    56             bit[date[p]%m].change(p,-date[p]);
    57             date[p]+=num;
    58             bit[date[p]%m].change(p,date[p]);
    59             printf("%lld
    60         }
    61         else if(how=='-')
    62         {
    63             lli p,num;read(p);read(num);
    64             if(date[p]<num)
    65                 printf("%lld
    66             else
    67             {
    68                 bit[date[p]%m].change(p,-date[p]);
    69                 date[p]-=num;
    70                 bit[date[p]%m].change(p,date[p]);
    71                 printf("%lld
    72             }
    74         }
    75         else if(how=='s')
    76         {
    77             lli l,r,mod;read(l);read(r);read(mod);
    78             printf("%lld
    79         }
    80     }
    81     return 0;
    82 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zwfymqz/p/7348980.html
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