1.(1) 给出每个功能的重点、难点、编程收获。
1)功能1的重点在于所要生成的四则运算题目是随机的,于是要利用Python random包来生成随机数。在使用random()时,发现该函数不能直接访问只有导入random模块后才能访问。
2)功能2的重点在于要生成的四则运算题目支持带括号的题目输出。在生成随机数时仍采用Python random包进行处理,其中关于题目中括号的位置的确定十分困难。
(4)在将任务一的源程序转换成exe格式后,在最初运行时出现了闪退的问题经过查询发现可能是运行速度过快的问题,于是我们们更换了电脑重新进行运行。但在第二台笔记本上每次运行程序的时候都会跳出“高级安全Windows防火墙”这一界面。首先,我们分别通过Windows防火墙页面、控制台、Windows defender三种方式进行尝试。其次,我们通过控制面板系统和安全Windows 防火墙允许的应用页面添加了该程序但也未能解决此问题。最后,我们是通过卸载电脑管家的方式解决了这个问题。
import random ops = ['+','-','*','/'] com = input('>') #用户输入 cot = 0 #答对的题 x = 0 while x < 20 : s1 = random.randint(1,10) s2 = random.randint(1,10) s3 = random.randint(1,10) s4 = random.randint(1,10) op1 = random.choice(ops) #随机运算符 op2 = random.choice(ops) op3 = random.choice(ops) while op1 == op2 == op3: op1 = random.choice(ops) #随机运算符 op2 = random.choice(ops) op3 = random.choice(ops) eq = (str(s1)+op1+str(s2)+op2+str(s3)+op3+str(s4)) res = eval(eq) if len(str(res) ) > 5: continue x += 1 print(eq) in_res =eval( input('?')) if in_res == res: print('算对啦,你真是个天才!') cot += 1 else: print('再想想吧,答案似乎是%s喔!'%res) print('你一共答对%s道题,共20道题'%cot)
from random import randint from random import choice ops = ['+','-','*','/'] bra = ['(', '', ')'] com = input('>') #用户输入 cot = 0 #答对的题 x = 0 while x < 20 : s1 = randint(1,10) s2 = randint(1,10) s3 = randint(1,10) s4 = randint(1,10) op1 = choice(ops) #随机运算符 op2 = choice(ops) op3 = choice(ops) """括号""" bra_1 = ['' , '' ,''] bra_2 = ['' , '' , ''] i = ii =0 while (i ==0 and ii ==2) or abs(i-ii)==1 or ii < i : i = randint(0,2) ii = randint(0,2) bra_1[i] = '('; bra_2[ii]=')' while op1 == op2 == op3 : op1 = choice(ops) #随机运算符 op2 = choice(ops) op3 = choice(ops) eq = bra_1[0] + str(s1) + op1 + bra_1[1] + str(s2) + bra_2[0] + op2 + bra_1[2] + str(s3) + bra_2[1] + op3 + str(s4) + bra_2[2] res = eval(eq) if len(str(res) ) > 5: continue x += 1 print(eq) in_res =eval( input('?')) if in_res == res: print('算对啦,你真是个天才!') cot += 1 else: print('再想想吧,答案似乎是%s喔!'%res) print('你一共答对%s道题,共20道题'%cot)
from random import randint from random import choice import os ops = ['+','-','*','/'] bra = ['(', '', ')'] com = input('>') #用户输入 com_list = com.split() while com_list[2].isdigit() == False: print('题目数量必须是正整数') com = input('>') #用户输入 com_list = com.split() def xx(): s1 = randint(1,10) s2 = randint(1,10) s3 = randint(1,10) s4 = randint(1,10) op1 = choice(ops) #随机运算符 op2 = choice(ops) op3 = choice(ops) """括号""" bra_1 = ['' , '' ,''] bra_2 = ['' , '' , ''] i = ii =0 while (i ==0 and ii ==2) or abs(i-ii)==1 or ii < i : i = randint(0,2) ii = randint(0,2) bra_1[i] = '('; bra_2[ii]=')' while op1 == op2 == op3 : op1 = choice(ops) #随机运算符 op2 = choice(ops) op3 = choice(ops) eq = bra_1[0] + str(s1) + op1 + bra_1[1] + str(s2) + bra_2[0] + op2 + bra_1[2] + str(s3) + bra_2[1] + op3 + str(s4) + bra_2[2] res = eval(eq) return [eq,res] eq = []; res = [] while len(res) < int(com_list[2]): a = xx() if a[1] in res or len((str(a[1])) ) >6: continue eq.append(a[0]) res.append(a[1]) f= open('题目.txt','w') for i in range(len(eq)): print('{0:15}'.format(eq[i]),end = '') print(res[i]) xxx = 17 - len(eq[i]) f.write(str(eq[i]+' '*xxx)) f.write(str(res[i])+' ') f.close() os.system('题目.txt') #决定是否打开txt
import os from random import randint from random import choice from fractions import Fraction ops = ['+','-','*','/'] bra = ['(', '', ')'] com = input('>') #用户输入 com_list = com.split() while com_list[2].isdigit() == False: print('题目数量必须是正整数') com = input('>') #用户输入 com_list = com.split() def xx(): s1 = randint(1,10) s2 = randint(1,10) s3 = randint(1,10) s4 = randint(1,10) op1 = choice(ops) #随机运算符 op2 = choice(ops) op3 = choice(ops) """括号""" bra_1 = ['' , '' ,''] bra_2 = ['' , '' , ''] i = ii =0 while (i ==0 and ii ==2) or abs(i-ii)==1 or ii < i : i = randint(0,2) ii = randint(0,2) bra_1[i] = '('; bra_2[ii]=')' while op1 == op2 == op3 : op1 = choice(ops) #随机运算符 op2 = choice(ops) op3 = choice(ops) eq = bra_1[0] + str(s1) + op1 + bra_1[1] + str(s2) + bra_2[0] + op2 + bra_1[2] + str(s3) + bra_2[1] + op3 + str(s4) + bra_2[2] res = Fraction(eval(eq)) return [eq,res] eq = []; res = [] while len(res) < int(com_list[2]): a = xx() if a[1] in res or len((str(a[1])) ) >6: continue if int(a[1]) == a[1]: #保证输入全为分数 continue eq.append(a[0]) res.append(a[1]) f= open('题目.txt','w') for i in range(len(eq)): print('{0:15}'.format(eq[i]),end = '') print(res[i]) xxx = 17 - len(eq[i]) f.write(str(eq[i]+' '*xxx)) f.write(str(res[i])+' ') f.close() os.system('题目.txt') #决定是否打开txt