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  • Haskell语言学习笔记(47)Arrow(2)

    Function, Monad, Arrow

    f :: Int -> (Int, Int)
    f = x ->
      let y  = 2 * x
          z1 = y + 3
          z2 = y - 5
      in (z1, z2)
    -- ghci> f 10
    -- (23, 15)
    fM :: Int -> Identity (Int, Int)
    fM = x -> do
      y  <- return (2 * x)
      z1 <- return (y + 3)
      z2 <- return (y - 5)
      return (z1, z2)
    -- ghci> runIdentity (fM 10)
    -- (23,15)
    fA :: Int -> (Int, Int)
    fA = proc x -> do
      y  <- (2 *) -< x
      z1 <- (+ 3) -< y
      z2 <- (subtract 5) -< y
      returnA -< (z1, z2)
    -- ghci> fA 10
    -- (23,15)

    24 Days of GHC Extensions: Arrows

    ArrowZero, ArrowPlus, ArrowChoice, ArrowApply

    class Arrow a => ArrowZero a where
        zeroArrow :: a b c
    class ArrowZero a => ArrowPlus a where
        (<+>) :: a b c -> a b c -> a b c
    class Arrow a => ArrowChoice a where
        left :: a b c -> a (Either b d) (Either c d)
        left = (+++ id)
        right :: a b c -> a (Either d b) (Either d c)
        right = (id +++)
        (+++) :: a b c -> a b' c' -> a (Either b b') (Either c c')
        f +++ g = left f >>> arr mirror >>> left g >>> arr mirror
            mirror :: Either x y -> Either y x
            mirror (Left x) = Right x
            mirror (Right y) = Left y
        (|||) :: a b d -> a c d -> a (Either b c) d
        f ||| g = f +++ g >>> arr untag
            untag (Left x) = x
            untag (Right y) = y
    class Arrow a => ArrowApply a where
        app :: a (a b c, b) c
    instance MonadPlus m => ArrowZero (Kleisli m) where
        zeroArrow = Kleisli (\_ -> mzero)
    instance MonadPlus m => ArrowPlus (Kleisli m) where
        Kleisli f <+> Kleisli g = Kleisli (x -> f x `mplus` g x)
    instance ArrowChoice (->) where
        left f = f +++ id
        right f = id +++ f
        f +++ g = (Left . f) ||| (Right . g)
        (|||) = either
    instance Monad m => ArrowChoice (Kleisli m) where
        left f = f +++ arr id
        right f = arr id +++ f
        f +++ g = (f >>> arr Left) ||| (g >>> arr Right)
        Kleisli f ||| Kleisli g = Kleisli (either f g)
    instance ArrowApply (->) where
        app (f,x) = f x
    instance Monad m => ArrowApply (Kleisli m) where
        app = Kleisli ((Kleisli f, x) -> f x)
    Prelude Control.Arrow> runKleisli (Kleisli (x -> [x * 2]) <+> Kleisli (x -> [x, -x])) 2
    Prelude Control.Arrow> either (+2) (*3) (Left 3)
    Prelude Control.Arrow> either (+2) (*3) (Right 3)
    Prelude Control.Arrow> (+2) ||| (*3) $ (Left 3)
    Prelude Control.Arrow> (+2) +++ (*3) $ (Left 3)
    Left 5
    Prelude Control.Arrow> (+2) ||| (*3) $ (Right 3)
    Prelude Control.Arrow> (+2) +++ (*3) $ (Right 3)
    Right 9
    Prelude Control.Arrow> left (+2) (Left 3)
    Left 5
    Prelude Control.Arrow> right (*3) (Right 3)
    Right 9
    Prelude Control.Arrow> left (+2) (Right 3)
    Right 3
    Prelude Control.Arrow> right (*3) (Left 3)
    Left 3
    Prelude Control.Arrow> runKleisli (Kleisli (x -> [x * 2]) ||| Kleisli (x -> [x, -x])) (Left 3)
    Prelude Control.Arrow> runKleisli (Kleisli (x -> [x * 2]) ||| Kleisli (x -> [x, -x])) (Right 3)
    Prelude Control.Arrow> runKleisli (Kleisli (x -> [x * 2]) +++ Kleisli (x -> [x, -x])) (Left 3)
    [Left 6]
    Prelude Control.Arrow> runKleisli (Kleisli (x -> [x * 2]) +++ Kleisli (x -> [x, -x])) (Right 3)
    [Right 3,Right (-3)]
    Prelude Control.Arrow> (first (+) >>> app) (1,2)
    Prelude Control.Arrow> (second (-) >>> snd &&& fst >>> app) (1,2)

    Arrow 含义

    How to read arrow combinators

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