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  • Python序列结构--字典


    • 字典(dict)是包含若干“键:值”元素的无序可变序列

    • 字典中元素的“键”可以是python中任意不可变数据,例如整数、实数、复数、字符串、元组等类型可哈希数据,“键”不允许重复,“值”是可以重复的。字典在内部维护的哈希表使得检索操作非常快。

    • 使用“=”

      >>> aDict = {'server':'db.diveintopython3.org','database':'mysql'}
      >>> x = dict() # 创建空字典
      >>> x
      >>> y = {} # 创建空字典
      >>> keys = ['a','b','c','d']
      >>> values = [1,2,3,4]
      >>> dictionary = dict(zip(keys,values)) # 根据已有数据创建字典
      >>> dictionary
      {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}
      >>> d = dict(name = 'Dong', age = 39) # 以关键参数的形式创建字典
      >>> d
      {'name': 'Dong', 'age': 39}
      >>> aDict = dict.fromkeys(['name','age','sex']) # 以给定内容为“键”,创建值为空的字典
      >>> aDict
      {'name': None, 'age': None, 'sex': None}
    • 使用字典推导式快速生成符合特定条件的字典

      >>> {i:str(i) for i in range(1,5)}
      {1: '1', 2: '2', 3: '3', 4: '4'}
      >>> x = ['A','B','C','D']
      >>> y = ['a','b','c','d']
      >>> {i:j for i,j in zip(x,y)}
      {'A': 'a', 'B': 'b', 'C': 'c', 'D': 'd'}
    • 字典中每个元素表示一种映射关系或对应关系

      >>> aDict = {'age':30,'score':[98,97],'name':'Dong','sex':'male'}
      >>> aDic['age']
      >>> aDict['age']
      >>> aDict['address'] # 字典中不存在该key时,抛出异常
      Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      KeyError: 'address'
      # 处理异常方式一:
      >>> if 'address' in aDict:
      ...   print(aDict['address'])
      ... else:
      ...   print('No Exists')
      No Exists
      # 处理异常方式二:
      >>> try:
      ...   print(aDict['address'])
      ... except:
      ...   print('No Exist')
      No Exist
    • get()方法:返回指定“键”的值,并且允许指定该键不存在时返回特定的“值”

      >>> aDict.get('age')
      >>> aDict.get('adress','No Exist.') # 指定键不存在时返回指定默认值
      'No Exist.'
      >>> import string
      >>> import random
      >>> x = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
      >>> z = ''.join((random.choice(x) for i in range(1000)))
      >>> d = dict()
      >>> for ch in z: # 遍历字符串统计词频
      ...   d[ch] = d.get(ch,0) + 1
      >>> for k,v in sorted(d.items()): # 查看统计结果
      ...   print(k,':',v)
      0 : 13
      1 : 19
      2 : 17
      3 : 17
      4 : 19
      5 : 25
      6 : 21
      7 : 12
      8 : 17
      9 : 17
      A : 11
      B : 20
      C : 15
      D : 21
      E : 22
      F : 9
      G : 15
      H : 12
      I : 9
      J : 16
      K : 13
      L : 16
      M : 19
      N : 14
      O : 17
      P : 11
      Q : 14
      R : 16
      S : 11
      T : 22
      U : 13
      V : 20
      W : 21
      X : 17
      Y : 14
      Z : 21
      a : 17b : 9c : 17d : 15e : 14f : 11g : 18h : 20i : 21j : 19k : 20l : 9m : 16n : 10o : 13p : 14q : 25r : 17s : 12t : 20u : 10v : 20w : 17x : 10y : 15z : 25
    • setdefault()方法:用于返回指定“键”对应的值,如果字典中不存在该“键”,就添加一个新元素并设置该“键”对应的“值”(默认为None)

      >>> aDict.setdefault('adress','SDIBT')
      >>> aDict
      {'age': 30, 'score': [98, 97], 'name': 'Dong', 'sex': 'male', 'adress': 'SDIBT'}
      >>> aDict.setdefault('age',23)
    • 对字典直接进行迭代或者遍历时默认是遍历字典的“键”

      >>> aDict
      {'age': 30, 'score': [98, 97], 'name': 'Dong', 'sex': 'male', 'adress': 'SDIBT'}
      >>> for item in aDict: # 默认遍历字典的“键”
      ...   print(item,end=' ')
      age score name sex adress >>>
      >>> for item in aDict.items(): # 明确指定遍历字典的元素
      ...   print(item,end=' ')
      ('age', 30) ('score', [98, 97]) ('name', 'Dong') ('sex', 'male') ('adress', 'SDIBT') >>>
      >>> aDict.items()
      dict_items([('age', 30), ('score', [98, 97]), ('name', 'Dong'), ('sex', 'male'), ('adress', 'SDIBT')])
      >>> aDict.keys()
      dict_keys(['age', 'score', 'name', 'sex', 'adress'])
      >>> aDict.values()
      dict_values([30, [98, 97], 'Dong', 'male', 'SDIBT'])
    • 当以指定“键”为下标为字典元素赋值时,该键存在表示修改,不存在表示添加

      >>> aDict = {'age': 30, 'score': [98, 97], 'name': 'Dong', 'sex': 'male', 'adress': 'SDIBT'}
      >>> aDict['age'] = 39
      >>> aDict
      {'age': 39, 'score': [98, 97], 'name': 'Dong', 'sex': 'male', 'adress': 'SDIBT'}
      >>> aDict['school'] = 'sichuandaxue'
      >>> aDict
      {'age': 39, 'score': [98, 97], 'name': 'Dong', 'sex': 'male', 'adress': 'SDIBT', 'school': 'sichuandaxue'}
    • update()方法可以将另外一个字典的“键:值”一次性全部添加到当前字典对象,如果两个字典中存在相同的“键”,则以另一个字典中的“值”为准对当前字典进行更新

      >>> aDict = {'age': 30, 'score': [98, 97], 'name': 'Dong', 'sex': 'male', 'adress': 'SDIBT'}
      >>> aDict.update({'a': 87, 'age':39})
      >>> aDict
      {'age': 39, 'score': [98, 97], 'name': 'Dong', 'sex': 'male', 'adress': 'SDIBT', 'a': 87}
    • del命令删除字典中指定的元素

      >>> aDict = {'age': 30, 'score': [98, 97], 'name': 'Dong', 'sex': 'male', 'adress': 'SDIBT'}
      >>> del aDict['adress']
      >>> aDict
      {'age': 30, 'score': [98, 97], 'name': 'Dong', 'sex': 'male'}
      >>> del aDict
      >>> aDict
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      NameError: name 'aDict' is not defined
    • 字典对象的pop()和popitem()方法可以弹出并删除指定的元素

      >>> aDict = {'age': 30, 'score': [98, 97], 'name': 'Dong', 'sex': 'male', 'adress': 'SDIBT'}
      >>> aDict.pop('name') # 弹出指定键对应的值
      >>> aDict
      {'age': 30, 'score': [98, 97], 'sex': 'male', 'adress': 'SDIBT'}
      >>> aDict.popitem() # 弹出一个元素
      ('adress', 'SDIBT')
      >>> aDict
      {'age': 30, 'score': [98, 97], 'sex': 'male'}
    • OrderedDict类


      >>> import collections
      >>> x = collections.OrderedDict()
      >>> x['a'] = 3
      >>> x['b'] = 5
      >>> x['c'] = 8
      >>> x
      OrderedDict([('a', 3), ('b', 5), ('c', 8)])
    • defaultdict类


      >>> import string
      >>> import random
      >>> x = string.ascii_letters+string.digits+string.punctuation
      >>> z = ''.join([random.choice(x) for i in range(100)])
      >>> from collections import defaultdict
      >>> frequences = defaultdict(int)     # 所有值默认为0
      >>> frequences
      defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {})
      >>> for item in z:
      ...   frequences[item] += 1
      >>> frequences.items()
      dict_items([('F', 1), ('[', 2), ('q', 1), ('>', 2), ('d', 5), ('`', 1), ('e', 2), ('!', 3), ('A', 1), ('R', 1), ('Z', 2), ('V', 2), ('g', 2), ('n', 2), ('2', 1), ('w', 1), ('|', 1), ('v', 3), ('c', 2), ('u', 3), ('&', 4), ('m', 2), ('S', 2), (',', 2), ('@', 3), ('$', 2), ('{', 1), ('j', 1), ('\', 1), ('~', 1), ('U', 1), ('=', 1), ('M', 4), ('l', 1), ('^', 1), ('}', 1), (']', 2), ('0', 1), ('+', 2), ('(', 1), ('"', 1), ('Q', 1), ('4', 2), ('.', 1), ('x', 1), ("'", 1), ('<', 2), ('/', 2), (';', 1), ('E', 1), (')', 1), ('o', 1), ('P', 1), ('W', 1), ('B', 1), ('K', 1), ('8', 1), ('_', 1), ('N', 1), ('h', 1), ('7', 1), ('I', 1), ('G', 1), ('*', 1), ('y', 1)])


      >>> from collections import defaultdict
      >>> games = defaultdict(list)
      >>> games
      defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {})
      >>> games['name'].append('dong')
      >>> games['name'].append('zhang')
      >>> games['score'].append(90)
      >>> games['score'].append(93)
      >>> games
      defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'name': ['dong', 'zhang'], 'score': [90, 93]})
    • Counter类


      >>> import string
      >>> import random
      >>> x = string.ascii_letters+string.digits+string.punctuation
      >>> z = ''.join([random.choice(x) for i in range(100)])
      >>> from collections import Counter
      >>> frequences = Counter(z)
      >>> frequences.items()
      dict_items([('H', 12), ('%', 18), ('K', 13), ('A', 12), ('\', 6), ('N', 11), ('2', 14), ('y', 13), ('z', 12), ('T', 10), (':', 8), ('m', 8), ("'", 11), ('R', 12), (',', 10), ('E', 7), ('e', 16), ('b', 10), ('f', 16), ('+', 8), ('7', 15), ('v', 9), ('l', 15), ('"', 9), ('.', 12), ('^', 20), ('_', 16), ('>', 7), ('h', 12), ('C', 12), ('p', 13), ('n', 8), ('Y', 14), ('L', 11), ('O', 12), ('{', 5), ('3', 10), (')', 15), ('}', 4), ('|', 14), ('a', 10), ('@', 9), ('w', 10), ('B', 11), ('6', 8), ('Q', 11), ('`', 10), ('/', 8), ('<', 5), ('=', 12), ('M', 12), ('4', 6), ('s', 18), ('[', 7), ('G', 12), ('#', 16), ('o', 13), ('*', 8), ('i', 16), ('P', 12), ('k', 17), ('j', 4), ('-', 15), ('D', 4), (']', 6), ('q', 16), ('$', 17), ('J', 15), ('U', 14), ('t', 11), ('I', 11), ('0', 7), ('r', 12), ('&', 6), ('!', 12), ('u', 10), ('F', 9), ('W', 6), ('c', 11), ('1', 8), ('5', 6), (';', 5), ('V', 12), ('~', 10), ('Z', 11), ('d', 9), ('9', 9), ('X', 13), ('8', 9), ('?', 5), ('S', 6), ('x', 7), ('(', 7), ('g', 6)])>>> frequences.most_common(1) # 返回出现次数最多的一个字符及其词频[('^', 20)]>>> frequences.most_common(3)[('^', 20), ('%', 18), ('s', 18)]>>> frequences.most_common(10)[('^', 20), ('%', 18), ('s', 18), ('k', 17), ('$', 17), ('e', 16), ('f', 16), ('_', 16), ('#', 16), ('i', 16)]>>> z = ''.join([random.choice(x) for i in range(10000)])>>> frequences = Counter(z)>>> frequences.most_common(10)[('O', 127), ('c', 125), ('5', 121), ('-', 121), ('\', 121), ("'", 120), ('~', 118), (',', 118), ('J', 118), ('<', 117)]​>>> z = [1,2,3,4,1,'a','v','wer','wer','wer',1]>>> frequences = Counter(z)>>> frequences.most_common(3)[(1, 3), ('wer', 3), (2, 1)]
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zxbdboke/p/10480203.html
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