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  • CodeForces 173A


    Nikephoros and Polycarpus play rock-paper-scissors. The loser gets pinched (not too severely!).

    Let us remind you the rules of this game. Rock-paper-scissors is played by two players. In each round the players choose one of three items independently from each other. They show the items with their hands: a rock, scissors or paper. The winner is determined by the following rules: the rock beats the scissors, the scissors beat the paper and the paper beats the rock. If the players choose the same item, the round finishes with a draw.

    Nikephoros and Polycarpus have played n rounds. In each round the winner gave the loser a friendly pinch and the loser ended up with a fresh and new red spot on his body. If the round finished in a draw, the players did nothing and just played on.

    Nikephoros turned out to have worked out the following strategy: before the game began, he chose some sequence of items A = (a1, a2, ..., am), and then he cyclically showed the items from this sequence, starting from the first one. Cyclically means that Nikephoros shows signs in the following order: a1a2..., ama1a2..., ama1... and so on. Polycarpus had a similar strategy, only he had his own sequence of items B = (b1, b2, ..., bk).

    Determine the number of red spots on both players after they've played n rounds of the game. You can consider that when the game began, the boys had no red spots on them.


    The first line contains integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 2·109) — the number of the game's rounds.

    The second line contains sequence A as a string of m characters and the third line contains sequence B as a string of k characters (1 ≤ m, k ≤ 1000). The given lines only contain characters "R", "S" and "P". Character "R" stands for the rock, character "S" represents the scissors and "P" represents the paper.


    Print two space-separated integers: the numbers of red spots Nikephoros and Polycarpus have.

    Sample Input

    Sample Output
    3 2


    In the first sample the game went like this:

    • R - R. Draw.
    • P - S. Nikephoros loses.
    • S - P. Polycarpus loses.
    • R - P. Nikephoros loses.
    • P - R. Polycarpus loses.
    • S - S. Draw.
    • R - P. Nikephoros loses.

    Thus, in total Nikephoros has 3 losses (and 3 red spots), and Polycarpus only has 2.


    给你两个人石头剪刀布的出手顺序,且按照这个顺序玩n轮,问你 最后 第一个人输了几把,第二个人输了几把


    求出长度的lcm ,就好做了

    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <cmath>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <algorithm>
    using namespace std ;
    typedef long long ll;
    const int N=5500;
    const int inf = 899999;
    int check(char a,char b) {
        if(a == b) return 0;
        else if(a == 'R' && b == 'S') return 1;
        else if(a == 'S' && b == 'P') return 1;
        else if(a == 'P' && b == 'R') return 1;
        else return -1;
    char a[N],b[N];
    int h[1001000],g[1001000];
    int main() {
        int n;
        int l = strlen(a), r = strlen(b);
        int d = __gcd(l,r);
        int lcm = l * r / d;
        int  cnt = 0, tmp = 0;
        ll ans = 0 , sum = 0;
        for(int i = 1; i <= lcm; i++) {
            int now = check(a[cnt],b[tmp]);
            if(now == 1) ans++;
            else if(now == -1) sum++;
            if(tmp == r) tmp = 0;
            if(cnt == l) cnt = 0;
            h[i] = ans;
            g[i] = sum;
        sum *= (n/lcm);
        ans *= (n/lcm);
        sum += g[n%lcm];
        ans += h[n%lcm];
        printf("%I64d %I64d
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zxhl/p/5147016.html
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