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  • F5 实现 cookie 加解密



     https://bbs.pediy.com/thread-253884.htm   #AES 算法说明

    实现  cookie 加密  以及任何其他加密

    when RULE_INIT {
     set ::key [AES::key 128]
     when HTTP_RESPONSE {
     set decrypted [HTTP::cookie "MyCookie"]
     HTTP::cookie remove "MyCookie"
     set encrypted [b64encode [AES::encrypt $::key $decrypted]]
     HTTP::cookie insert name "MyCookie" value $encrypted
     when HTTP_REQUEST {
     set encrypted [HTTP::cookie "MyCookie"]
     HTTP::cookie remove "MyCookie"
     set decrypted [AES::decrypt $::key [b64decode $encrypted]]
     HTTP::cookie insert name "MyCookie" value $decrypted


      set cookiename "MyCookie"
      set encryption_passphrase "abcd1234"
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
      if { [HTTP::cookie exists $cookiename] } {
        HTTP::cookie encrypt $cookiename $encryption_passphrase
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      if { [HTTP::cookie exists $cookiename] } {
        set decrypted [HTTP::cookie decrypt $cookiename $encryption_passphrase]
        if { ($decrypted eq "") } {
          # Cookie wasn't encrypted, delete it
          HTTP::cookie remove $cookiename
       # Define an AES encryption key. Valid key lengths are 128, 192, or 256 bits. 
       # You can use a key generator, or create your own using only HEX characters.
       set aes_key "AES 128 63544a5e7178677b45366b41405f2dab"
       # Name of the cookie to encrypt/decrypt
       set cookie"myCookie"
       # Log debug messages to /var/log/ltm?  1=yes, 0=no.
       set cookie_encryption_debug 0
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
       # Check if response contains an error cookie with a value
       if {[string length [HTTP::cookie value $cookie]] > 0}{
          # Log the original error cookie value from the app
          if {$cookie_encryption_debug}{log local0. 
             "Response from app contained our cookie: [HTTP::cookie value $cookie]"}
          # Encrypt the cookie value so the client can't change the value
          HTTP::cookie value $cookie [URI::encode [AES::encrypt $aes_key [HTTP::cookie value $cookie]]]
          # Log the encoded and encrypted error cookie value
          if {$cookie_encryption_debug}{log local0. 
            "Encrypted error cookie to: [URI::encode [AES::encrypt $aes_key [HTTP::cookie value $cookie]]]"}
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
       # If the error cookie exists with any value, for any requested object, try to decrypt it
       if {[string length [HTTP::cookie value $cookie]]}{
          if {$cookie_encryption_debug}{log local0. 
             "Original error cookie value: [HTTP::cookie value $cookie]"}
          # URI decode the value (catching any errors that occur when trying to 
          # decode the cookie value and save the output to cookie_uri_decoded)
          if {not ([catch {URI::decode [HTTP::cookie value $cookie]} cookie_uri_decoded])}{
             # Log that the cookie was URI decoded
             if {$cookie_encryption_debug}{log local0. "$cookie_uri_decoded was set successfully"}
             # Decrypt the value
             if {not ([catch {AES::decrypt $aes_key $cookie_uri_decoded} cookie_decrypted])}{
                # Log the decrypted cookie value
                if {$cookie_encryption_debug}{log local0. "$cookie_decrypted: $cookie_decrypted"}
             } else {
                # URI decoded value couldn't be decrypted.
          } else {
             # Cookie value couldn't be URI decoded
       } else {
          # Cookie wasn't present in the request
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zy09/p/14966402.html
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