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  • CH Round #51










      1 const inf=maxlongint;maxn=10000+100;maxm=1000000;
      2 type node=record
      3      go,next,v:longint;
      4      end;
      5 var  tot,i,n,m,maxflow,l,r,s,t,x,y,tot2:longint;
      6      h,head,head2,q,cur,v:array[0..maxn] of longint;
      7      e:array[0..maxm] of node;
      8      e2:array[0..maxn] of node;
      9      function min(x,y:longint):longint;
     10       begin
     11       if x<y then exit(x) else exit(y);
     12       end;
     13 procedure ins(x,y,z:longint);
     14  begin
     15  inc(tot);
     16  e[tot].go:=y;e[tot].v:=z;e[tot].next:=head[x];head[x]:=tot;
     17  end;
     18 procedure insert(x,y,z:longint);
     19  begin
     20  ins(x,y,z);ins(y,x,0);
     21  end;
     22 function bfs:boolean;
     23  var i,x,y:longint;
     24  begin
     25  fillchar(h,sizeof(h),0);
     26  l:=0;r:=1;q[1]:=s;h[s]:=1;
     27  while l<r do
     28   begin
     29   inc(l);
     30   x:=q[l];
     31   i:=head[x];
     32   while i<>0 do
     33    begin
     34    y:=e[i].go;
     35    if (e[i].v<>0) and (h[y]=0) then
     36     begin
     37      h[y]:=h[x]+1;
     38      inc(r);q[r]:=y;
     39     end;
     40    i:=e[i].next;
     41    end;
     42   end;
     43  exit (h[t]<>0);
     44  end;
     45 function dfs(x,f:longint):longint;
     46  var i,y,used,tmp:longint;
     47  begin
     48  if x=t then exit(f);
     49  used:=0;
     50  i:=cur[x];
     51  while i<>0 do
     52   begin
     53   y:=e[i].go;
     54   if (h[y]=h[x]+1) and (e[i].v<>0) then
     55    begin
     56    tmp:=dfs(y,min(e[i].v,f-used));
     57    dec(e[i].v,tmp);if e[i].v<>0 then cur[x]:=i;
     58    inc(e[i xor 1].v,tmp);
     59    inc(used,tmp);
     60    if used=f then exit(f);
     61    end;
     62   i:=e[i].next;
     63   end;
     64  if used=0 then h[x]:=-1;
     65  exit(used);
     66  end;
     67 procedure dinic;
     68  var i:longint;
     69  begin
     70  while bfs do
     71   begin
     72   for i:=s to t do cur[i]:=head[i];
     73   inc(maxflow,dfs(s,inf));
     74   end;
     75  end;
     76 procedure insert2(x,y:longint);
     77  begin
     78  inc(tot2);
     79  e2[tot2].go:=y;e2[tot2].next:=head2[x];head2[x]:=tot2;
     80  end;
     81 procedure init;
     82  begin
     83    tot:=1;
     84    readln(n,m);
     85    for i:=2 to n do begin read(x);insert2(x,i);end;readln;
     86    for i:=1 to n do read(v[i]);readln;
     87  end;
     88 procedure dfss(x:longint);
     89  var j,y:longint;
     90  begin
     91  if (v[x]>=l) and (v[x]<=r) then insert(i,x,1);
     92  j:=head2[x];
     93  while j<>0 do
     94   begin
     95     y:=e2[j].go;
     96     dfss(y);
     97     j:=e2[j].next;
     98   end;
     99  end;
    101 procedure main;
    102  begin
    103    s:=0;t:=n+m+1;
    104    for i:=1 to n do insert(i,t,1);
    105    for i:=n+1 to n+m do
    106     begin
    107       readln(l,r,x,y);
    108       insert(s,i,y);
    109       dfss(x);
    110     end;
    111    maxflow:=0;
    112    dinic;
    113    writeln(maxflow);
    114  end;
    116 begin
    117   init;
    118   main;
    119 end.                       
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      1 const maxn=300000+100;
      2 type node=record
      3      go,next:longint;
      4      end;
      5      node2=record
      6      l,r,lch,rch,mid,tag,sum:int64;
      7      end;
      8 var  e:array[0..2*maxn] of node;
      9      t:array[0..8*maxn] of node2;
     10      head,l,r,s,a,b:array[0..2*maxn] of longint;
     11      i,n,m,x,y,tot,clock:longint;
     12      ch:char;
     13      procedure insert(x,y:longint);
     14       begin
     15         inc(tot);
     16         e[tot].go:=y;e[tot].next:=head[x];head[x]:=tot;
     17       end;
     18 procedure dfs(x:longint);
     19  var i,y:longint;
     20  begin
     21    inc(clock);l[x]:=clock;a[clock]:=x;
     22    i:=head[x];
     23    while i<>0 do
     24     begin
     25      y:=e[i].go;
     26      dfs(y);
     27      i:=e[i].next;
     28     end;
     29    inc(clock);r[x]:=clock;a[clock]:=x;
     30  end;
     31 procedure pushup(k:longint);
     32  begin
     33    with t[k] do
     34     begin
     35      sum:=t[lch].sum+t[rch].sum;
     36     end;
     37  end;
     38 procedure build(k,x,y:longint);
     39  begin
     40    with t[k] do
     41     begin
     42      l:=x;r:=y;mid:=(l+r)>>1;lch:=k<<1;rch:=k<<1+1;tag:=0;
     43      if l=r then begin sum:=b[a[l]];exit;end;
     44      build(lch,l,mid);build(rch,mid+1,r);
     45      pushup(k);
     46     end;
     47  end;
     48 procedure update(k:longint;val:int64);
     49  begin
     50    with t[k] do
     51     begin
     52      inc(tag,val);
     53      inc(sum,(r-l+1)*val);
     54     end;
     55  end;
     56 procedure pushdown(k:longint);
     57  begin
     58    with t[k] do
     59     begin
     60      if tag=0 then exit;
     61      update(lch,tag);update(rch,tag);
     62      tag:=0;
     63     end;
     64  end;
     65 procedure change(k,x,y:longint);
     66  begin
     67    with t[k] do
     68     begin
     69      if l=r then begin inc(sum,y);exit;end;
     70      pushdown(k);
     71      if x<=mid then change(lch,x,y) else change(rch,x,y);
     72      pushup(k);
     73     end;
     74  end;
     75 procedure change2(k,x,y:longint;z:int64);
     76  begin
     77    with t[k] do
     78     begin
     79      if (l=x) and (r=y) then
     80       begin
     81         update(k,z);exit;
     82       end;
     83      pushdown(k);
     84      if y<=mid then change2(lch,x,y,z)
     85      else if x>mid then change2(rch,x,y,z)
     86      else
     87         begin
     88           change2(lch,x,mid,z);
     89           change2(rch,mid+1,y,z);
     90         end;
     91      pushup(k);
     92     end;
     93  end;
     94 function query(k,x,y:longint):int64;
     95  begin
     96    with t[k] do
     97     begin
     98      if (l=x) and (r=y) then exit(sum);
     99      pushdown(k);
    100      if y<=mid then exit(query(lch,x,y))
    101      else if x>mid then exit(query(rch,x,y))
    102      else exit(query(lch,x,mid)+query(rch,mid+1,y));
    103     end;
    104  end;
    105 procedure init;
    106  begin
    107    readln(n,m);
    108    for i:=2 to n do begin read(x);insert(x,i);end;readln;
    109    for i:=1 to n do read(b[i]);readln;
    110    dfs(1);
    111    build(1,1,2*n);
    112    for i:=1 to n do s[i]:=(r[i]-l[i]+1)>>1;
    113  end;
    114 procedure getans;
    115  var ans:double;
    116      a,b,c:array[0..maxn] of int64;
    117      i,x,y,cnt:longint;
    118      tot:int64;
    119  begin
    120    readln(x);a[0]:=x;b[0]:=s[x];c[0]:=trunc(query(1,l[x],r[x])/2);
    121    cnt:=0;
    122    i:=head[x];
    123    while i<>0 do
    124     begin
    125      y:=e[i].go;
    126      inc(cnt);
    127      a[cnt]:=y;b[cnt]:=s[y];c[cnt]:=trunc(query(1,l[y],r[y])/2);
    128      dec(c[0],c[cnt]);
    129      i:=e[i].next;
    130     end;
    131    tot:=b[0]-1;
    132    for i:=1 to cnt do inc(tot,b[i]*(b[0]-b[i]));
    133    tot:=tot>>1;
    134    ans:=c[0]*(b[0]-1)/tot;
    135    for i:=1 to cnt do ans:=ans+c[i]*(b[0]-b[i])/tot;
    136    writeln(ans:0:6);
    137  end;
    138 procedure main;
    139  begin
    140    for i:=1 to m do
    141     begin
    142      read(ch);
    143      case ch of
    144      'S':begin
    145           readln(x,y);
    146           change(1,l[x],y);change(1,r[x],y);
    147          end;
    148      'M':begin
    149           readln(x,y);
    150           change2(1,l[x],r[x],y);
    151          end;
    152      'Q':getans;
    153      end;
    154     end;
    155  end;
    156 begin
    157   init;
    158   main;
    159 end.    
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zyfzyf/p/3916306.html
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