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  • 测试VGA12H直接写屏速度 V1.1

    File:      VGASpeed.txt
    Name:      测试VGA12H模式的速度
    Author:    zyl910
    Blog:      http://blog.csdn.net/zyl910/
    Version:   V1.1
    Updata:    2006-11-23




    CPU   : AMD Athlon XP 1700+(实际频率:1463 MHz (11 x 133))
    内存  : DDR266 256MB
    显卡  : NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400(AGP 4X)
    显存带宽: 125MHz * 128bit = 2000MB/s
    操作系统: Windows XP SP2
    [FPS: C]
    Video  to System:         11.3000
    System to Video :         51.0807
    OffScr to System:         11.7646
    System to OffScr:         51.6840
    Video  to OffScr:         37.1039
    OffScr to Video :         37.0033
    [FPS: movsb]
    Video  to System:         11.9657
    System to Video :         85.5702
    OffScr to System:         11.9657
    System to OffScr:         85.5702
    Video  to OffScr:         37.2044
    OffScr to Video :         37.3050
    [FPS: movsw]
    Video  to System:         23.5293
    System to Video :        122.4729
    OffScr to System:         23.6298
    System to OffScr:        122.2718
    [FPS: movsd]
    Video  to System:         44.7459
    System to Video :        152.7392
    OffScr to System:         44.8464
    System to OffScr:        152.4376

    CPU   : AMD Athlon XP 1700+(实际频率:1463 MHz (11 x 133))
    内存  : DDR266 256MB
    显卡  : NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400(AGP 4X)
    显存带宽: 125MHz * 128bit = 2000MB/s
    操作系统: Windows 98SE
    [FPS: C]
    Video  to System:         11.6641
    System to Video :         60.7337
    OffScr to System:         11.7000
    System to OffScr:         60.5326
    Video  to OffScr:         35.3945
    OffScr to Video :         35.4950
    [FPS: movsb]
    Video  to System:         11.9657
    System to Video :         98.9436
    OffScr to System:         11.9657
    System to OffScr:         99.2453
    Video  to OffScr:         35.6961
    OffScr to Video :         35.6961
    [FPS: movsw]
    Video  to System:         23.4287
    System to Video :        173.4530
    OffScr to System:         23.5293
    System to OffScr:        173.4530
    [FPS: movsd]
    Video  to System:         44.4442
    System to Video :        268.1735
    OffScr to System:         44.4442
    System to OffScr:        269.5812

    CPU   : AMD Athlon XP 1700+(实际频率:1463 MHz (11 x 133))
    内存  : DDR266 256MB
    显卡  : NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400(AGP 4X)
    显存带宽: 125MHz * 128bit = 2000MB/s
    操作系统: DOS实模式
    [FPS: C]
    Video  to System:         11.7646
    System to Video :         61.2365
    OffScr to System:         11.8652
    System to OffScr:         61.1359
    Video  to OffScr:         37.2044
    OffScr to Video :         37.2044
    [FPS: movsb]
    Video  to System:         12.0663
    System to Video :        108.0939
    OffScr to System:         12.0663
    System to OffScr:        108.3956
    Video  to OffScr:         37.4055
    OffScr to Video :         37.3050
    [FPS: movsw]
    Video  to System:         23.6298
    System to Video :        190.4464
    OffScr to System:         23.7304
    System to OffScr:        190.5470
    [FPS: movsd]
    Video  to System:         44.9470
    System to Video :        278.9326
    OffScr to System:         44.9470
    System to OffScr:        279.4354

    CPU   : Intel Celeron, 1000 MHz (10 x 100)
    内存  : SDRAM 256MB
    显卡  : ATI Radeon 9550(AGP 4X)
    显存带宽: 392MHz * 128bit = 6272MB/s
    操作系统: Windows XP SP2
    [FPS: C]
    Video  to System:         11.5000
    System to Video :         52.0862
    OffScr to System:         11.6641
    System to OffScr:         52.0862
    Video  to OffScr:         32.6796
    OffScr to Video :         32.5790
    [FPS: movsb]
    Video  to System:         11.6641
    System to Video :         51.8851
    OffScr to System:         11.6000
    System to OffScr:         52.0862
    Video  to OffScr:         32.6796
    OffScr to Video :         32.5790
    [FPS: movsw]
    Video  to System:         22.2221
    System to Video :         76.4199
    OffScr to System:         22.1215
    System to OffScr:         76.7215
    [FPS: movsd]
    Video  to System:         40.5227
    System to Video :        100.3514
    OffScr to System:         40.5227
    System to OffScr:        100.3514



      每一次是先读再写,且每次硬件会利用锁存器一次性复制4个字节,所以速度为:1/(1/11.3000 + 1/51.0807)*4 = 9.25305 * 4 = 37.0122






    File:      VGA12H.c
    Name:      测试VGA12H模式的速度
    Author:    zyl910
    Blog:      http://blog.csdn.net/zyl910/
    Version:   V1.0
    Updata:    2006-11-23
    S: system memory. 系统内存
    V: video memory(primary surface). 主表面显存
    O: offscreen video memory. 离屏显存
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include <mem.h>
    #include <dos.h>

    typedef unsigned char BYTE;
    typedef unsigned int  WORD;
    typedef unsigned long DWORD;
    typedef void far* LPVOID;

    #define SCR_W 640
    #define SCR_H 480
    #define SCR_PLANES 4
    #define SCANSIZE_DIB ((SCR_W)/2)
    #define SCANSIZE_VGA ((SCR_W)/8)
    #define SEG_VIDEO 0xA000
    #define LPOFFSCREEN (MK_FP(SEG_VIDEO, (unsigned)0xF000))
    #define WaitVR() while(!(inportb(0x3da)&0x08))
    static volatile DWORD far* const pbiosclock = MK_FP(0x0040, 0x6C);
    #define BIOSCLOCK_F ((double)18.2)
    typedef void (*TESTFUNC)(DWORD iF);
    #define TESTFPS_WAITVR 1

    void repmovsb(LPVOID lpD, LPVOID lpS, WORD cBytes)
      push ds
      push es
      mov cx, cBytes
      les di, lpD
      lds si, lpS
      rep movsb
      pop es
      pop ds
    void repmovsw(LPVOID lpD, LPVOID lpS, WORD cWords)
      push ds
      push es
      mov cx, cWords
      les di, lpD
      lds si, lpS
      rep movsw
      pop es
      pop ds;
    void repmovsd(LPVOID lpD, LPVOID lpS, WORD cDWords)
      push ds
      push es
      mov cx, cDWords
      les di, lpD
      lds si, lpS
      db 0x66; rep movsw; /* rep movsd */
      pop es
      pop ds

    void vgasetvideomode(BYTE bymode)
      mov al, bymode;
      mov ah, 0x00;
      int 0x10;
    int vgasetwritemode(int mode)
     BYTE by;
     outportb(0x3CE, 5);
     by = inportb(0x3CF);
     outportb(0x3CF, (by & 0xFC) | (mode & 0x03));
     return mode & 0x03;
    void vgasetreadplane(BYTE n)
      mov dx, 0x3CE; /* gc[4]:Read Map Select */
      mov al, 4;
      out dx, al;
      inc dx;
      mov al, n;
      out dx, al;
    void vgasetplanemask(BYTE bymask)
      mov dx, 0x3C4; /* sc[2]:Map Mask */
      mov al, 2;
      out dx, al;
      inc dx;
      mov al, bymask;
      out dx, al;
    double TestFps(TESTFUNC pfun, int nFlags)
     DWORD cntF;
     DWORD tmrold, tmrcur, tmrover;
      cntF = 0;
      tmrold = *pbiosclock;
      tmrover = tmrold + (DWORD)(BIOSCLOCK_F * 10); /* 10s */
       if (nFlags & TESTFPS_WAITVR) WaitVR();
       tmrcur = *pbiosclock;
      if (tmrcur < tmrold) continue;
     return cntF / ((tmrcur-tmrold)/BIOSCLOCK_F);
    void filloffscreen(int c)
     BYTE iP;
     BYTE bymask;
     memset(byVGA[0], -(1&(c>>0)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[1], -(1&(c>>1)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[2], -(1&(c>>2)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[3], -(1&(c>>3)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     bymask = 1;
     for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
      repmovsd(LPOFFSCREEN, byVGA[iP], SCANSIZE_VGA/sizeof(DWORD));
      bymask <<= 1;
    void Test_C_V2S(DWORD iF)
     int iX, iY;
     int iP;
     WORD pscan;
     BYTE far *pbyV;
     BYTE *pbyS;
     pscan = 0;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       pbyS = byVGA[iP];
       pbyV = MK_FP(SEG_VIDEO, pscan);
       for(iX=0; iX<SCANSIZE_VGA; iX++)
        *pbyS++ = *pbyV++;
      pscan += SCANSIZE_VGA;
    void Test_C_S2V(DWORD iF)
     int iX, iY;
     BYTE iP;
     WORD pscan;
     BYTE far *pbyV;
     BYTE *pbyS;
     BYTE bymask;
     memset(byVGA[0], -(1&(((int)iF)>>0)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[1], -(1&(((int)iF)>>1)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[2], -(1&(((int)iF)>>2)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[3], -(1&(((int)iF)>>3)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     pscan = 0;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      bymask = 1;
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       pbyS = byVGA[iP];
       pbyV = MK_FP(SEG_VIDEO, pscan);
       for(iX=0; iX<SCANSIZE_VGA; iX++)
        *pbyV++ = *pbyS++;
       bymask <<= 1;
      pscan += SCANSIZE_VGA;
    void Test_C_O2S(DWORD iF)
     int iX, iY;
     BYTE iP;
     BYTE far *pbyV;
     BYTE *pbyS;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       pbyS = byVGA[iP];
       pbyV = LPOFFSCREEN;
       for(iX=0; iX<SCANSIZE_VGA; iX++)
        *pbyS++ = *pbyV++;
    void Test_C_S2O(DWORD iF)
     int iX, iY;
     BYTE iP;
     BYTE far *pbyV;
     BYTE *pbyS;
     BYTE bymask;
     memset(byVGA[0], -(1&(((int)iF)>>0)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[1], -(1&(((int)iF)>>1)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[2], -(1&(((int)iF)>>2)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[3], -(1&(((int)iF)>>3)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      bymask = 1;
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       pbyS = byVGA[iP];
       pbyV = LPOFFSCREEN;
       for(iX=0; iX<SCANSIZE_VGA; iX++)
        *pbyV++ = *pbyS++;
       bymask <<= 1;
    void Test_C_V2O(DWORD iF)
     int iX, iY;
     WORD pscan;
     BYTE far *pbyV;
     BYTE far *pbyO;
     pscan = 0;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      pbyO = LPOFFSCREEN;
      pbyV = MK_FP(SEG_VIDEO, pscan);
      for(iX=0; iX<SCANSIZE_VGA; iX++)
       *pbyO++ = *pbyV++;
      pscan += SCANSIZE_VGA;
    void Test_C_O2V(DWORD iF)
     int iX, iY;
     WORD pscan;
     BYTE far *pbyV;
     BYTE far *pbyO;
     filloffscreen(iF & 0xF);
     pscan = 0;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      pbyO = LPOFFSCREEN;
      pbyV = MK_FP(SEG_VIDEO, pscan);
      for(iX=0; iX<SCANSIZE_VGA; iX++)
       *pbyV++ = *pbyO++;
      pscan += SCANSIZE_VGA;
    void Test_SB_V2S(DWORD iF)
     int iY;
     int iP;
     WORD pscan;
     pscan = 0;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       repmovsb(byVGA[iP], MK_FP(SEG_VIDEO, pscan), SCANSIZE_VGA/sizeof(BYTE));
      pscan += SCANSIZE_VGA;
    void Test_SB_S2V(DWORD iF)
     int iY;
     BYTE iP;
     WORD pscan;
     BYTE bymask;
     memset(byVGA[0], -(1&(((int)iF)>>0)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[1], -(1&(((int)iF)>>1)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[2], -(1&(((int)iF)>>2)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[3], -(1&(((int)iF)>>3)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     pscan = 0;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      bymask = 1;
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       repmovsb(MK_FP(SEG_VIDEO, pscan), byVGA[iP], SCANSIZE_VGA/sizeof(BYTE));
       bymask <<= 1;
      pscan += SCANSIZE_VGA;
    void Test_SB_O2S(DWORD iF)
     int iY;
     BYTE iP;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       repmovsb(byVGA[iP], LPOFFSCREEN, SCANSIZE_VGA/sizeof(BYTE));
    void Test_SB_S2O(DWORD iF)
     int iY;
     BYTE iP;
     BYTE bymask;
     memset(byVGA[0], -(1&(((int)iF)>>0)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[1], -(1&(((int)iF)>>1)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[2], -(1&(((int)iF)>>2)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[3], -(1&(((int)iF)>>3)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      bymask = 1;
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       repmovsb(LPOFFSCREEN, byVGA[iP], SCANSIZE_VGA/sizeof(BYTE));
       bymask <<= 1;
    void Test_SB_V2O(DWORD iF)
     int iY;
     WORD pscan;
     pscan = 0;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      repmovsb(LPOFFSCREEN, MK_FP(SEG_VIDEO, pscan), SCANSIZE_VGA/sizeof(BYTE));
      pscan += SCANSIZE_VGA;
    void Test_SB_O2V(DWORD iF)
     int iY;
     WORD pscan;
     filloffscreen(iF & 0xF);
     pscan = 0;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      repmovsb(MK_FP(SEG_VIDEO, pscan), LPOFFSCREEN, SCANSIZE_VGA/sizeof(BYTE));
      pscan += SCANSIZE_VGA;
    void Test_SW_V2S(DWORD iF)
     int iY;
     int iP;
     WORD pscan;
     pscan = 0;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       repmovsw(byVGA[iP], MK_FP(SEG_VIDEO, pscan), SCANSIZE_VGA/sizeof(WORD));
      pscan += SCANSIZE_VGA;
    void Test_SW_S2V(DWORD iF)
     int iY;
     BYTE iP;
     WORD pscan;
     BYTE bymask;
     memset(byVGA[0], -(1&(((int)iF)>>0)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[1], -(1&(((int)iF)>>1)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[2], -(1&(((int)iF)>>2)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[3], -(1&(((int)iF)>>3)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     pscan = 0;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      bymask = 1;
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       repmovsw(MK_FP(SEG_VIDEO, pscan), byVGA[iP], SCANSIZE_VGA/sizeof(WORD));
       bymask <<= 1;
      pscan += SCANSIZE_VGA;
    void Test_SW_O2S(DWORD iF)
     int iY;
     BYTE iP;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       repmovsw(byVGA[iP], LPOFFSCREEN, SCANSIZE_VGA/sizeof(WORD));
    void Test_SW_S2O(DWORD iF)
     int iY;
     BYTE iP;
     BYTE bymask;
     memset(byVGA[0], -(1&(((int)iF)>>0)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[1], -(1&(((int)iF)>>1)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[2], -(1&(((int)iF)>>2)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[3], -(1&(((int)iF)>>3)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      bymask = 1;
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       repmovsw(LPOFFSCREEN, byVGA[iP], SCANSIZE_VGA/sizeof(WORD));
       bymask <<= 1;
    void Test_SD_V2S(DWORD iF)
     int iY;
     int iP;
     WORD pscan;
     pscan = 0;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       repmovsd(byVGA[iP], MK_FP(SEG_VIDEO, pscan), SCANSIZE_VGA/sizeof(DWORD));
      pscan += SCANSIZE_VGA;
    void Test_SD_S2V(DWORD iF)
     int iY;
     BYTE iP;
     WORD pscan;
     BYTE bymask;
     memset(byVGA[0], -(1&(((int)iF)>>0)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[1], -(1&(((int)iF)>>1)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[2], -(1&(((int)iF)>>2)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[3], -(1&(((int)iF)>>3)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     pscan = 0;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      bymask = 1;
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       repmovsd(MK_FP(SEG_VIDEO, pscan), byVGA[iP], SCANSIZE_VGA/sizeof(DWORD));
       bymask <<= 1;
      pscan += SCANSIZE_VGA;
    void Test_SD_O2S(DWORD iF)
     int iY;
     BYTE iP;
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       repmovsd(byVGA[iP], LPOFFSCREEN, SCANSIZE_VGA/sizeof(DWORD));
    void Test_SD_S2O(DWORD iF)
     int iY;
     BYTE iP;
     BYTE bymask;
     memset(byVGA[0], -(1&(((int)iF)>>0)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[1], -(1&(((int)iF)>>1)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[2], -(1&(((int)iF)>>2)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     memset(byVGA[3], -(1&(((int)iF)>>3)), SCANSIZE_VGA);
     for(iY=0; iY<SCR_H; iY++)
      bymask = 1;
      for(iP=0; iP<SCR_PLANES; iP++)
       repmovsd(LPOFFSCREEN, byVGA[iP], SCANSIZE_VGA/sizeof(DWORD));
       bymask <<= 1;

    int main(void)
     double fpsC_V2S, fpsC_S2V, fpsC_O2S, fpsC_S2O, fpsC_V2O, fpsC_O2V;
     double fpsSB_V2S, fpsSB_S2V, fpsSB_O2S, fpsSB_S2O, fpsSB_V2O, fpsSB_O2V;
     double fpsSW_V2S, fpsSW_S2V, fpsSW_O2S, fpsSW_S2O;
     double fpsSD_V2S, fpsSD_S2V, fpsSD_O2S, fpsSD_S2O;
     /* VGA 12h: 640*480*4bit */
     /* C language */
     fpsC_V2S = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_C_V2S, 0);
     fpsC_S2V = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_C_S2V, 0);
     fpsC_O2S = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_C_O2S, 0);
     fpsC_S2O = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_C_S2O, 0);
     fpsC_V2O = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_C_V2O, 0);
     fpsC_O2V = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_C_O2V, 0);
     /* movsb */
     fpsSB_V2S = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_SB_V2S, 0);
     fpsSB_S2V = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_SB_S2V, 0);
     fpsSB_O2S = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_SB_O2S, 0);
     fpsSB_S2O = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_SB_S2O, 0);
     fpsSB_V2O = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_SB_V2O, 0);
     fpsSB_O2V = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_SB_O2V, 0);
     /* movsw */
     fpsSW_V2S = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_SW_V2S, 0);
     fpsSW_S2V = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_SW_S2V, 0);
     fpsSW_O2S = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_SW_O2S, 0);
     fpsSW_S2O = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_SW_S2O, 0);
     /* movsd */
     fpsSD_V2S = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_SD_V2S, 0);
     fpsSD_S2V = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_SD_S2V, 0);
     fpsSD_O2S = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_SD_O2S, 0);
     fpsSD_S2O = TestFps((TESTFUNC)Test_SD_S2O, 0);

     /* Text Mode */
     /* out */
     printf("[FPS: C]/n");
     printf("Video  to System:%16.4f/n", fpsC_V2S);
     printf("System to Video :%16.4f/n", fpsC_S2V);
     printf("OffScr to System:%16.4f/n", fpsC_O2S);
     printf("System to OffScr:%16.4f/n", fpsC_S2O);
     printf("Video  to OffScr:%16.4f/n", fpsC_V2O);
     printf("OffScr to Video :%16.4f/n", fpsC_O2V);
     printf("[FPS: movsb]/n");
     printf("Video  to System:%16.4f/n", fpsSB_V2S);
     printf("System to Video :%16.4f/n", fpsSB_S2V);
     printf("OffScr to System:%16.4f/n", fpsSB_O2S);
     printf("System to OffScr:%16.4f/n", fpsSB_S2O);
     printf("Video  to OffScr:%16.4f/n", fpsSB_V2O);
     printf("OffScr to Video :%16.4f/n", fpsSB_O2V);
     printf("[FPS: movsw]/n");
     printf("Video  to System:%16.4f/n", fpsSW_V2S);
     printf("System to Video :%16.4f/n", fpsSW_S2V);
     printf("OffScr to System:%16.4f/n", fpsSW_O2S);
     printf("System to OffScr:%16.4f/n", fpsSW_S2O);
     printf("[FPS: movsd]/n");
     printf("Video  to System:%16.4f/n", fpsSD_V2S);
     printf("System to Video :%16.4f/n", fpsSD_S2V);
     printf("OffScr to System:%16.4f/n", fpsSD_O2S);
     printf("System to OffScr:%16.4f/n", fpsSD_S2O);
     return 0;

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zyl910/p/2186630.html
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