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  • HDU 1698 Just a Hook 解题报告


    解题思路:第一个区间覆盖的线段树问题,很自豪自己YY出了延迟标记(覆盖需要利用的延迟标记) 哈哈,就是利用的延迟标记覆盖区间,然后树根的值就是整个区间的值,每次覆盖后pushup就行


     1 #include <stdio.h>
     2 #include <string.h>
     3 #include <stdlib.h>
     4 #define MAXN 100005
     5 struct node
     6 {
     7     int left ,right,mid;
     8     int num ;
     9     int cover;
    10 } tree[MAXN*4];
    11 int L(int c)
    12 {
    13     return 2*c;
    14 }
    15 int R(int c)
    16 {
    17     return 2*c + 1;
    18 }
    19 void up(int c)
    20 {
    21     tree[c].num = tree[L(c)].num + tree[R(c)].num;
    22 }
    23 void build(int c, int p ,int v )
    24 {
    25     tree[c].left = p ;
    26     tree[c].right = v ;
    27     tree[c].mid = (p+v)/2;
    28     tree[c].num = (v-p+1) ;
    29     tree[c].cover = 1 ;
    30     if(p == v)
    31     {
    32         return ;
    33     }
    34     build(L(c),p,tree[c].mid);
    35     build(R(c),tree[c].mid+1,v);
    36 }
    38 void update(int c, int p , int v , int value)
    39 {
    40     if(p <= tree[c].left && v >= tree[c].right )
    41     {
    42         tree[c].num = (tree[c].right - tree[c].left+1) * value ;
    43         tree[c].cover = value;
    44         return ;
    45     }
    46     if(tree[c].cover != 0 )
    47     {
    48         tree[L(c)].cover = tree[c].cover;
    49         tree[L(c)].num =(tree[L(c)].right - tree[L(c)].left+1) * tree[L(c)].cover;
    50         tree[R(c)].cover = tree[c].cover;
    51         tree[R(c)].num =(tree[R(c)].right - tree[R(c)].left+1) * tree[R(c)].cover;
    52         tree[c].cover = 0 ;
    53     }
    54     if(v <= tree[c].mid)  update(L(c),p,v,value);
    55     else if(p > tree[c].mid) update(R(c),p,v,value);
    56     else
    57     {
    58         update(L(c),p,tree[c].mid,value);
    59         update(R(c),tree[c].mid+1,v,value);
    60     }
    61     up(c);
    62 }
    63 int main()
    64 {
    65     int T ;
    66     scanf("%d",&T);
    67     for(int CASE = 1; CASE <= T ; CASE ++  )
    68     {
    69         int n ;
    70         scanf("%d",&n);
    71         build(1,1,n);
    72         int m ;
    73         scanf("%d",&m);
    74         for(int i = 1; i <= m; i ++)
    75         {
    76             int a,b,value;
    77             scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&value);
    78             update(1,a,b,value);
    79             // printf("%d %d
    80         }
    82         printf("Case %d: The total value of the hook is %d.
    83     }
    84     return  0 ;
    85 }
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     ps:一看第一46ms,本来以为自己 1300 ms+是线段树写搓了,用胡浩的代码交上去既然也是1000+ , 应该是有什么更快的数据结构 

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zyue/p/3228737.html
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