1. 三元运算符介绍
gender = prop.GENDER? prop.GENDER.trim() : "" is_marry = prop.IS_MARRY? prop.IS_MARRY.trim() : false
这种写法就是Java中三元运算符的写法,prop.GENDER?表示判断这个变量是否存在,如果存在我们就prop.GENDER.trim(), 如果不存在,我们设置默认值为空字符串。上面函的数trim(),就是去除变量值的前后的多余空格,这个写法还是很严谨,我们不可能保证用户就不一定带着多余空格进来。其实在groovy语法中,还有简写版的三元运算符:
GENDER = prop.GENDER?: "default"
2. 写一个module.groovy文件
[root@node1 ~]# mkdir /root/.jenkins/moodlegroovy
[root@node1 ~]# vi /root/.jenkins/moodlegroovy/model.groovy
def getUserInfo(args) { def name = args.name def age = args.age def phone = args.phone def address = args.address def email = args.email def gender = args.gender def is_marry = args.is_marry // she or he def binge = (gender == "male")? "he" : "she" // if is marry def marry = (is_marry == true)? "is marry" : "is not marry yet" def userInfo = """ ${name} come from ${address}, ${binge} is ${age} old. ${binge}'s phone number is ${phone}, or you can contact ${binge} via ${email}, ${binge} ${marry}. """ println userInfo } return this;
3. 重新写pipeline语法,在gitlab修改
import hudson.model.*; pipeline{ agent any environment { INPUT_JSON = "/tmp/test.json" } stages{ stage("Hello Pipeline") { steps { script { println "Hello Pipeline!" println env.JOB_NAME println env.BUILD_NUMBER } } } stage("Init paramters in json") { steps { script { println "read josn input file" json_file = INPUT_JSON? INPUT_JSON.trim() : "" prop = readJSON file : json_file name = prop.NAME? prop.NAME.trim() : "" println "Name:" + name age = prop.AGE? prop.AGE.trim() : "" println "Age:" + age phone = prop.PHONE_NUMBER? prop.PHONE_NUMBER.trim() : "" println "Phone:" + phone address = prop.ADDRESS? prop.ADDRESS.trim() : "" println "Address:" + address email = prop.EMAIL? prop.EMAIL.trim() : "" println "Email:" + email gender = prop.GENDER? prop.GENDER.trim() : "" println "Gender:" + gender is_marry = prop.IS_MARRY? prop.IS_MARRY.trim() : false println "is_marry:" + is_marry } } } stage("call a method") { steps { script { println "send the parameter as map type" model_call = load env.JENKINS_HOME + "/moodlegroovy/model.groovy" model_call.getUserInfo(name:name, age:age, phone:phone, address:address, email:email, gender:gender, is_marry:is_marry) } } } } }
4. 构建结果
Started by user darren ning Obtained pipeline.jenkinsfile from git Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] node Running on Jenkins in /root/.jenkins/workspace/pipeline_parameter_project [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Checkout SCM) [Pipeline] checkout No credentials specified > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision edda078d67705019d7183dd7d1c4201003f682b1 (refs/remotes/origin/master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f edda078d67705019d7183dd7d1c4201003f682b1 Commit message: "Update pipeline.jenkinsfile" > git rev-list --no-walk 0f09c80389aa181c2066555209110a2afa041b53 # timeout=10 [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Hello Pipeline) [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] echo Hello Pipeline! [Pipeline] echo pipeline_parameter_project [Pipeline] echo 13 [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Init paramters in json) [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] echo read josn input file [Pipeline] readJSON [Pipeline] echo Name:Lucy [Pipeline] echo Age:18 [Pipeline] echo Phone:13912345678 [Pipeline] echo Address:Haidian Beijing [Pipeline] echo Email:lucy@demo.com [Pipeline] echo Gender:male [Pipeline] echo is_marry:false [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (call a method) [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] echo send the parameter as map type [Pipeline] load [Pipeline] { (/root/.jenkins/moodlegroovy/model.groovy) [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // load [Pipeline] echo Lucy come from Haidian Beijing, he is 18 old. he's phone number is 13912345678, or you can contact he via lucy@demo.com, he is not marry yet. [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Finished: SUCCESS
总结,上面模块方法的时候参数就写了一个args, 调用方法的时候传了7个map对象进去。然后模块方法中每个变量前面都加上def, 加上之后模块中的变量都变成了局部变量。这样和已经存在内存中的stage里面的全局变量不会被覆盖和重写
5. 测试一
import hudson.model.*; pipeline{ agent any environment { INPUT_JSON = "/tmp/test.json" } stages{ stage("Hello Pipeline") { steps { script { println "Hello Pipeline!" println env.JOB_NAME println env.BUILD_NUMBER } } } stage("Init paramters in json") { steps { script { println "read josn input file" json_file = INPUT_JSON? INPUT_JSON.trim() : "" prop = readJSON file : json_file name = prop.NAME? prop.NAME.trim() : "" println "Name:" + name age = prop.AGE? prop.AGE.trim() : "" println "Age:" + age phone = prop.PHONE_NUMBER? prop.PHONE_NUMBER.trim() : "" println "Phone:" + phone address = prop.ADDRESS? prop.ADDRESS.trim() : "" println "Address:" + address email = prop.EMAIL? prop.EMAIL.trim() : "" println "Email:" + email gender = prop.GENDER? prop.GENDER.trim() : "" println "Gender:" + gender } } } stage("call a method") { steps { script { println "send the parameter as map type" model_call = load env.JENKINS_HOME + "/moodlegroovy/model.groovy" model_call.getUserInfo(name:name, age:age, phone:phone, address:address, email:email, gender:gender, is_marry:is_marry) } } } } }
6. 测试二
import hudson.model.*; pipeline{ agent any environment { INPUT_JSON = "/tmp/test.json" } stages{ stage("Hello Pipeline") { steps { script { println "Hello Pipeline!" println env.JOB_NAME println env.BUILD_NUMBER } } } stage("Init paramters in json") { steps { script { println "read josn input file" json_file = INPUT_JSON? INPUT_JSON.trim() : "" prop = readJSON file : json_file name = prop.NAME? prop.NAME.trim() : "" println "Name:" + name age = prop.AGE? prop.AGE.trim() : "" println "Age:" + age phone = prop.PHONE_NUMBER? prop.PHONE_NUMBER.trim() : "" println "Phone:" + phone address = prop.ADDRESS? prop.ADDRESS.trim() : "" println "Address:" + address email = prop.EMAIL? prop.EMAIL.trim() : "" println "Email:" + email gender = prop.GENDER? prop.GENDER.trim() : "" println "Gender:" + gender is_marry = prop.IS_MARRY? prop.IS_MARRY.trim() : false println "is_marry:" + is_marry } } } stage("call a method") { steps { script { println "send the parameter as map type" model_call = load env.JENKINS_HOME + "/moodlegroovy/model.groovy" model_call.getUserInfo(name:name, age:age, phone:phone, address:address,gender:gender, is_marry:is_marry)
Started by user darren ning Obtained pipeline.jenkinsfile from git Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] node Running on Jenkins in /root/.jenkins/workspace/pipeline_parameter_project [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Checkout SCM) [Pipeline] checkout No credentials specified > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 029b57783a597bb66636c932c6e45289317f6ce1 (refs/remotes/origin/master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 029b57783a597bb66636c932c6e45289317f6ce1 Commit message: "Update pipeline.jenkinsfile" > git rev-list --no-walk 732222f86b3bb78bfba7833a3a5a3ad00a60950a # timeout=10 [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Hello Pipeline) [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] echo Hello Pipeline! [Pipeline] echo pipeline_parameter_project [Pipeline] echo 17 [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Init paramters in json) [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] echo read josn input file [Pipeline] readJSON [Pipeline] echo Name:Lucy [Pipeline] echo Age:18 [Pipeline] echo Phone:13912345678 [Pipeline] echo Address:Haidian Beijing [Pipeline] echo Email:lucy@demo.com [Pipeline] echo Gender:male [Pipeline] echo is_marry:false [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (call a method) [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] echo send the parameter as map type [Pipeline] load [Pipeline] { (/root/.jenkins/moodlegroovy/model.groovy) [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // load [Pipeline] echo Lucy come from Haidian Beijing, he is 18 old. he's phone number is 13912345678, or you can contact he via null, he is not marry yet. #邮件的内容显示为null [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Finished: SUCCESS
7. 总结参数的一个传递过程
- 把参数写进json文件
- 通过readJSON方法读取JSON文件内容
- 使用三元运算符把参数Pipeline中重新调用,变成Pipeline的全局变量
- 使用model_call加载model.groovy模块文件
- 使用model_call.getUserInfo括号后面的参数传递给model.groovy文件使用
- model.groovy文件获取参数,在使用args重新定义当下模块的变量,成为一个本模块可用的局部变量
- model.groovy文件调用参数,并做相应处理,返回
- Pipeline获得返回信息,形成一个完整的过程