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  • ubuntu下交叉编译ffmpeg+libaacplus



    1. windows下使用MinGW+msys+vs 2010

    这种方法编译,会有提示找不到libaacplus>= 2.0.0版本


    这种方式编译,会提示:checking for /bin/bash... configure: error: cannot check for file existence when cross compiling


           我的方法:这几天一直尝试ubuntu下使用脚本交叉编译ffmpeg。各种aac编解码都成功编译出ffmpeg.exe ffplay.exe ffprobe.exe,而且可以正常使用。

    唯独libaacplus。修改configure选项后,会提示找不到libaacplus>= 2.0.0版本。

          1--> 分析,既然windows下可以编译通过libaacplus,同样的configure命令,应该是没有生成某些文件,或者是生成了,但是没有在指定的地方。脚本执行完,提示错误后,查看ubuntu下工作目录,没有发现libaacplus.a libaacplus.pc libaacplus.o之类的文件。

    ubuntu下工作目录,我的为 /home/gong/ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers/

          2--> 从windows编译结果中拷贝出libaacplus生成的三个文件夹include lib bin的相应文件,到工作目录/home/gong/ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers/sanbox/win32/libaacplus-2.0.2/下

    我复制过来了 aacplus.h aacplus.pc aacplusenc.exe aacplus.a aacplus.la aacplus.so aacplus.so.2 aacplus.so.2.0.2

    BUT!!!如果还发现不了,则对应复制到/home/gong/ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers-master/sandbox/mingw-w64-i686/i686-w64-mingw32/ 对应bin include lib文件夹。值得注意的是要把aacplus.pc放到lib/pkgconfig/下,(2013-06-29修改)

       3--> 修改脚本。注释掉 build_all( ){ 里面的 build_libaacplus ,将这个if …… fi 判断整个注释掉。同时,修改config_options 添加 --enable-libaacplus


    View Code
      1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
      2 ################################################################################
      3 # ffmpeg windows cross compile helper/downloader script
      4 ################################################################################
      5 # Copyright (C) 2012 Roger Pack
      6 #
      7 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
      8 # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
      9 # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
     10 # version.
     11 #
     12 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
     13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
     14 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
     15 # details.
     16 #
     17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
     18 # this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
     19 #
     20 # The GNU General Public License can be found in the LICENSE file.
     22 yes_no_sel () {
     23 unset user_input
     24 local question="$1"
     25 shift
     26 while [[ "$user_input" != [YyNn] ]]; do
     27   echo -n "$question"
     28   read user_input
     29   if [[ "$user_input" != [YyNn] ]]; then
     30     clear; echo 'Your selection was not vaild, please try again.'; echo
     31   fi
     32 done
     33 # downcase it
     34 user_input=$(echo $user_input | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
     35 }
     37 check_missing_packages () {
     38 local check_packages=('make' 'git' 'svn' 'gcc' 'autoconf' 'libtool' 'automake' 'yasm')
     39 for package in "${check_packages[@]}"; do
     40   type -P "$package" >/dev/null || missing_packages=("$package" "${missing_packages[@]}")
     41 done
     43 if [[ -n "${missing_packages[@]}" ]]; then
     44   clear
     45   echo "Could not find the following packages: ${missing_packages[@]}"
     46   echo 'Install the missing packages before running this script.'
     47  exit 1
     48 fi
     49 }
     52 cur_dir="$(pwd)/sandbox"
     53 cpu_count="$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)" # linux only <sigh>
     54 original_cpu_count=$cpu_count
     56 intro() {
     57   cat <<EOL
     58      ##################### Welcome ######################
     59   Welcome to the ffmpeg cross-compile builder-helper script.
     60   Downloads and builds will be installed to directories within $cur_dir
     61   If this is not ok, then exit now, and cd to the directory where you'd
     62   like them installed, then run this script again.  NB that once you build
     63   your compilers, you can no longer rename the directory.
     64 EOL
     65   if [[ $sandbox_ok != 'y' ]]; then
     66     yes_no_sel "Is ./sandbox ok [y/n]?"
     67     if [[ "$user_input" = "n" ]]; then
     68       exit 1
     69     fi
     70   fi
     71   mkdir -p "$cur_dir"
     72   cd "$cur_dir"
     73   if [[ $disable_nonfree = "y" ]]; then
     74     non_free="n"
     75   else
     76     yes_no_sel "Would you like to include non-free (non GPL compatible) libraries, like many aac encoders
     77 The resultant binary will not be distributable, but might be useful for in-house use. Include non-free [y/n]?"
     78     non_free="$user_input" # save it away
     79   fi
     81   #yes_no_sel "Would you like to compile with -march=native, which can get a few percent speedup
     82 #but also makes it so you cannot distribute the binary to machines of other architecture/cpu 
     83 #(also note that you should only enable this if compiling on a VM on the same box you intend to target, otherwise
     84 #it makes no sense)  Use march=native? THIS IS JUST EXPERIMENTAL AND DOES NOT WORK FULLY YET--choose n typically. [y/n]?" 
     85   #march_native="$user_input"
     86 }
     88 install_cross_compiler() {
     89   if [[ -f "mingw-w64-i686/compiler.done" || -f "mingw-w64-x86_64/compiler.done" ]]; then
     90    echo "MinGW-w64 compiler of some type already installed, not re-installing it..."
     91    if [[ $rebuild_compilers != "y" ]]; then
     92      return # early exit
     93    fi
     94   fi
     95   read -p 'First we will download and compile a gcc cross-compiler (MinGW-w64).
     96   You will be prompted with a few questions as it installs (it takes quite awhile).
     97   Enter to continue:'
     99   wget http://zeranoe.com/scripts/mingw_w64_build/mingw-w64-build-3.1.0 -O mingw-w64-build-3.1.0 
    100   chmod u+x mingw-w64-build-3.1.0
    101   ./mingw-w64-build-3.1.0 --mingw-w64-ver=svn --disable-nls --disable-shared --default-configure --clean-build --threads=pthreads-w32 || exit 1 # --disable-shared allows c++ to be distributed at all...which seemed necessary for some random dependency...
    102   if [ -d mingw-w64-x86_64 ]; then
    103     touch mingw-w64-x86_64/compiler.done
    104   fi
    105   if [ -d mingw-w64-i686 ]; then
    106     touch mingw-w64-i686/compiler.done
    107   fi
    108   clear
    109   echo "Ok, done building MinGW-w64 cross-compiler..."
    110 }
    112 setup_env() {
    113   export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR= # disable pkg-config from reverting back to and finding system installed packages [yikes]
    114 }
    116 do_svn_checkout() {
    117   repo_url="$1"
    118   to_dir="$2"
    119   if [ ! -d $to_dir ]; then
    120     echo "svn checking out to $to_dir"
    121     svn checkout $repo_url $to_dir.tmp || exit 1
    122     mv $to_dir.tmp $to_dir
    123   else
    124     cd $to_dir
    125     echo "not svn Updating $to_dir since usually svn repo's aren't frequently updated..."
    126     # svn up
    127     cd ..
    128   fi
    129 }
    131 update_to_desired_branch_or_revision() {
    132   local to_dir="$1"
    133   local desired_branch="$2"
    134   if [ -n "$desired_branch" ]; then
    135    pushd $to_dir
    136    cd $to_dir
    137       echo "git checkout $desired_branch"
    138       git checkout "$desired_branch"
    139       git merge "$desired_branch" # depending on which type it is :)
    140    popd # in case it's a cd to ., don't want to cd to .. here...
    141   fi
    142   echo "now in"
    143   echo `pwd`
    144 }
    146 do_git_checkout() {
    147   local repo_url="$1"
    148   local to_dir="$2"
    149   local desired_branch="$3"
    150   if [ ! -d $to_dir ]; then
    151     echo "Downloading (via git clone) $to_dir"
    152     # prevent partial checkouts by renaming it only after success
    153     git clone $repo_url $to_dir.tmp || exit 1
    154     mv $to_dir.tmp $to_dir
    155     echo "done downloading $to_dir"
    156     update_to_desired_branch_or_revision $to_dir $desired_branch
    157   else
    158     cd $to_dir
    159     echo "Updating to latest $to_dir version..."
    160     old_git_version=`git rev-parse HEAD`
    161     #git pull
    162     update_to_desired_branch_or_revision "." $desired_branch
    163     new_git_version=`git rev-parse HEAD`
    164     if [[ "$old_git_version" != "$new_git_version" ]]; then
    165      echo "got upstream changes, forcing re-configure."
    166      rm already*
    167     fi 
    168     cd ..
    169   fi
    170 }
    172 do_configure() {
    173   local configure_options="$1"
    174   local configure_name="$2"
    175   if [[ "$configure_name" = "" ]]; then
    176     configure_name="./configure"
    177   fi
    178   local cur_dir2=$(pwd)
    179   local english_name=$(basename $cur_dir2)
    180   local touch_name=$(echo -- $configure_options | /usr/bin/env md5sum) # sanitize, make it not too long of overall length
    181   touch_name=$(echo already_configured_$touch_name | sed "s/ //g") # add a prefix so we can delete it easily, also remove spaces
    182   if [ ! -f "$touch_name" ]; then
    183     make clean # just in case
    184     #make uninstall # does weird things when run under ffmpeg src
    185     if [ -f bootstrap.sh ]; then
    186       ./bootstrap.sh
    187     fi
    188     rm -f already_* # reset
    189     echo "configuring $english_name as $ PATH=$PATH $configure_name $configure_options"
    190     "$configure_name" $configure_options || exit 1
    191     touch -- "$touch_name"
    192     make clean # just in case
    193   else
    194     echo "already configured $(basename $cur_dir2)" 
    195   fi
    196 }
    198 do_make() {
    199   local extra_make_options="$1 -j $cpu_count"
    200   local cur_dir2=$(pwd)
    201   if [ ! -f already_ran_make ]; then
    202     echo "making $cur_dir2 as $ PATH=$PATH make $extra_make_options"
    203     make $extra_make_options || exit 1
    204     touch already_ran_make
    205   else
    206     echo "already did make $(basename "$cur_dir2")"
    207   fi
    208 }
    210 do_make_install() {
    211   local extra_make_options="$1"
    212   do_make "$extra_make_options"
    213   if [ ! -f already_ran_make_install ]; then
    214     echo "make installing $cur_dir2 as $ PATH=$PATH make install $extra_make_options"
    215     make install $extra_make_options || exit 1
    216     touch already_ran_make_install
    217   fi
    218 }
    220 build_x264() {
    221   do_git_checkout "http://repo.or.cz/r/x264.git" "x264" "origin/stable"
    222   cd x264
    223   do_configure "--host=$host_target --enable-static --cross-prefix=$cross_prefix --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --extra-cflags=-DPTW32_STATIC_LIB" #--enable-win32thread --enable-debug" 
    224   # TODO more march=native here?
    225   # rm -f already_ran_make # just in case the git checkout did something, re-make
    226   do_make_install
    227   cd ..
    228 }
    231 build_librtmp() {
    232   #  download_and_unpack_file http://rtmpdump.mplayerhq.hu/download/rtmpdump-2.3.tgz rtmpdump-2.3 # has some odd configure failure
    233   #  cd rtmpdump-2.3/librtmp
    235   do_git_checkout "http://repo.or.cz/r/rtmpdump.git" rtmpdump_git 883c33489403ed360a01d1a47ec76d476525b49e # trunk didn't build once...this one i sstable
    236   cd rtmpdump_git/librtmp
    237   do_make_install "CRYPTO=GNUTLS OPT=-O2 CROSS_COMPILE=$cross_prefix SHARED=no prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix"
    238   #make install CRYPTO=GNUTLS OPT='-O2 -g' "CROSS_COMPILE=$cross_prefix" SHARED=no "prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix" || exit 1
    239   sed -i 's/-lrtmp -lz/-lrtmp -lwinmm -lz/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/librtmp.pc"
    240   cd ../..
    241 }
    243 build_libxavs() {
    244   do_svn_checkout https://xavs.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xavs/trunk xavs
    245   cd xavs
    246     export LDFLAGS='-lm'
    247     generic_configure # unfortunately this using --host isn't enough apparently...
    248     unset LDFLAGS
    249     do_make_install "CC=$(echo $cross_prefix)gcc AR=$(echo $cross_prefix)ar PREFIX=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix RANLIB=$(echo $cross_prefix)ranlib STRIP=$(echo $cross-prefix)strip"
    250   cd ..
    251 }
    253 build_libvpx() {
    254   do_git_checkout git://git.chromium.org/git/webm/libvpx.git "libvpx_git"
    255   cd libvpx_git
    256   export CROSS="$cross_prefix"
    257   if [[ "$bits_target" = "32" ]]; then
    258     do_configure "--extra-cflags=-DPTW32_STATIC_LIB --target=x86-win32-gcc --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --enable-static --disable-shared"
    259   else
    260     do_configure "--extra-cflags=-DPTW32_STATIC_LIB --target=x86_64-win64-gcc --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --enable-static --disable-shared "
    261   fi
    262   do_make_install
    263   unset CROSS
    264   cd ..
    265 }
    267 apply_patch() {
    268  local url=$1
    269  local patch_name=$(basename $url)
    270  local patch_done_name="$patch_name.done"
    271  if [[ ! -e $patch_done_name ]]; then
    272    wget $url # might save redundantly to .1 or .2, but that's ok
    273    patch -p0 < "$patch_name" #|| exit 1
    274    touch $patch_done_name
    275  else
    276    echo "patch $patch_name already applied"
    277  fi
    278 }
    281 build_libutvideo() {
    282   download_and_unpack_file https://github.com/downloads/rdp/FFmpeg/utvideo-11.1.1-src.zip utvideo-11.1.1
    283   cd utvideo-11.1.1
    284     apply_patch https://raw.github.com/rdp/ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers/master/patches/utv.diff
    285     make install CROSS_PREFIX=$cross_prefix DESTDIR=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix prefix=
    286   cd ..
    287 }
    289 download_and_unpack_file() {
    290   url="$1"
    291   output_name=$(basename $url)
    292   output_dir="$2"
    293   if [ ! -f "$output_dir/unpacked.successfully" ]; then
    294     wget "$url" -O "$output_name" || exit 1
    295     tar -xf "$output_name" || unzip $output_name || exit 1
    296     touch "$output_dir/unpacked.successfully"
    297     rm "$output_name"
    298   fi
    299 }
    301 generic_configure() {
    302   local extra_configure_options="$1"
    303   do_configure "--host=$host_target --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --disable-shared --enable-static $extra_configure_options"
    304 }
    306 # needs 2 parameters currently
    307 generic_download_and_install() {
    308   local url="$1"
    309   local english_name="$2" 
    310   local extra_configure_options="$3"
    311   download_and_unpack_file $url $english_name
    312   cd $english_name || exit "needs 2 parameters"
    313   generic_configure_make_install $extra_configure_options
    314   cd ..
    315 }
    317 generic_configure_make_install() {
    318   generic_configure $1
    319   do_make_install
    320 }
    322 build_libflite() {
    323   download_and_unpack_file http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/flite/packed/flite-1.4/flite-1.4-release.tar.bz2 flite-1.4-release
    324   cd flite-1.4-release
    325    apply_patch https://raw.github.com/rdp/ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers/master/patches/flite_64.diff
    326    sed -i "s|i386-mingw32-|$cross_prefix|" configure*
    327    generic_configure
    328    do_make
    329    make install # it fails in error...
    330    if [[ "$bits_target" = "32" ]]; then
    331      cp ./build/i386-mingw32/lib/*.a $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib || exit 1
    332    else
    333      cp ./build/x86_64-mingw32/lib/*.a $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib || exit 1
    334    fi
    335   cd ..
    336 }
    338 build_libgsm() {
    339   download_and_unpack_file http://www.quut.com/gsm/gsm-1.0.13.tar.gz gsm-1.0-pl13
    340   cd gsm-1.0-pl13
    341   make CC=${cross_prefix}gcc AR=${cross_prefix}ar RANLIB=${cross_prefix}ranlib INSTALL_ROOT=${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix} # fails, but we expect that LODO fix [?]
    342   cp lib/libgsm.a $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib || exit 1
    343   mkdir -p $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include/gsm
    344   cp inc/gsm.h $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include/gsm || exit 1
    345   cd ..
    346 }
    348 build_libopus() {
    349   generic_download_and_install http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/opus/opus-1.0.1.tar.gz opus-1.0.1 
    350 }
    352 build_libopencore() {
    353   generic_download_and_install http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencore-amr/files/opencore-amr/opencore-amr-0.1.3.tar.gz/download opencore-amr-0.1.3
    354   generic_download_and_install http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencore-amr/files/vo-amrwbenc/vo-amrwbenc-0.1.2.tar.gz/download vo-amrwbenc-0.1.2
    355 }
    357 build_win32_pthreads() {
    358   download_and_unpack_file ftp://sourceware.org/pub/pthreads-win32/pthreads-w32-2-9-1-release.tar.gz   pthreads-w32-2-9-1-release
    359   cd pthreads-w32-2-9-1-release
    360     do_make "clean GC-static CROSS=$cross_prefix"
    361     cp libpthreadGC2.a $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/libpthread.a || exit 1
    362     cp pthread.h sched.h semaphore.h $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include || exit 1
    363   cd ..
    364 }
    366 build_libdl() {
    367   #download_and_unpack_file http://dlfcn-win32.googlecode.com/files/dlfcn-win32-r19.tar.bz2 dlfcn-win32-r19
    368   do_svn_checkout http://dlfcn-win32.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ dlfcn-win32
    369   cd dlfcn-win32
    370     ./configure --disable-shared --enable-static --cross-prefix=$cross_prefix --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix
    371     do_make_install
    372   cd ..
    373 }
    375 build_libogg() {
    376   generic_download_and_install http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/ogg/libogg-1.3.0.tar.gz libogg-1.3.0
    377 }
    379 build_libvorbis() {
    380   generic_download_and_install http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/vorbis/libvorbis-1.2.3.tar.gz libvorbis-1.2.3
    381 }
    384 build_libtheora() {
    385   cpu_count=1 # can't handle it
    386   generic_download_and_install http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.1.1.tar.bz2 libtheora-1.1.1
    387   cpu_count=$original_cpu_count
    388 }
    390 build_libfribidi() {
    391   generic_download_and_install http://fribidi.org/download/fribidi-0.19.5.tar.bz2 fribidi-0.19.5
    392   #download_and_unpack_file http://fribidi.org/download/fribidi-0.19.4.tar.bz2 fribidi-0.19.4
    393   #cd fribidi-0.19.4
    394     # make it export symbols right...
    395   #  apply_patch https://raw.github.com/rdp/ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers/master/patches/fribidi.diff
    396   #  generic_configure
    397   #  do_make_install
    398   #cd ..
    400   #do_git_checkout http://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/fribidi/fribidi.git fribidi_git
    401   #cd fribidi_git
    402   #  ./bootstrap
    403   #  generic_configure
    404   #  do_make_install
    405   #cd ..
    406 }
    408 build_libass() {
    409   generic_download_and_install http://libass.googlecode.com/files/libass-0.10.1.tar.gz libass-0.10.1
    410   sed -i 's/-lass -lm/-lass -lfribidi -lm/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/libass.pc"
    411 }
    413 build_gmp() {
    414   download_and_unpack_file ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gmp/gmp-5.0.5.tar.bz2 gmp-5.0.5
    415   cd gmp-5.0.5
    416     generic_configure "ABI=$bits_target"
    417     do_make_install
    418   cd .. 
    419 }
    421 build_orc() {
    422   generic_download_and_install  http://code.entropywave.com/download/orc/orc-0.4.16.tar.gz orc-0.4.16
    423 }
    425 build_libbluray() {
    426   generic_download_and_install ftp://ftp.videolan.org/pub/videolan/libbluray/0.2.3/libbluray-0.2.3.tar.bz2 libbluray-0.2.3
    427 }
    429 build_libschroedinger() {
    430   download_and_unpack_file http://diracvideo.org/download/schroedinger/schroedinger-1.0.11.tar.gz schroedinger-1.0.11
    431   cd schroedinger-1.0.11
    432     generic_configure
    433     sed -i 's/testsuite//' Makefile
    434     do_make_install
    435     sed -i 's/-lschroedinger-1.0$/-lschroedinger-1.0 -lorc-0.4/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/schroedinger-1.0.pc" # yikes!
    436   cd ..
    437 }
    439 build_gnutls() {
    440   download_and_unpack_file ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnutls/gnutls-3.0.22.tar.xz gnutls-3.0.22
    441   cd gnutls-3.0.22
    442     generic_configure "--disable-cxx" # don't need the c++ version, in an effort to cut down on size... LODO test difference...
    443     do_make_install
    444   cd ..
    445   sed -i 's/-lgnutls *$/-lgnutls -lnettle -lhogweed -lgmp -lcrypt32 -lws2_32/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/gnutls.pc"
    446 }
    448 build_libnettle() {
    449   generic_download_and_install http://www.lysator.liu.se/~nisse/archive/nettle-2.5.tar.gz nettle-2.5
    450 }
    452 build_bzlib2() {
    453   download_and_unpack_file http://www.bzip.org/1.0.6/bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz bzip2-1.0.6
    454   cd bzip2-1.0.6
    455     apply_patch https://raw.github.com/rdp/ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers/master/patches/bzip2_cross_compile.diff
    456     do_make "CC=$(echo $cross_prefix)gcc AR=$(echo $cross_prefix)ar PREFIX=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix RANLIB=$(echo $cross_prefix)ranlib libbz2.a bzip2 bzip2recover install"
    457   cd ..
    458 }
    460 build_zlib() {
    461   download_and_unpack_file http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.7.tar.gz zlib-1.2.7
    462   cd zlib-1.2.7
    463     do_configure "--static --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix"
    464     do_make_install "CC=$(echo $cross_prefix)gcc AR=$(echo $cross_prefix)ar RANLIB=$(echo $cross_prefix)ranlib"
    465   cd ..
    466 }
    468 build_libxvid() {
    469   download_and_unpack_file http://downloads.xvid.org/downloads/xvidcore-1.3.2.tar.gz xvidcore
    470   cd xvidcore/build/generic
    471   if [ "$bits_target" = "64" ]; then
    472     local config_opts="--build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --disable-assembly" # kludgey work arounds for 64 bit
    473   fi
    474   do_configure "--host=$host_target --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix $config_opts" # no static option...
    475   sed -i "s/-mno-cygwin//" platform.inc # remove old compiler flag that now apparently breaks us
    476   do_make_install
    477   cd http://www.cnblogs.com/..
    478   # force a static build after the fact
    479   if [[ -f "$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/xvidcore.dll" ]]; then
    480     rm $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/xvidcore.dll || exit 1
    481     mv $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/xvidcore.a $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/libxvidcore.a || exit 1
    482   fi
    483 }
    485 build_fontconfig() {
    486   download_and_unpack_file http://www.freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/release/fontconfig-2.10.1.tar.gz fontconfig-2.10.1
    487   cd fontconfig-2.10.1
    488     generic_configure --disable-docs
    489     do_make_install
    490   cd .. 
    491   sed -i 's/-L${libdir} -lfontconfig[^l]*$/-L${libdir} -lfontconfig -lfreetype -lexpat/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/fontconfig.pc"
    492 }
    494 build_libaacplus() {
    495   download_and_unpack_file libaacplus-2.0.2
    496   cd libaacplus-2.0.2
    497     if [[ ! -f configure ]]; then
    498      ./autogen.sh PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/gong/ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers/sandbox/mingw-w64-i686/i686-w64-mingw32/lib/pkgconfig LDFLAGS=-L/home/gong/ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers/sandbox/mingw-w64-i686/i686-w64-mingw32/lib
    499     fi
    500     #generic_configure_make_install 
    501     generic_configure
    502     do_make_install
    503   cd ..
    504 }
    506 build_openssl() {
    507   download_and_unpack_file http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.1c.tar.gz openssl-1.0.1c
    508   cd openssl-1.0.1c
    509   export cross="$cross_prefix"
    510   export CC="${cross}gcc"
    511   export AR="${cross}ar"
    512   export RANLIB="${cross}ranlib"
    513   if [ "$bits_target" = "32" ]; then
    514     do_configure "--prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix no-shared mingw" ./Configure
    515   else
    516     do_configure "--prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix no-shared mingw64" ./Configure
    517   fi
    518   do_make_install
    519   unset cross
    520   unset CC
    521   unset AR
    522   unset RANLIB
    523   cd ..
    524 }
    526 build_fdk_aac() {
    527   #generic_download_and_install http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencore-amr/files/fdk-aac/fdk-aac-0.1.0.tar.gz/download fdk-aac-0.1.0
    528   do_git_checkout git://github.com/mstorsjo/fdk-aac.git fdk-aac_git
    529   cd fdk-aac_git
    530     if [[ ! -f "configure" ]]; then
    531       autoreconf -fiv
    532     fi
    533     generic_configure_make_install
    534   cd ..
    535 }
    538 build_libexpat() {
    539   generic_download_and_install http://sourceforge.net/projects/expat/files/expat/2.1.0/expat-2.1.0.tar.gz/download expat-2.1.0
    540 }
    542 build_iconv() {
    543   generic_download_and_install http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.14.tar.gz libiconv-1.14
    544 }
    546 build_freetype() {
    547   generic_download_and_install http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/freetype/freetype-2.4.10.tar.gz freetype-2.4.10
    548 }
    550 build_vo_aacenc() {
    551   generic_download_and_install http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencore-amr/files/vo-aacenc/vo-aacenc-0.1.2.tar.gz/download vo-aacenc-0.1.2
    552 }
    554 build_sdl() {
    555   # apparently ffmpeg expects prefix-sdl-config not sdl-config that they give us, so rename...
    556   export CFLAGS=-DDECLSPEC=  # avoid trac tickets 939 and 282
    557   generic_download_and_install http://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL-1.2.15.tar.gz SDL-1.2.15
    558   unset CFLAGS
    559   mkdir temp
    560   cd temp # so paths will work out right
    561   local prefix=$(basename $cross_prefix)
    562   local bin_dir=$(dirname $cross_prefix)
    563   sed -i "s/-mwindows//" "$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/bin/sdl-config" # allow ffmpeg to output anything
    564   sed -i "s/-mwindows//" "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/sdl.pc"
    565   cp "$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/bin/sdl-config" "$bin_dir/${prefix}sdl-config" # this is the only one in the PATH so use it for now
    566   cd ..
    567   rmdir temp
    568 }
    570 build_faac() {
    571   generic_download_and_install http://downloads.sourceforge.net/faac/faac-1.28.tar.gz faac-1.28 "--with-mp4v2=no"
    572 }
    574 build_frei0r() {
    575   #download_and_unpack_file http://www.piksel.no/frei0r/releases/frei0r-plugins-1.3.tar.gz frei0r-1.3
    576   #cd frei0r-1.3
    577     #do_configure " --build=mingw32  --host=$host_target --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --disable-static --enable-shared" # see http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=312
    578     #do_make_install
    579     # we rely on external dll's for this one, so only need the header to enable it, for now
    580     #cp include/frei0r.h $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include
    581   #cd ..
    582   if [[ ! -f "$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include/frei0r.h" ]]; then
    583     wget https://raw.github.com/rdp/frei0r/master/include/frei0r.h -O $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include/frei0r.h
    584   fi
    585 }
    587 build_ffmpeg() {
    588   do_git_checkout git://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg.git ffmpeg_git
    589   cd ffmpeg_git
    590   if [ "$bits_target" = "32" ]; then
    591    local arch=x86
    592   else
    593    local arch=x86_64
    594   fi
    596 config_options="--enable-static --arch=$arch --target-os=mingw32 --cross-prefix=$cross_prefix --pkg-config=pkg-config --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-zlib --enable-bzlib --disable-w32threads --disable-debug --disable-doc --disable-ffserver --disable-postproc --disable-network --extra-cflags=-DPTW32_STATIC_LIB --enable-libopus --enable-libx264 --enable-libaacplus --disable-encoders --enable-encoder=libx264 --enable-encoder=libaacplus --enable-encoder=libopus --enable-encoder=pcm_s16le --disable-decoders --enable-decoder=aac --enable-decoder=h264 --enable-decoder=libopus --enable-decoder=pcm_s16le " # --enable-shared --enable-static --enable-w32threads --enable-libflite
    597   if [[ "$non_free" = "y" ]]; then
    598     config_options="$config_options --enable-nonfree " # --enable-libfaac -- faac deemed too poor quality and becomes the default -- add it in and uncomment the build_faac line to include it  --enable-libaacplus 
    599   else
    600     config_options="$config_options"
    601   fi
    603   if [[ "$native_build" = "y" ]]; then
    604     config_options="$config_options --disable-runtime-cpudetect"
    605     # TODO --cpu=host ...
    606   else
    607     config_options="$config_options --enable-runtime-cpudetect"
    608   fi
    610   do_configure "$config_options"
    611   rm -f *.exe # just in case some library dependency was updated, force it to re-link...
    612   rm already_ran_make
    613   echo "doing ffmpeg make $(pwd)"
    614   do_make
    615   echo "Done! You will find $bits_target bit binaries in $(pwd)/ff{mpeg,probe,play}*.exe"
    616   cd ..
    617 }
    619 build_all() {
    620   build_win32_pthreads # vpx etc. depend on this--provided by the compiler build script now, though
    621   #build_libdl # ffmpeg's frei0r implentation needs this
    622   build_zlib # rtmp depends on it [as well as ffmpeg's optional but handy --enable-zlib]
    623   build_bzlib2 # in case someone wants it [ffmpeg uses it]
    624   #build_gmp # for libnettle
    625   #build_libnettle # needs gmp
    626   #build_gnutls # needs libnettle
    628   #build_frei0r
    629   #build_libutvideo
    630   #build_libflite # too big
    631   #build_libgsm
    632   build_sdl # needed for ffplay to be created
    633   build_libopus
    634   #build_libopencore
    635   build_libogg
    636   #build_libspeex # needs libogg for exe's
    637   #build_libvorbis # needs libogg
    638   #build_libtheora # needs libvorbis, libogg
    639   #build_orc
    640   #build_libschroedinger # needs orc
    641   #build_libbluray
    642   #build_libxvid
    643   #build_libxavs
    644   build_x264
    645   #build_lame
    646   #build_libvpx
    647   #build_vo_aacenc
    648   #build_iconv # mplayer I think needs it for freetype [just it though]
    649   #build_freetype
    650   #build_libexpat
    651   #build_fontconfig # needs expat, might need freetype, can use iconv, but I believe doesn't currently
    652   #build_libfribidi
    653   #build_libass # needs freetype, needs fribidi, needs fontconfig
    654   #build_libopenjpeg
    655   #build_libaacplus
    656   #build_openssl # hopefully don't need it anymore, since we have gnutls...
    657   #build_librtmp # needs gnutls [or openssl...]
    658   build_ffmpeg
    659 }
    661 while true; do
    662   case $1 in
    663     -h | --help ) echo "options: --disable-nonfree=y --sandbox-ok=y --rebuild-compilers=y"; exit 0 ;;
    664     --sandbox-ok=* ) sandbox_ok="${1#*=}"; shift ;;
    665     --disable-nonfree=* ) disable_nonfree="${1#*=}"; shift ;;
    666     --rebuild-compilers=* ) rebuild_compilers="${1#*=}"; shift ;;
    667     -- ) shift; break ;;
    668     -* ) echo "Error, unknown option: '$1'."; exit 1 ;;
    669     * ) break ;;
    670   esac
    671 done
    673 intro # remember to always run the intro, since it adjust pwd
    674 check_missing_packages
    675 install_cross_compiler # always run this, too, since it adjust the PATH
    676 setup_env
    678 original_path="$PATH"
    679 if [ -d "mingw-w64-i686" ]; then # they installed a 32-bit compiler
    680   echo "Building 32-bit ffmpeg..."
    681   host_target='i686-w64-mingw32'
    682   mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix="$cur_dir/mingw-w64-i686/$host_target"
    683   export PATH="$cur_dir/mingw-w64-i686/bin:$original_path"
    684   export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$cur_dir/mingw-w64-i686/i686-w64-mingw32/lib/pkgconfig"
    685   bits_target=32
    686   cross_prefix="$cur_dir/mingw-w64-i686/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-"
    687   mkdir -p win32
    688   cd win32
    689   build_all
    690   cd ..
    691 fi
    693 if [ -d "mingw-w64-x86_64" ]; then # they installed a 64-bit compiler
    694   echo "Building 64-bit ffmpeg..."
    695   host_target='x86_64-w64-mingw32'
    696   mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix="$cur_dir/mingw-w64-x86_64/$host_target"
    697   export PATH="$cur_dir/mingw-w64-x86_64/bin:$original_path"
    698   export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$cur_dir/mingw-w64-x86_64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib/pkgconfig"
    699   mkdir -p x86_64
    700   bits_target=64
    701   cross_prefix="$cur_dir/mingw-w64-x86_64/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-"
    702   cd x86_64
    703   build_all
    704   cd ..
    705 fi
    707 echo 'done with ffmpeg cross compiler script'


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